Hardigg Medical Chest w/ Drawers at SG

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The lovely lass at The Trooper’s Gal pointed this deal out. It’s the Hardigg Medical Chest with drawers. I got one of these last year without the drawers and it’s a nice piece of gear. With the drawers? Ten shades of awesome.

Sportsman’s Guide apparently has some. Price? $199.99…about a twelfth of the new price, if SG’s listing is to be believed. SH408 is a code for free shipping, but you’ll still be on the hook for the ‘heavy item’ fee.

Overkill? Probably. Pretty much any waterproof large container would work for this sort of thing but these cases are purpose-built for keeping your emergency medical supplies safe, dry and clean. Like a lot of really cool military surplus stuff, I expect that these will be ‘out of stock’ shortly.

Speaking of silver………

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

A couple folks commented about my last few posts on the price of silver, and infrequently I get a couple emails asking about it. I’m not going into the ‘why’ part about it, that’s between me and my lizard brain…but I’ll share with you the ‘how’ part.

I get my silver from this guy. Being an ‘irregular income’ kind of guy, I don’t take advantage of his his ’subscription’ plan…but if I did have a regular income, and I wanted to start stocking the stuff away, that’s the way I’d do it. No muss, no fuss, no watching the markets everyday trying to time it like a shuttle launch. Just pick a day of the month, an amount, and every month you get $x worth of gold or silver. I’d explain the dollar-cost-averaging part, but I’ll let him do it:

You select the amount you want to spend on silver each month ($100 minimum). You choose the product you wish to purchase- Generic Rounds, Branded Rounds (Sunshine, A-Mark or Pan American), Branded 5 oz bars (currently we have Pan American) and Branded 10oz bars (either Sunshine or A-Mark). You could also choose 90% Silver US Currency. Products shipped will depend on availability.

On the same date each month (based on your start date) your bank account, credit card or Paypal account will be billed for the amount you choose, your silver will be purchased at the current price and mailed to you by the following day. Partial ounces will be carried over to the next month. If you decide to cancel your subscription eligible remaining fractions will be repurchased by Montana Rarities.

So if you’re overseas in Afghanistan, on the road driving truck, or just darn too busy to keep track of markets and whatnot but want to start squirreling the stuff away, this is an excellent ‘fire-n-forget’ way of doing things. Set it up, pick a day, pick a metal, pick an amount of money to spend every month and you’re done.

Personally, as I said, I have an irregular income so when I’m flush, I buy, when I’m not, I don’t…so I just buy every so often when I see him. But for the guy who wants to start building up a stash without a lot of dicking around, this is a good way to go.

Is he the cheapest guy around? Well, he’s the cheapest I’ve seen here in town, and he seems to fare pretty well against many places that don’t demand you buy 50 ounces at a time. Maybe you can find a better deal elsewhere, maybe not…I’m just telling you who I use. I will say, though, that for customer service he’ll bend over backwards (or maybe forwards, depending on if you buy enough) to make sure everyone is happy with the deal. I’m not kidding, I’ve seen him make a deal to buy coins from folks, agree on a price, get the coin, and then send more money than he agreed to because the coin was nicer than he was expecting and he wanted to be fair. That’s the kinda vendor you wanna do business with…a guy who looks out for the customer’s interests as well as his own.

He’s a very honest and fair guy to do business with and, very importantly, he’s on the same page as many of us in regard to why we buy precious metals. So…he won’t think it’s weird or alarming if, like me, you’re buying because you’re worried about the end of the world and the upcoming global economic collapse. Yeah, he’s a like-minded individual.

If you wind up doing any business with him, and, really, you should, please mention that it was your buddy Zero who sent you….he’ll know who that is and maybe he’ll thank me with a couple silver halves or something.

Anyway, for those of you who asked, that’s where I get my silver from.

Silver> $30

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Hmmm…we’ll see how long this lasts. This was a good opportunity to buy and I took advantage of it as best I could. (Too much so, if you believe the complaining of my dealer who feels I’ve robbed him and keep him in penury.)

I’m not 100% that it won’t dip back below $30, but I’m holding off on any more purchases for a week or so to see where it goes.

Article – Greek Crisis Dries Up Drug Supply

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

For patients and pharmacists in financially stricken Greece, even finding aspirin has turned into a headache.

Mina Mavrou, who runs a pharmacy in a middle-class Athens suburb, spends hours each day pleading with drugmakers, wholesalers and colleagues to hunt down medicines for clients. Life-saving drugs such as Sanofi (SAN)’s blood-thinner Clexane and GlaxoSmithKline Plc (GSK)’s asthma inhaler Flixotide often appear as lines of crimson data on pharmacists’ computer screens, meaning the products aren’t in stock or that pharmacists can’t order as many units as they need.

“When we see red, we want to cry,” Mavrou said. “The situation is worsening day by day.”

This part is especially interesting:

The reasons for the shortages are complex. One major cause is the Greek government, which sets prices for medicines. As part of an effort to cut its own costs, Greece has mandated lower drug prices in the past year. That has fed a secondary market, drug manufacturers contend, as wholesalers sell their shipments outside the country at higher prices than they can get within Greece.

Government control of pricing is leading to products being sold elsewhere where better profits can be realized. I am shocked! Shocked, I say, to find there is capitalism going on here!

This sort of thing is to be expected any time .gov throws price controls on anything. Scarcity is usually the result as artificially low prices encourage waste. Don’t think so? If gas was $1.00 a gallon right now would you drive more or less than you do now?

