Extreme cold weather bag sale, Bag O’ Tricks, propane Volcano, crisis predicting, board pimpage

Major Surplus N’ Survival is having a sale on military extreme cold weather bags. Comes with a groundpad and some cheesy backpack. The military extreme cold weather bag is a goodie. Its big and heavy, so dont plan on backpacking it anywhere….however its an outstanding choice for static usage such as keeping in the back of your truck in the winter and that sort of thing. A couple years ago I waited until it got to be about zero degrees outside, set the bag out, stripped to my shorts, tshirt and socks and climbed in. Was warm enough that I would have no trouble recommending this bag for vehicle use or for use in other cold weather situations where staying warm is a life/death issue. Sale price is, get this, $30! And thats with a ground pad! Thats a good deal, folks. I recommend it to all concerned.
Whats in the Zero’s Tactical Tailor bag that he carries with him most every day? Buncha stuff….spare Glock mags, 9mm ammo, Gerber folding knife, two LED flashlights, first aid kit, paracord, zip ties, AM battery radio, cold weather module, lashing straps for the pack, notebook and pens, bottle of water, etc, etc. It isnt a BOB since I live 9 blocks from where I work. If I lived ten miles from where I work I’d carry much more different stuff. This mostly just things that will be handy if the power goes out, the rioting starts, the aliens land, etc. and I need to walk home. Its also handy for medium-range roadtrips. However, it has come in handy in the past….never know when youre going to need to ziptie something together or have to bandage a booboo. (And, before anyone chimes in with ‘You should have _____ in there’, trust me its probably already in there.)
The local Sportsmans Warehouse has a goodie I want. Its got the large Volcano cookstove with propane conversion. Uberrific! I have a small Volcano charcoal stove and I must say it works very very nicely. However, I do wish I had gotten the larger one. This one I saw at SW is not only large, but it can be quickly converted to use the highly convenient bottles of propane. Thats the sort of multifuel capability that brings a smile to the Zero’s face. An advantage to the Volcano stove versus, say, a Coleman folding camp stove, is the sheer ruggedness of the thing. You can stack layers of heavy cast iron dutch ovens on the Volcano with no concern for buckling or crushing something….and cast iron cookware really shines when youre cooking outdoors.  This isnt to say that I’d go with the Volcano stove as my only alternative cooking stove….sometimes portability is needed and thats where my delicious little Omnifuel comes in. But, adding the Volcano to the stove I already have I will have the ability to cook and boil water using charcoal, gasoline, kerosene, coleman fuel, propane, wood and pretty much anything that you can put a match to… and the ability to create large quantities of boiling water can be pretty darn handy in a crisis. Esp. when being clean and eating with clean utensils means the difference between healty survivor and sickly weak survivor.
Speaking of crisis, my focus is still on an economic/infrastructure crisis brought about by either terrorism or economic upheaval. As Ive said before the incidents where you go to bed in a normal world and wake up in a Mad Max movie are pretty rare…earthquakes and nuclear weapons are about the only things that really do that in the blink of an eye. Im more concerned about the gradual slide into a crisis…prices go up, jobs are lost, shelves start going bare, the supermarket is slower to restock, more and more police start hanging around banks, rolling blackouts occur, etc, etc. Pretty much a slow slide into Third Worldism. Sure it may be a temporary Third Worldism lasting only a year or two but when America catches a cold, pretty much everyone reaches for the Kleenex. My goal is that if the jobs are lost and the economy tanks to still be in a position to have heat, food and security for at least a year.

Of course, if youre ready for that youre probably also prepared for the sudden crisis like earthquakes, nuking, hurricanes, blizzards, famines, etc.
I’d like to take a minute to recommend AR15.com’s ‘survival’ discussion board. Unlike another board I spend a good bit of time on, this one seems to have less judgemental Jesus-worshippers. Im a live and let live kinda survivalist, but the notion that if I dont believe in Jesus or think the Ten Commandments dont belong in government Im somehow less of a patriot makes me a bit angry. Hence, Im going to divide my time between the squirrels and arfcom’s board.

Thumbs down on FRH deal

Okay, remember the MRE heater deal I mentioned a few posts back. Give it a pass.

Got the case of heaters the other day. Date stamped 1992… Tried three. One just didnt do anything. The other two, after having water added, required some kneading to ‘activate’ and then it was sluggish. It did reach the desired temperature but it took a good ten or fifteen minutes.

Unless youre going to make MRE/popbottle bombs or you can get some more recent manufactured lots, give that deal from Sportsmans Guide HQ a pass.

FRH lifespan

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Someone asked about the shelflife of the FRH (Flameless Ration Heater a.k.a. ‘MRE heater’). The must-bookmark website, www.mreinfo.com , says five years. I just tried out one of my ten year old FRH’s. I think there was some decreased performance but not enough to be a concern…I would say that ten years is about the limit.

