Article – Down the barrel of a gun: How Second Amendment activism can be a gateway to extremist ideologies

Gun shows like this have long been part of the connective tissue between mainstream conservatism and the American extremist movement. The vast majority of gun owners are law-abiding citizens, but experts and former members of the extremist far-right said a passion for gun rights often serves as a gateway to radicalization – one eagerly exploited by recruiters and leaders in the movement.

The culture war continues unabated. If they can’t stigmatize gun shows because of…well…guns, then they’ll stigmatize them as open-air recruiting centers of Timothy McVeigh-wannabes.

Its so much easier to swing the hammer of public opinion against someone if you’ve marginalized them and made them loathsome first.

Me, I like going to the range, shooting guns that look big and scary, and having a rather large variety of them. And, thus far, I am the least violent person you will ever meet. But…if you can portray me as some sort of violent extremist….well….thats a narrative that makes it much easier to oppress me and my lifestyle.

It’s not just a war on guns…its a war on people who own guns.

Article – JPMorgan Removed from Louisiana Muni Deal After Gun Scrutiny

Some good news from the southern front in the culture wars:


(Bloomberg) — JPMorgan Chase & Co. was removed on Thursday from a $700 million Louisiana municipal-bond deal after the bank’s stance on guns drew criticism from state Republican officials.

After a fiery meeting, the state bond commission voted to have Wells Fargo & Co. replace JPMorgan, the largest U.S. bank, as senior manager on the deal.

As it turns our, that whole “We won’t invest in funds or companies that deal with guns” thing cuts both ways. I rather like the turnabout being fair play.
I suppose you could argue, from a concerned taxpayer standpoint, that the removal of Chase means that the state will not be getting as good a deal as it might have otherwise. May be. But even I, a staunch opposer of government spending, would support this move.
I wish other municipalities had the cajones to knock some sense into some of the companies when they start getting all ‘woke’. Political posturing has consequences. This is the reason a smart business keeps its politics to itself. As Chase just learned.