Anyway, the lesson here is twofold: 1) .gov control of medicine pricing is a bad idea and 2) it’s entirely possible that what’s in your medicine cabinet now can wind up being all you have.

I’m reminded of the old saying: If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the government.

The buoys from CTD

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

These little babies arrived today from a slightly curious FedEx guy. (That is to say , the FedEx guy himself wasn’t curious, but rather he was curious about the odd packages. Anyway…)

You may remember the Transporter Test Articles sonobuoy tubes from an earlier post. As you can see, they have arrived. Condition is ‘Used, Filthy’ but pretty is as pretty does. They are in good shape, structural integrity intact, and just need to be wiped (or hosed) down.

Possible uses? A bunch. The most obvious is to tuck a longarm, some ammo, and a few essentials in there and tuck it away some where. (A Mosin Nagant M44 and a pile of ammo would fit great in there.) Not sure my particular flavor of apocalypse will be that dramatic…and even if it were, I’d probably use one of my Pelican cases. These would make a good container for keeping emergency winter gear in the bed of the truck…fold up a blanket or two, roll ‘em up lengthwise, slide ‘em in there along with some gloves, hat, candles, matches, etc, etc. Really, the only limit here is imagination and physical dimensions.

I hope at least some of you managed to score a couple before CTD sold out. Stuff like this doesn’t usually hit just one vendor…check some of the other surplus guys and they might have some as well.

I’ll probably keep three of these and send the other two off to some LMI.


Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

My buddy calls me up and asks me about the Filson coats I have been lusting after (specifically, this one and this one). I ask him why the interest. Turns out, he found a gal selling new Filson products at a discount. I have no money to spend, but figured I’d tag along. Big mistake.

I wound up with one of these, MSRP $310, for $120 and one of these, MSRP $140, for $20. Well, sure, it wasn’t in my color but for $20 you’d have to be an idiot to take a pass. She has more stuff so Im going to go through the Filson website, make a list of things Im looking for, and if she has them I might wind up spending even more money that I don’t have. But…but…but how can you pass up +60% savings on Filson gear?

Sonobuoy Transport Tubes

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

My favorite thing to store firearms in is the Pelican/Hardigg gun cases. You’re familiar with them, I’m sure. They’re waterproof, airtight, reasonably crushproof and uber-professional looking pieces of gear. They are, however, pretty damn spendy. But…what’s it worth to you to have your firearms and accessories be in pristine condition when you pull the case out of the flooded rubble of what used to be your home?

For absolute end-of-the-world durability to protect a gun, I have yet to meet anything that beats the storage tube for the 120mm M865. Those babies are my first choice. They are pretty much indestructable, have points to run a length of chain for security, watertight, and the lid even has a hasp for a padlock. Perfect Problem is, they’re rather heavy and they are difficult to find regularly.

So somewhere between the $200 Pelican case and the $35-50 (plus shipping) M865 tube and its scarcity, there must be a compromise…right?

Indeed! If you’re a fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation you probably recognize these ‘Transporter test articles’. These are sonobuoy tubes. They’re made out of plastic similar to a Pelican case, one-piece with a screw-on top, and an excellent compromise between the two previously mentioned containers. Best of all, it appears CTD has ‘em for ten bucks at the moment.

When I used to ship long guns across country these were an ideal container. You take your rifle, roll it up in a blanket, fold the ends over the muzzle and butt to give extra padding, slide it into the tube, screw the cap on, roll some duct tape around the juncture of cap-to-tube, and you were all set. A durable gun case that was light enough to be shipped back empty for re-use.

Are these waterproof? They are in the sense that there are no joints, valves, openings or other points for atmospheric integrity to be lost. However, I suppose that if you don’t screw the lid on tightly enough you may have water migrate up the threads. I can’t recall if there’s an o-ring in there, I’ll have to check. However, if youre doing the long-term storage thing just run a bead of silicone sealant in the threads, tighten it down, and that should do it.

Go to the CTD page and you can read the dimensions. Guns with pistol grips wont fit without having the pistol grip removed but things like SKS, 10/22, shotguns, etc, will fit just fine. At the price CTD is listing I don’t expect them to last long so you may want to grab a few while you can. Even with shipping factored in they still came out to $15 each to my locationm which was still quite reasonable for what they are.

Article – Okla. Woman Shoots, Kills Intruder: 911 Operators Say It’s Okay to Shoot

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Okla. Woman Shoots, Kills Intruder: 911 Operators Say It’s Okay to Shoot

Recently widowed, young, single mom cowering in a bedroom with her infant child, on the phone with 911 as two men force their way into the house…..pretty much pushes all the ‘righteous shooting’ buttons.

The only way this shooting could possibly be more justified is if the bad guys were the re-animated zombie corpses of Adolf Hitler and Osama Bin Laden wearing dynamite sport jackets and holding a molotov cocktail in each hand.

Part of me wants to say that, if there were an afterlife, her husband would be very proud of her. But, then again, that was exactly the proper response for that situation so I’m not sure excess pride is warranted for doing something that your supposed to do anyway. Regardless, it’s a just and proper ending to what could have been quite a tragedy. Poor gal is probably still grieving from losing her husband, now she’s got to deal with the emotional aftermath of this incident.

I’m going to ignore the part about asking the 911 guys if it was okay to shoot the bad guys. The threshold for that kind of response was met long before they came through the bedroom door. I understand that no agency is going to want to be on the hook for ‘giving permission’ for someone to shoot someone else, but at least they gave the veiled and coded approval with the ‘do what you have to do’ answer.

Man, I bet that shotgun left a real mess behind.