These ‘Year in review’ posts are sort of the low-hanging fruit of the blogging world. But, I’m not you here you go.
Last year I figured that 2021 would be mostly consequences of 2020, and it appears I was right. Everyone walked out of 2020 saying that 2021 would be better (although they never explained exactly why) and, IMHO, they were dead wrong. Pandemic variations, mandatory vaccine orders, inflation, etc, etc….if there’s anything better in 2021 than 2020 I can’t imagine what it was.
From a survivalist standpoint, which is why youre here, it was another year of confirmation bias. Maybe I do cherry pick the events of the previous year in order to support my position, but even if thats the case it only results in me erring on the side of caution…and whats wrong with that?
I had a few goals and I pretty much nailed ’em all. Pay off the house? Yup. Double the Roth? Yup. More gold and silver? Yup. Vehicle upgrade? Yup. Career advancement? Yup. More guns and ammo? Oh yeah.
What’s still to be done? Well, there’s a nice chunk of Montana somewhere just waiting for me to plunk down a bunch of cash but thats gotta wait until the end of 2022. Things that didn’t go according to plan? Well things were going awesome until the markets got wonky in December but I’m still ahead for the year, so even though it was one step back that one step back came after several steps forward…so, net gain.
Goals for 2022? The absolute biggest is: keep what I have. That which I’ve worked for and acquired in 2022 needs to stay right where it is, thank you very much. Every year I say I don’t plan on buying more guns and thats true..I don’t plan on it, but it happens. An estate pops up and the next thing I know I’ve got mounds of .223 and stacks of Glocks. :::SMH::: It happens. But more than anything else I want to get enough money into my Bunker Fund so that at the end of the year I can close on a nice chunk of nowhere and start mixing concrete.
Careerwise, I wouldn’t mind a bit of a raise and I expect that’ll happen. My other revenue sources, for now, seem like they aren’t going anywhere so while I won’t be able to reach my goals just on the strength of savings I think I should be able to hit them with a combination of savings and trading.
Forecast for 2023? Inflation continues and blame for it goes everywhere except where it should. Wuhan Flu continues to be an issue until finally we develop natural immunities and it becomes a seasonal nuisance like the regular flu. China continues to a) duck the blame for the Wuhan Flu, b) continues its incremental imperialism, and c) keeps feinting at Taiwan. The Russians continue their low-key war against the rest of the world in the form of cyberattacks and state-sponsorship. On the domestic front, I think we’ll see the whole BLM/Antifa/Woke nonsense hit a nadir as people start getting tired of paying high taxes just to have ‘marginalized groups’ threaten to kill them and burn down their neighborhoods. Gun and ammo availability? Guns up, ammo down. “Supply chain issues” becomes the catch-all phrase and excuse for people and businesses not living up to expectations. Cubs do not win the Series.
You know, after thirty-some years of being a survivalist, I never thought I would be somewhat vindicated in this particular manner. I mean, on a long enough timeline, sure, something is going to happen. But I would not have thought that global pandemic and craptacular economy were going to be the leading causes. But…still weathering it pretty well nonetheless, so I’ve got that going for me…which is nice.