Patient with no patience

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. In addition to asking me on the forms what my preferred pronouns are and what my “gender assigned at birth” is, they also asked if I had guns in the house. Thats when the Woke exhausted my patience:

I’ll be curious to see if they choose to pursue it further.

You can imagine how it’ll go when they start asking me about my Kung Flu vaccination status.

39 thoughts on “Patient with no patience

  1. You waited too long to drop the hammer, IMHO.

    And personally, I’d have written in ☒ “Fuck off and die, you nosy bastard” a lot more times on that form.

    • I ignored a few others….”What do you do for a living”, etc, etc. “What is the name of your mother and father” was met with “dad” and “mom”.

      • So everything the bank asked you to make sure you’re you when you phone them?
        Did they ask “do you have any Forearms in the Doctors Office?”?

  2. Went for an eye exam. Got handed a stack of papers. They Want my medical history. Current meds. I’m living with old lenses,because I’m not ready to go in there and tell them that the shape of my lenses won’t be affected by the ingrown toenail. I wonder how many people just Answer their questions, Feeling like they have no choice.

      • There are no good reasons for many more.

        If you’re going in for new lenses, that’s all they need to know.

        If you have bigger issues, that’s what a primary care doctor and associated specialists are for.

        And there are a gazillion questions that have nothing whatsoever to do with either area (and they know it when they ask them) that are the reason for posts like this.

        Telling them to “F*** off.” more frequently is the first step to getting them to get both their hands out of your anus every time you step into an office. People that are medical professionals should learn to stay in their lane at work to a vastly greater extent. And I’ve only been working in the field for thirty years, so what do I know?

        The problem usually springs from the professional communist agitators at the so-called professional organizations, like the AMA and AAN. Their Gramscian long march through the institutions is the symptom of a much greater problem. What you don’t solve now with a gentle poke right in the eye, you’ll end up having to solve later with buckshot to the guts. NTTAWWT.

  3. We get cash incentives for having these filled out. Don’t expect honesty, just want a box clicked or checked. And that is about all you get at a doctor’s office now.

  4. If only one could flip the equation. Currently, we diseased cripples must beg for favours and pay handsomely and submit to the whims of the quackery. Why are they not the beggars, soliciting business and baring all?

    “List your your qualifications to be allowed to inflict medicine upon me, starting with your win/loss ratio. Be detailed. Read this list of punitive measures to be imposed upon/within you should you mess this up. How is your remuneration structured, from which sources and for which deeds? Does the concept of lex talionis cause you discomfort if applied to our relationship?”

  5. Usually just leave it blank, no one has questioned it so far. Next time I’ll ask them if hospital security has any firearms on the property.

    • There is a hospital near me that has no guns signs at the main entrance. I’ve seen their armed guards walk past it, so clearly they don’t really mean it.

      Interestingly, ONLY their main entrance has the sign – I make sure to use a different entrance when I can.

      I know some hospital staff have been told to put “yes” if the patient refuses to answer – which is questionable legally for them. Make sure they don’t put words in your mouth.

  6. I’m lucky since on my semi-annual cardiologist visits the first thing he asks me is, “How’s it going, done any hunting lately?” This is a fairly young doc in an Atlanta Metro Area, not the boonies, so I’m doubly blessed. GF

    • My Cardiologist office doesn’t ask and when my pistol gets uncovered we just talk about the model/caliber we all carry. Turns out the poffice will pay for the staff to take concealed carry training and license test for the staff. Same for my dentist.

  7. When they use to ask it here in Texas, I would say no. The doctor then asked me “Aren’t you law enforcement?”, and I would say yep, and my answer is still no to the question!!! That was the end of that.

  8. Beware of the Medical Industrial Complex. The drug cartels we call “big pharma” and their drug pushers we call “doctors” do not have our best interests in mind.

    • It’s usually the people that are fat alcoholics and smoke 3 packs a day that say this. Not willing to diet and exercise, but don’t dare recommend a pill.

