Every morning, one of the first things I do is hit the various newsfeeds. After all, you can’t be prepared against something if you don’t know its coming (or going on, for that matter).
Todays headlines as I woke up:
Look, you and I both know that one of the very first steps towards ‘controlling’ a particular demographic is to create an atmosphere of animosity towards that demographic that the general public can get behind. Most notably, Hitler and the Jews. If he’d walked up to the podium and said “Today, we’re gonna wipe out the Jews” just out of the blue like that he probably would have not gotten very far. Instead, he creates a poisonous atmosphere for them (so to speak). He spends years telling the public how this group has misled them, bled them, is a threat to their values, etc, etc. He paints them as the threat for so long, and so intently, that after a few years people start thinking “Yeah, those people are a real threat to me. Someone should do something about it.” and the next thing you know the boxcars are steaming down the tracks.
An extreme example, yes. But it’s an accurate one: to oppress/marginalize/eradicate/control a particular segment of the population you need to get the broad public behind you. You do that by demonizing that particular group so that after a while the general public says “Yeah, those people have it coming.”
And these headlines? Thats what it looks like. I’m not saying they’re planning to throw gun owners into camps. What they are planning is to throw your gun rights (and your guns) into the shredder. Theyre fine with the people who own guns, its the guns themselves theyre after.
So, they load up the media with articles about AR-15’s being evil, ghost guns are everywhere, a national registry is needed, manufactures are profiting over dead children, no one needs a 30-round clipazine, etc, etc, etc. And they keep shoveling this stuff into the media outlets so that, after a while, the public can’t see things any other way….and thats when those ‘reasonable’ and ‘common sense’ bans and prohibitions start coming. Because, after all that indoctrination, how can anyone possibly disagree that all those evil black rifles rifles of color need to be taken out of the hands of those evil would-be insurrectionists and white supremacists.
But…you gotta start somewhere. And that starting place is by making out the guns and the gunowners to be out-of-touch racist anti-government social reprobates. Make the public believe theyre the bad guys and no one will speak up for them when the hammer comes down.
We saw this in the 90’s with the whole ‘militia/anti-government’ movement. Randy Weaver, for example, gets virtually no sympathy outside of our circles because even though his wife was gunned down for basically no reason, he was an evil ‘militia type’ who harbored ‘anti-government views’.
Make a particular group look bad and then you can do whatever you want to them without fear of the consequences. It’s a technique thats been around for thousands of years, the trick is to recognize it when it’s happening. We give it the benign name of ‘culture war’ but culture wars have a way of turning into real wars…or pogroms..or purges.
Watch the news, see how many pages of headlines you can scroll through before seeing yet another post about someone calling for AR-15’s to be banned, magazines to be limited, registries started, licensing mandated, etc. It’s not a coincidence.
You know what you need to do, get out your wallet and do it.