Article – What to do when body parts fall off

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The guys at CNN really hit it out of the park when it came to headlining this article. Certainly got my attention.

When I was a kid I got a little careless around a band saw and cut almost halfway through a finger.  Scared the crap out of the shop teacher, lemme tell ya. In retrospect I find it amazing that any public school would put fifteen kids in a room full of ancient powertools and give them only one adult to supervise them.

Anyway, its an interesting article about what your supposed to do when you lop off a body part. We all know we’re s’posed to put the severed part on ice, right? Well…yes and no. The article says why.

I’ve a few friends missing small parts of themselves. In Montana you see a lot of guys who have had farm accidents that put them in the realm of counting in base nine. Or eight. Or seven.  Crom forbid I ever accidentally lose a piece of me butif I do at least now I know not to put it in direct contact with ice.

Return of the flectar field jacket, spare battery carrier

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It looks like summer is coming to an end, although previous experience has shown that September is often the hottest month of the year around here. But, the evenings are cool and crisp which is pretty nice. Since the seasons are changing its coming up on time to make whatever seasonal changes are necessary to things around here. Most notably, the cold weather gear needs to be broken out of storage and put where it needs to be. The Cold Weather Module goes back into my everyday bag, cold gear goes in the truck, and the kerosene heaters need to be cleaned up and filled.

Speaking of cold weather gear, Sportsmans Guide HQ catalog has the $20 flectar field jackets with liners again. I highly recommend these things…they’re extremely comfortable, quite warm, and I think they’re superior to the US field jacket. Lemme look up the product number..uhm..ah! Here we go – JXM-182898X. These are excellent quality jackets and easily worth the money.


The economy appears to be..well…unchanged. About the only predictable thing is the throw-it-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks method of dealing with it (or not dealing with it, as the results may be) that the government is taking. As a friend of mine observed, if you want a real barometer of what the economy is doing observe the pricing of gold and silver. Both have been hitting record highs lately…indications, right or wrong, that a lot of folks aren’t exactly brimming over with confidence about the economy.

As this thing drags on, folks who were well positioned to weather it out will start fading as the economic malaise outlasts their resources. Is it a coincidence that there seem to be an unusually large number of people going off the rails and shooting up their places of former employment? I doubt it…folks are getting stressed and scared and some are going to handle it well and some are going to snap like rubber band.

I suppose that, depending on how the elections turn out, a corner may be turned as confidence about the economy returns on the hope that a new political direction will stop the bleeding. Nice thought but, as we seem to be learning the hard way, ‘hope’ is not a strategy.


For small electronic devices (GPS, radio, flashlights, etc, etc.) that I carry daily,  I try to standardize on one battery size. Normally that is the AA-size batt (because most of these everyday-carry devices are pretty small). They’re easily available, can be had in lithium (highly recommended), and just about every device you could imagine needing will come in that size. Sometimes theres an item that just isn’t available in AA…and that’s usually the CR123 battery. So, basically, all my small handheld stuff runs on one of those two sizes. In my everyday bag I carry spare batts for my gear. For the last year or so I’ve been using this (Volta Battery Case with Batuca battery holder) to carry around spare batts. There are a couple other carriers available but they leave the contact ends of the batteries exposed. I carry a lot of junk in my bag and the last thing I need is a pack of batteries lodging against some spare ammo or paperclips and shorting themselves out. The case completely encloses the batteries, fits AA or CR123 interchangeably, fits a handy MOLLE pouch, and has compartments for 8 batts. I usually pack six of the AA’s and 2 of the CR123. That’s enough to keep flashlights, gunlights, GPS and radios going. Some items like the classic Altoids tin (properly insulated) will work very nicely but I figured for a few bucks I may as well go the professional route. If you need to carry spare batts, AA or CR123, check it out. (Although if I was going to carry just CR123, I kinda like Surefire’s case.)

No deal, Kifaru shipped

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You know, im not the brightest bulb in the fixture but shifting a conversation to “I know this Korean war vet who has a BAR and Thompson he brought back that he wants to sell…” isnt going to do either of us any favors. It happens less often than it used to, but every so often someone will come in and tell me they know someone who knows someone who has some sort of illegal machinegun they wanna sell. Tempting? Sure. Worth acting on? Not a chance.

Theres a scene in “We Were Soldiers”, a Vietnam flick, where Sam Elliots character, a crusty old seen-it-all sergeant, is advised to carry one of the recently issued M16’s.

Lt. Colonel Hal Moore: I think you oughta get yourself an M-16.
Sergeant Major Basil Plumley: Sir, if the time comes I need one, there’ll be plenty lying on the ground.

Same story. If a situation is coming where I need a genuine M4 or MP5 there’ll probably be plenty of them laying around.

Stay away from those ‘friend of a friend has a gun…’ deals, kids. When you bite that hook and someone reels you in your gonna start thinking that youd give anything to have the chance all over again to say “no thanks”.


The bioweapon is progressing nicely. I think he really is bigger than he was four days ago. Maybe he is. He’s starting to calm down and get into a routine, so perhaps theres some uninterrupted nighttime sleeping in my future. Regardless, its hard to overlook the fact that he’s darn cute. Im going to try not to go on and on about him.


Got an email from Kifaru; my new bag will be here Monday. Im very much looking forward to it. The Kifaru stuff is spendy, no two ways about it, but it sure instills a good bit of confidence what with its rugged reliability.

Bioweapon activity

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Bioweapon exploring the grounds:

This thing had better pan out in terms of force-multiplication because I am not enjoying the lack of sleep and time-suck that puppy patrol is taking on me. Ideally, in a week or so he’ll be fine with being left by himself while the humans try to get some sleep, but for now its a good thing he’s cute. I imagine its a zillion times worse with kids, which is one reason Ive never been a fan of having any.

