This rolled across my feed this morning, which is rather serendipitous. As I mentioned, there’s some evolutionary/maturity reasoning behind why we drink cow milk and why many of us can’t.
Its an interesting history and, like the history of many foods, has a lot more depth and complexity than you might think.
Nonetheless, I’m still not a fan of milk although I have a slightly better understanding now of why humans consume it.
It “rolled across your feed” because you wrote about it.
It’s always nice when Big Brother winks at you, just to remind you the Panopticon is still in full effect.
If you look at the detail for the video, the creator actually just released it yesterday. It seems terribly unlikely that a) he has any idea who I am, let alone read my blog to find my reference and b) why he would make a video tailored to a topic a nobody like me threw out there only a day or two ago.
I’m not saying the video creator did this.
That would be silly.
I’m saying Big Tech is watching what you write about, look at, click on, ad infinitum. (Your cell phone listens to you too. Probably already has facial recognition on you as well.) And then their AI algorithms shovel things to your feed.
It’s not anecdotal evidence after 500, 000 incidents reported coast-to-coast for years.
we keep powdered milk in stock just because, and it has a good shelf life. May come in handy some day in the future after the apocalypse when some MILFs want cow juice for their miniature humans.
Mentioned the milk video to my husband after I skimmed it – and he later wondered whether anyone milked water buffalo. So I looked it up. Their milk has 60% more calcium and 40% more protein than cow’s milk – but they only produce about 2 gallons a day compared to 10-15. Some people are raising them in California; using the milk for premium gelato and mozzarella.
Mozzarella is supposed to be made from water buffalo – since finding an Auroch to milk is tough.