Unwanted linkage

Every so often I head over to Google Analytics to see where my website traffic is coming from. Apparently, I received a fair bit of traffic from Reddit under the keyword ‘racewarpreppers’.


The link they posted to was this one about panic buying. It appears that they linked to it, not because of racial content, but as an adjunct to discussions about preparing for some future Great Race War or whatever it is they expect.

Frankly, I’m a little annoyed. I’m *alot* of things….I’m sexist, somewhat of a jingoistic nationalist (America first and all that jazz), capitalistic, fiscally-conservative-with-a-little-libertarian-bent (really, kind of a Goldwater Republican), etc, etc….but I’m quite certain that I’m not cross-burningly racist. As someone once said “Racism is silly. If you take the time to really get to know someone and understand them you can find a much better reason to dislike them.”

Being a survivalist means you get painted with a pretty broad brush. You’re automatically anti-government, racist, uneducated, and homophobic. I hate that. I don’t mind getting in trouble for things that I actually am or things I actually do….it’s when I get accused of things that simply aren’t the case that I get annoyed.

Interestingly, though…if you checked my browser history (and for everyone’s peace of mind, it’s probably a good thing if we don’t) you’d find that I visit quite a few…questionable…forums. (And, really, I should visit them through a proxy, but….lazy.) Stormfront, Democratic Underground, New Black Panthers, VPC, etc, etc, etc. Why? Mostly curiosity to see how different groups see events that are occurring. Same reason I check foreign news services…for a different opinion or a different view of things. Reading some of the stuff that gets posted on those places reinforced my belief that while I may be a jerk I am not, to quote Star Lord,”100 percent dick’. Those people….well, they’ve got some serious issues.

Clearly the linkage wasn’t because of racial content or context in t his blog. It was simply because a post about buying guns and ammo happened to be on-topic for this group of people…but it still annoys me because I don’t like being associated with that sorta thing.


1 thought on “Unwanted linkage

  1. I’m a conservative white male; therefore ; sexist, racist, chauvinist, pig… . I agree sex is great, the human race is great (for the most part), in being chauvinist, I plead guilty as I was brought to respect females.

    And whether you believe in evolution or not, we all came from Africa at one time, millions of years ago. Good and Evil are color blind.

    I hate labels. Republican/conservative, he hates poor people. Actually I’m upper lower class poor. At my age I rely on some government programs to live. He belongs to the NRA, thus gun crazy. Nope, I have always liked firearms, and usually shoot at a range.

    I have no urge to shoot animals as I did enough when I was younger, unless there weren’t any stores and I was hunting for survival.

    Before you label someone, take a look in the mirror as you might not like what you see, the image might be from the very person that you’re intending to label or link to.

    Thanks Commander, I’ve been dying to say that for years.

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