Takedown Jeep, bioweapon arrival

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A requirement for most End-Of-The-World gear is that it be easily maintainable and pretty simple to break down. After all, in a crisis you may not be able to send an item back to the manufacturer (or dealer) for repairs. And while I appreciate the relative simplicity of older vehicles, I doubt that any were really designed to be stripped and reassembled in under four minutes. Yet, thats what we have here:

Im sure its a ‘rigged’ vehicle with quick-connect hoses and pre-loosened bolts. (Although some folks tell me that all Jeeps come with pre-loosened bolts and that if they dont, they will eventually loosen on their own.) Still, it’s pretty impressive that a vehicle could be taken apart that fast. I’d guess the only outfits with that kinda skill are NASCAR pit crews, teenage car-stripping gangs and organizations like the Canadian military who have nothing else to do.


The bioweapon arrived today.

  • Dog, General Purpose, Mk. 0
  • Rank: Sub- Commander
  • Codename: Nuke

You guys have any idea how expensive LvlIII dog armour is? Not cheap.

I am amazed at the sheer size of the dog-ownership industry. Books, videos, ‘organic food’ (they eat roadkill fer crying out loud), leashes, collars, shamppos, etc, etc. I would wager its almost as big, if not bigger, than the baby-stuff market.

Anyway, we picked up Nuke at the airport and he was quite happy to be out of the crate. It is hoped that will be the worst thing that ever happens to him.

From a preparedness standpoint theres a lot to do. Find a good dog food, source it, buy it in bulk…train him for useful functions…learn doggy first-aid…theres no shortage of things to do. But for now, he gets to be a puppy and do puppy things. There’ll be plenty of time to teach him to carry stuff, alert to threats, tear peoples throats out, sniff out things we want, etc, etc.  The missus wanted him for the sake of having someone to go hiking with and as a companion for just general wandering around. I like to think he’d be excellent, when he’s older, at keeping the homeless and transients from harassing or approaching her when she’s walking around town taking photos.

Ruger vs. CZ in 7.62×39

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Ruger is offering a compact carbine in 7.62×39 these days. This competes directly with the CZ 527. I’ve been wanting a compact carbine in 7.62×39 and was wanting the CZ but the Ruger makes it a horse race. I think the CZ is a better gun than the Ruger, but the Ruger has two main advanatge that I can see:

  • an internal magazine as opposed to a detachable no magazines to lose
  • Easier parts availability (although, honestly, Ruger is known for being tricky about getting spare parts from)

I like the CZ for its accuracy, set trigger, good looks, and general quality. Ruger makes a quality product as well, but their trigger could be a lot better. On the other hand, spare parts from CZ means that if theyre American distribution network doesnt have it, its gotta come from Czechland.

Both guns feature integral bases, which is nice, and both feature Mauser style extractors.

Tough choice.

Canning time capsule

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The missus reported that someone at her place of work wound up having to clean out her deceased mothers house in preparation for a remodel. As they are cleaning out the accumulated detritus they come across canning stuff. Would I be interested? Sure. I can always use more jars. Well, in addition to empty jars (carefully inspected for nicks, chips and other damage) there were some full ones. Pears and peaches mostly. How old? Well, lets let the EOS 7D do the talking:

The box is from a Montana brewery that ceased operations in ‘48. It probably has some collector value to it…especially if it still had beer in it. But, alas, no 60-year-old beer.The contents? Well, theyre a bit newer but not by much.

Wonder how old those jars are? Fortunately, someone labelled them:

Yup, those jars are from 1963. Kennedy was President (well, for most of that year anyway) and coins were still made of silver. Ah the ’60s. It looks like things held up remarkably well for sitting on a basement shelf for almost five decades. Wait….or did they?????

Notice that the two rightmost jars appear to have sludge in them. Not surprising since the seals on those two jars have lost their integrity. The lid does not have that familiar concave depression that comes from a well sealed jar. As a result, the contents of the jars have turned into something that I would imagine is incredibly foul, putrid and toxic. (In fact, the canning books urge you not to just pour this stuff into a hole in the ground because of water contamination and botulism concerns).

The jars on either side of those two, however, have lids that remained intact and the contents appear to be just fine. I say “appear to be” because while I might open one up and see how it smells it is highly unlikely I will attempt to ingest 47 year old home-canned peaches. Although, I must admit, I am tempted to do so….just a little tiny nibble to taste.

The interesting thing about all this is that, theoretically, properly canned food will last a lifetime. I’ve no doubt the nutritional value of the peaches and pears is virtually nil but its still calories to the hungry. While I have some serious(!) reservations about consuming the 47 year old produce, I wouldnt have any concerns if it were, say, five yeras old or so.  Still, good to know that stuff can be preserved for that long a period of time.

Frugals Fruck up

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Looks like someone at Frugal Squirrels spent too much time espousing religious intolerance and hypocrisy and not enough time checking their domain name renewal.

Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to
for detailed information.

   Whois Server:
   Referral URL:
   Status: clientTransferProhibited
   Updated Date: 06-sep-2010
   Creation Date: 05-sep-2001
   Expiration Date: 05-sep-2011

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Well, added to the list of Things I Never Thought Id Do….I’ve made a zombie tag.

HAVANA – What would you do if your entire city was taken over by flesh-eating zombies and communist leaders insisted it was nothing but a plot by U.S-backed dissidents to destabilize the government?

If you were the protagonist of Juan de los Muertos — “Juan of the Dead” — the first zombie flick ever shot in post-revolutionary Cuba, you’d figure out how to make some cash out of the carnage.

Remove the blood-crazed zombies from the equation but leave the broken infrastructure and crumbling economy and youve pretty much got a documentary rather than a horror flick.
