I have posted before about these ‘tactical timeshares’…the notion that you write a check and ‘reserve your room’ at some grandly appointed ‘safe location’. Perhaps they can be made to work, but I think it’s just a case of “if he didnt want them fleeced, he wouldn’t have made them sheep.”
I’m too tired to rewrite my own words, so I’m just gonna crib them right from the post:
Here’s something to think about – if you’re going to be a member of a ‘survival group’ or organization, membership should be based on something other than money – race, religion, political leaning, ethnicity, familial relation, shared history, etc, etc. If the only membership requirement to get in is to write a check, then in my opinion you are making a mistake.
Whether you know it or not, you’re probably already part of a very informal survival group. You, your spouse, your neighbor who you go shooting with, the guy at work you share books about prepping with, the brother in law who splits a beef with you once a year….shutdown the power grid, roll those people together, and you’ve pretty much got your own ad-hoc ‘survival group’ that would probably be a lot more cohesive than a half dozen families whose only common denominator was the ability to write a check.
Should you have a fortified bunker somewhere? Sure, why not? Should it be in a compound with a hundred other bunkers, each one housing people who are total strangers to you? I don’t think so.
When the situation gets downright horrific, humans turn tribal. And tribe is founded on certain common traits…race, religion, family, etc…. that tribe will be stronger and more cohesive than one that is just ten strangers you met in an elevator.
Im sure that the people who signed up for Vivos’ tactical timeshare thought they were doing something smart. Unless I am missing something , though, I think that they would have been far better off spending that money on either hardening and fortifying their present location, or getting together with other trusted people (family, etc.) and buying a piece of dirt somewhere and building their own retreat environment.
Vivos pops up from time to time on my radar with articles about their business and the people who utilize it. I have said from the beginning that these kinds of places (and there are several others out there) just seem like projects that are doomed to collapse under their own mismanagement, infighting, lack of cohesion, and unworkability.
I’ll drop the money, buy a chink of dirt, build my retreat, and populate it with my own tribe, if they want to join me, and I think it would be more successful, long term, than these snake-oily-sounding project. How did Ignatius Piazza not get into this business?
h/t the thoughtful reader who sent me an email pointing this article out to me.