Dreams, milsurp sleeping bag, eBay for lamps, Militarycases.com

Had a wierd dream last night. I was in some sort of Katrina-esque aftermath and my nextdoor neighbor at work had two .38 pistols but only 13 rounds of ammo. Since , in the dream, he ran a bar I figured I’d trade ammo for food. As Im rummaging through the shop for .38 FMJ ammo I’m debating whether to go with the AR or the FAL for my own defensive use. I decide on the FAL, mostly for its visual impact. So far so good, right? The really wierd part is that while Im doing this me and the guy nextdoor are wearing bunny rabbit costumes.

Yeah, makes no sense to me either. Well, the rabbit suit part, I mean…the rest makes perfect sense.
One of the LMI is bidding on eBay for the military four-piece ‘sleep system’. Thats the inner bag, outer bag, Goretex bivvy cover and compression sack. I’ve been meaning to get one and see what its like but I just havent had the money. When his arrives I’ll be very interested in checking it out. Theyre on eBay now for $150~ which is a pretty good deal IF they are any good. I’ve got some good commercial bags for me and the bunkerbabe but this is Montana and it can get beyond cold if all the conditions are right. If Im going to be stuck snowbound in a ditch waiting for a wrecker I’d like to not freeze to death.
I’ve been a fan of the Alladin kerosene lamps for a while. They produce far more light than a decorative cheapo kerosene lantern, they look good, burn pretty cleanly and give off some warmth as well as illumination. Threw together a search on eBay and bookmarked it since I need to get a couple more mantles, wicks and a spare chimney or two. Nice thing is, they run on kerosene…just like my room heater. And camp stoves. Handy, that. And kerosene keeps far, far better than gasoline and without the addociated risks in storage and transferring.
Well, these look nice…..

CoolTools Link

A link I’ve been meaning to post. In fact, maybe I did already post it but even so its still worth the repost:

Lots of very useful stuff. Some not so useful stuff. But mostly useful.

battery experience, rubber buck, rice longevity, meritorious award of merit

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

In 9/99 (according to the sticker on the battery casing) I bought a 35 Ah marine battery to keep handy for powering some small devices. I kinda forgot it was down there in the bunker until the other day when I was dragging out the radio gear. It had enough of a charge to run some small lights but not enough to power the radio. Figured its been sitting for six years so perhaps its gone to battery heaven. Nope, threw it on the charger and it seems to run just fine. Need to get off my butt and get the several AGM batteries, charger and other goodies Ive been wanting and put together the bloody backup power supply….esp. since it looks more and more likely the girlfriend and I will be getting more radio gear.
I had a source for Sellier & Bellot rubber buckshot and slugs but it seems to have dried up.  Watching Katrina footage reminded me that sometimes its easier to just start tromboning rounds into the legs of an unruly mob than it is to say “Get away from my house”. Anyway, I've only got a handfull of rounds sitting here and the more I think about it, Id like to have at least 50 rounds or so.
Speaking of pre-Y2K preperations, I'm still working off my stockpile of rice from '99 and can say that it appears to be just fine. Cooks up and tastes like it should. Stored in 'blue barrels' set on wooden blocks to keep them off the floor. Moral: rice doesnt require very complicated preservation. Keep it dry and big-free and it'll last quite a while.
Beaucoup mad props to for riding out the last hurricane in grand style. Generator, steel shutters, fuel, water, guns & ammo and she not only came out just fine she's probably made some new friends with her neighbors and her secret recipe for Fried Water. (She's using a turkey fryer to heat large quantities of water.) Feels good to be amongst the prepared when your neighbors are huddled around candles like French  peasants.

battery experience, rubber buck, rice longevity, meritorious award of merit

In 9/99 (according to the sticker on the battery casing) I bought a 35 Ah marine battery to keep handy for powering some small devices. I kinda forgot it was down there in the bunker until the other day when I was dragging out the radio gear. It had enough of a charge to run some small lights but not enough to power the radio. Figured its been sitting for six years so perhaps its gone to battery heaven. Nope, threw it on the charger and it seems to run just fine. Need to get off my butt and get the several AGM batteries, charger and other goodies Ive been wanting and put together the bloody backup power supply….esp. since it looks more and more likely the girlfriend and I will be getting more radio gear.
I had a source for Sellier & Bellot rubber buckshot and slugs but it seems to have dried up.  Watching Katrina footage reminded me that sometimes its easier to just start tromboning rounds into the legs of an unruly mob than it is to say “Get away from my house”. Anyway, I’ve only got a handfull of rounds sitting here and the more I think about it, Id like to have at least 50 rounds or so.
Speaking of pre-Y2K preperations, I’m still working off my stockpile of rice from ’99 and can say that it appears to be just fine. Cooks up and tastes like it should. Stored in ‘blue barrels’ set on wooden blocks to keep them off the floor. Moral: rice doesnt require very complicated preservation. Keep it dry and big-free and it’ll last quite a while.
Beaucoup mad props to lemonhd for riding out the last hurricane in grand style. Generator, steel shutters, fuel, water, guns & ammo and she not only came out just fine she’s probably made some new friends with her neighbors and her secret recipe for Fried Water. (She’s using a turkey fryer to heat large quantities of water.) Feels good to be amongst the prepared when your neighbors are huddled around candles like French  peasants.

Moving while shooting drill

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

An impromptu day at the range. Me andone of the LMI figured we'd head to the range and practice moving-while-shooting drills. Since the crux of the matter is being able to move while hitting the target, we figured we could practice this cheaply with the .22 rifles since using the .223 or 7.62×39 would be more expensive and not really make any difference.

It was very simple..theres some steel tanks hanging at the end of the fifty yard range. Walk towards them while keeping your sights steady and youre dumping lead downrange. Then start walking to the side. Then backwards. Then to the side. When done you'll have walked a box-shaped path all the while firing and, hopefully, hitting your target. Good practice.

Moving while shooting drill

An impromptu day at the range. Me andone of the LMI figured we’d head to the range and practice moving-while-shooting drills. Since the crux of the matter is being able to move while hitting the target, we figured we could practice this cheaply with the .22 rifles since using the .223 or 7.62×39 would be more expensive and not really make any difference.

It was very simple..theres some steel tanks hanging at the end of the fifty yard range. Walk towards them while keeping your sights steady and youre dumping lead downrange. Then start walking to the side. Then backwards. Then to the side. When done you’ll have walked a box-shaped path all the while firing and, hopefully, hitting your target. Good practice.