500 meter shooting, Motorola DPS, the closing of the year

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Went out to the range yesterday for a bit of trigger time. One of the LMI wanted to do some work with his .308 at 500 meters so I figured I'd tag along. Iwanted to make sure the FAL was functioning properly after I detail stripped the lower and degreased it (and then reset the gas system) and I was curious to see how my CZ did at that distance.

I only fired a couple rounds downrange from the CZ. I had to hold about 5' high to hit at 500 meters but the resultant group was about 7″ or 1.4 MOA. My goal is 

500 meter shooting, Motorola DPS, the closing of the year

Went out to the range yesterday for a bit of trigger time. One of the LMI wanted to do some work with his .308 at 500 meters so I figured I’d tag along. Iwanted to make sure the FAL was functioning properly after I detail stripped the lower and degreased it (and then reset the gas system) and I was curious to see how my CZ did at that distance.

I only fired a couple rounds downrange from the CZ. I had to hold about 5′ high to hit at 500 meters but the resultant group was about 7″ or 1.4 MOA. My goal is  < MOA but Im working on it. My buddy was shooting his Rem. .308 and his tweaked out 7mm Rem. Mag. Results seemed about the same. The FAL functioned fine and dandy. Still gotta get a bipod for it though. ===== Used the long line-of-sight at the range to test out the Motorola radios. I brought two - the Motorola Distance DPS and the smaller hand-grenade shaped Talkabout 5500 series. The DPS was much clearer and louder at long range than the smaller radios. Naturally, Motorola sicontinued the DPS but they can be found on eBay at prices that reflect their desirability. Its a decent FRS/GMRS radio and has a couple handy features...one of which is the ability to use a rechargeable battery pack or 6-AA batts. As I understand it, they also lend themselves quite nicely to being modified for all sorts of FCC-violating goodness. ===== 2005 comes to a close. In the annals of preparedness/survivalism this year will be defined by hurricane Katrina and its resultant pwnage of New Orleans. For the next twenty years, unless theres a greater disaster, this will be the event pointed to in most preparedness texts and survivalist newsgroups. Discount Katrina and the heavy hurricane season, however, and it was a fairly quiet year for the prepared. 2006? Hmmm....my crystal ball is fuzzy but I predict more terrorist-inspired laws/policy changes and abuses. I forsee the backlash against the Patriot Act and current administration reaching a breaking point and a 'revolt' taking place in Washington with many of the terrorism-related laws being reduced/removed/watered down. A guy can hope, right? 2005 saw me getting a few more things done. Re-organized the bunker, completed my acquisition of FAL mags, saw another ten cases of MRE's get tucked away, saw some progress on the radio/communications front, and a host of other small things. In short, forward progress was made. For 2006 I expect at least as much progress. I should probably, at this point, also offer wishes for a happy, prosperous, well-stocked and heavily-armed 2006 to the readership and the, I think, host of lurkers out there. For giggles, I wouldnt mind hearing what you all were doing six years ago today on 12/31/99 when the Y2K thing was still making headlines. Ignored it or sat up all night with your hands on the generator switch? Me, I was sitting in front of my TV in my winter camo with my AR and watching the news at midnight.

New products, Tactical Tailor gifts, LED windup lights at CostCo, prep envy

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Being a pretty frugal individual, I usually dont buy all the gun magazines that are on the newsstand. In fact, I usually wait a few weeks until my friends are done with theirs and then they give them to me. I cant recall the last time I actually paid for a copy of Guns & Ammo. Anyway, since I dont read those magazines as often as I probably should I am sometimes left in the dark about new products that might otherwise interest me. The Woolrich not-a-tactical-vest in the previous post is a good example. Buddy of mine dropped off an assortment of gun rags yesterday and here's some of the new products advertised that I found interesting.

Bushmaster Carbon 15 9MM Pistol – So Bushmaster dropped their AR-10 because they needed to focus on their AR-15 market but they have the manufacturing capacity to waste on their very own Tec-9???

Leupold Zero Point Magnetic Illuminated Boresighter – Yeah, better add one of these to the shopping list.

Taurus PT1911 .45 ACP Pistol – Still waiting to get to handle one of these. Taurus, these days, makes good guns at a good price.
Gave one of the LMI his Christmas gift today. Since Tactical Tailor was having a big sale, the thought that the 3-day pack might make a good gift. I think its safe to say that the Tactical Tailor bag is the official bag of the LMI.
CostCo has some made-in-China handcrank LED flashlights for sale. $20 for two. I try not to buy Chinese made stuff if I can, but if you want a good light to keep in a vehicle and not have to worry about batteries, these things might be for you. I've a half dozen of the Baygen flashlights so I took a pass on them but am thinking now that maybe I should pick up a pair to stash away.
From a comment a few posts back, check out this very well done example of one persons stash o' goodies:

New products, Tactical Tailor gifts, LED windup lights at CostCo, prep envy

Being a pretty frugal individual, I usually dont buy all the gun magazines that are on the newsstand. In fact, I usually wait a few weeks until my friends are done with theirs and then they give them to me. I cant recall the last time I actually paid for a copy of Guns & Ammo. Anyway, since I dont read those magazines as often as I probably should I am sometimes left in the dark about new products that might otherwise interest me. The Woolrich not-a-tactical-vest in the previous post is a good example. Buddy of mine dropped off an assortment of gun rags yesterday and here’s some of the new products advertised that I found interesting.

Bushmaster Carbon 15 9MM Pistol – So Bushmaster dropped their AR-10 because they needed to focus on their AR-15 market but they have the manufacturing capacity to waste on their very own Tec-9???

Leupold Zero Point Magnetic Illuminated Boresighter – Yeah, better add one of these to the shopping list.

Taurus PT1911 .45 ACP Pistol – Still waiting to get to handle one of these. Taurus, these days, makes good guns at a good price.
Gave one of the LMI his Christmas gift today. Since Tactical Tailor was having a big sale, the bunkerbabe thought that the 3-day pack might make a good gift. I think its safe to say that the Tactical Tailor bag is the official bag of the LMI.
CostCo has some made-in-China handcrank LED flashlights for sale. $20 for two. I try not to buy Chinese made stuff if I can, but if you want a good light to keep in a vehicle and not have to worry about batteries, these things might be for you. I’ve a half dozen of the Baygen flashlights so I took a pass on them but am thinking now that maybe I should pick up a pair to stash away.
From a comment a few posts back, check out this very well done example of one persons stash o’ goodies: