Holy Crom, real life really is made up of…things you can’t make up.
LAS VEGAS (KLAS) – Social media posts mistakenly identified a law enforcement-themed Las Vegas ice cream truck as an Immigration and Customs Enforcement vehicle, leading its owner to fear for his safety.
“ICE and Border Patrol don’t use trucks from 1985,” Billy Settlemyers, the owner of Las Vegas Ice Cream Patrol, said Monday.
Last week, a person posted a video of Settlemyers’ black-and-white truck driving into a neighborhood with the caption: “Please be on the lookout for ‘ice cream’ trucks… they play music to get people to come outside… this is actually so sick.”
While I normally have no love for the federal government, I have even less love for parasite illegal aliens…so, I am, generally speaking, on board with the recent uptick in immigration enforcement.
Other than that, this is just an amusing example of people not reading whats right in front of them, and also underestimating the feds ability to be sneaky.
Most illegals are illiterate in their own language, so not surprising they can’t read a sign in ours.
Many people think themselves more clever than they are.
This reminds me of the person who “figured out” that an AK-47 was so named because it was an “automatic killer” that could shoot 47 rounds a second, or some such silliness.
The truck’s paint scheme and graphics are a caricature copy of the local Las Vegas Metropolitian Police Department’s cop car paint and graphics. (Black and white) That is the what was the city of Las Vegas proper police and what was a sheriff’s department. (Merged together decades ago as an agency) Anyone not a retard locally knows this. I want to see criminals get “Vanned” like Ukraine goons rounding up draft dodgers and grabbing people off the streets for their patriotic meat grinder service. Or perhaps taking down running away pedestrians with net guns like Arnold in Total Recall for even more lulz and laughs. All of this will indeed go kinetic and spicy since the problem was allowed and enable by the people you have voted for. Enjoy the show.