Ah, California….every time I think you’ve woke yourself into a new depth of stupidity, you one-down me.
California, a state with a history of disaster due to being situated on the terrestrial equivalent of Jell-O, has decided that any new generator you buy can’t run on a gas engine. So, when ‘the big one’ finally hits you’re supposed to haul out your Newsom-approved generator that runs on unicorn flatus and .gov overreach.
As the article says, it bans the sale of new gas powered non-vehicles. Two things to note…’sale’ and ‘new’. So, expect Nevada to add generators to the big box of Pmags they keep by the door at the border gas stations. And, I’d expect that propane-powered generators will find a new market as well.
There’s gonna be a lot of Honda EU2000’s getting UPS’d into California from ‘private parties’ over the next few years, I’d imagine. Can’t wait to read about how the ‘reasonable’ and ‘common sense’ legislation to ban these terrible weapons of war climate change won’t aooly to ‘only ones’ like municipalities and their various agencies.
If I had the money, I’d buy a chunk of dirt right on the border with California and run a general store full of Pmags, generators, gender-specific toys, fireworks, and everything else California bans, and I’d probably make enough to retire in three years.
I wanna go hug my EU2000 right now.