  9. I was given a 4 page form like this 10 years ago. I put a long diagonal line from corner to corner on pages 2,3,&4. On the line I wrote”These questions are too invasive and I will never answer these.” The doctor said “Oh, Medicare gives us an extra $8.00 per patient when we send these in to “Medicare”,” I told them too bad. This happens to all offices and folks who have signed up for Medicare. She just left it in the chart where that stuff usually goes. It even went so far as to ask about seatbelts, alcohol consumption, relationships, etc. What a crock of BS. I don’t know if Medicare got it or not.
    Probably the same crap when they wanted us to take the Covid poison, Imagine what I told them about that!

  10. Give it some time. This woke bullshit will be gone soon. But it will be funny watching these assholes with Biden Broken Brain Syndrome trying to communicate with normal people. Which they aren’t.
    I’m fairly fluent in about 7 languages. Just could never learn to speak Stupid. But then why would you want to.
    Maybe they should create a Society. The Jomentia Biden Society of Proffessional idiots.

  11. I once had one with ‘Have you ever given up smoking’ and it gives you tips to help at the end on the computer used. I got asked what I thought of it and told them “Given it told me to start smoking, not a lot”. They then told me it never said that and the guy next to me who I did not know jumped in “It told me the same thing” So they asked what it said and we told them “It said to give up smoking, but I’ve never smoked, so have never given it up”. We got told we should have lied on it, but what’s the point of doing it then? The guy on 60 a day was not told to give up as he put he’d given them up in the past or as he put it “I give up most weeks, last weekend I gave up three times”.

  12. At my last VA annual I was waiting for the “guns at home question”. When it didn’t happen, I asked why and was told “We don’t care anymore. That was part of a suicide screening program that we don’t do anymore”. Huh.

    And, the armed guard at the front door is gone. There a lactation pod there now… And the No Weapons! sign is still present.

  13. In the rural area in which I live, my doc doesn’t even bother asking such questions. He said himself that it’s not his business.

  14. I like to change my ethnicity whenever anyone makes me fill these things out. I’ve been hispanic, american indian, pacific islander, and asian over the years. Maybe I’ll go african american this year. I’ll decide on the day of the appointment. Last year I checked off “unsure” when they gave me the multiple gender options. They never question me when I change these things every year. It just shows you they’re just going through the motions as required but not paying any attention to the answers. I haven’t had the gun question yet. I’d probably write in : “Define home.”

  15. Years ago, my daughter’s pediatrician asked me that. I just told her I consider that an inappropriate question. Great doctor otherwise.

  16. I just had my annual. There was no firearm questions on the form, but they did want to know if I understood an analog clock.
    I also informed them that their sign on the door said “no Beretta’s” in the pictogram. I told them nurse mind was a Glock and said “Do you want to see it?” The doctor later admitted that she failed to warn the “new nurse” about me.

  17. Commander:
    I know this is off-topic but I suspect it will interest many of your readers.
    Trump is planning to release files on the deaths of JFK and MLK – why bother?
    What I mean is that many of the “Conspiracy Theory” window-lickers will say that if it doesn’t say EXACTLY what they believe, that they are fresh lies…
    There are too many people out there who find the truth too boring and make up their own “Truths”.
    Then there are trouble-makers who sit down and try to work out how much cr*p they can fit into a new “Conspiracy” then publish it.
    Knowing that “Theorists” will then excitedly yell “See – I told told you I was right all along!”
    Perhaps one in a thousand “Conspiracies” have a grain of truth to them. That doesn’t give any reality to the rest!
    Now I’ve had my rant I can go back to reading about Jimmy Hoffa, Marylyn Monroe and Elvis having threesomes in the Nazi moon-base…


  18. It’s just paper nobody reads. Some federal 25 year old, degreed clerks whose job it is to tell their betters how things should be done designed the forms. Just scribble some marks; it’s all theater and you have part to play.

  19. Up here in the Great White North, we often get asked on forms “What do you identify as”, I usually put disgruntled taxpayer. I never had a form returned! TTFN

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