FRH lifespan

SOmeone asked about the shelflife of the FRH (Flameless Ration Heater a.k.a. ‘NRE heater’). The must-bookmark website, www.mreinfo.com , says five years. I just tried out one of my ten year old FRH’s. I think there was some decreased performance but not enough to be a concern…I would say that ten years is about the limit.

Weather alert prison break, gun camp, AK ammo, IOR monocular, Mickey Mouse boots, MRE heaters

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

I have one of those nifty little weather alert radios that goes off like a stun grenade whenever the weather people determine there to be some sort of bad weather warning that people need to know about. Anyway, Im sitting at the computer minding my own business when the thing goes off. Turns out, and this was a first for me, it was a non-weather related alert. It was an alert that a couple counties over there was a prisoner who had escaped from custody during transport. Interesting use of the weather alert system. Those little weather radios, by the by, are about $30 or so and even if you never get an alert they still give you constant weather updates.
The girlfriend is off to gun camp this weekend. Its a two day ‘practical rifle’ course at Front Sight. Since we’ve already taken a similar course from Pat Goodale on the AR’s, this trip will be with the AK. Whats amusing is that the FS literature says you’ll need about 200 rounds for two days. With Goodale we went through four times that in one day. Its worth noting that in the constant shooting, the AR’s needed to be lubed or cleaned upa bit every 350 rounds or so. (Although to be fair, this may have been the result of using the PMC ammo which may not have been milspec). I fully expect the AK to need no cleaning or lubing whatsoever. Asl always, a report from the range about other peoples hardware and the problems they encountered will be interesting.
Speaking of AK’s, the price of 7.62×39 ammo has gone up in a large way. It was only a year or so ago I was getting a case of wolf for $85…now its looking like you cant touch it for less than $115 – when you can find it. I really dont care why the shortage, theres no lack of rumours, I just care that the shortage exists. With the Chinese switching to their new cartridge and the Sov’s keeping to the 5.45×39 the days of gobs and gobs of cheap 7.62×39 may be numbered. It’ll be years before the enormous stockpiles of it are gone but it will happen.
IOR Valdada, the guys who make the scope Ive been lusting after, also make binoculars and, more interestingly, monoculars. Even better, they have rangefinding reticles. May have to get one for myself. Be kinda handy in the field.
Sportsmans Guide HQ catalog has black Mickey Mouse winter boots on sale for $40. $60 if, like me, you take a wide. Their product #AX6M-21076X …. If anyone wants to buy me a pair, I take a 10W. These boots are the shiznits for mind-numbing cold. HQ also has them in white but then your looking at an extra $20 (but no Wides), and, frankly, I can get the same effect with some spray paint. So if you want some winter boots that will keep your footsies warm and dry in literally arctic conditions, these be the ones.
And, this is a goodie, a reallyneat deal: 288 MRE heaters for $20. Even if you dont have MRE entree pouches laying around, you can still heat the small ’single serving’ packages of chili, ravioli and various other small packaged pre-cooked foods. This is a smoking bargain on these things. Oh..and you can make little noise bombs out of them using empty plastic pop bottles. Seriously, this is a good deal. Grab some while you can.

Weather alert prison break, gun camp, AK ammo, IOR monocular, Mickey Mouse boots, MRE heaters

I have one of those nifty little weather alert radios that goes off like a stun grenade whenever the weather people determine there to be some sort of bad weather warning that people need to know about.  Anyway, Im sitting at the computer minding my own business when the thing goes off. Turns out, and this was a first for me, it was a non-weather related alert. It was an alert that a couple counties over there was a prisoner who had escaped from custody during transport. Interesting use of the weather alert system. Those little weather radios, by the by, are about $30 or so and even if you never get an alert they still give you constant weather updates.
The girlfriend is off to gun camp this weekend. Its a two day ‘practical rifle’ course at Front Sight. Since we’ve already taken a similar course from Pat Goodale on the AR’s, this trip will be with the AK. Whats amusing is that the FS literature says you’ll need about 200 rounds for two days. With Goodale we went through four times that in one day. Its worth noting that in the constant shooting, the AR’s needed to be lubed or cleaned upa bit every 350 rounds or so. (Although to be fair, this may have been the result of using the PMC ammo which may not have been milspec). I fully expect the AK to need no cleaning or lubing whatsoever. Asl always, a report from the range about other peoples hardware and the problems they encountered will be interesting.
Speaking of AK’s, the price of 7.62×39 ammo has gone up in a large way. It was only a year or so ago I was getting a case of wolf for $85…now its looking like you cant touch it for less than $115 – when you can find it. I really dont care why the shortage, theres no lack of rumours, I just care that the shortage exists. With the Chinese switching to their new cartridge and the Sov’s keeping to the 5.45×39 the days of gobs and gobs of cheap 7.62×39 may be numbered. It’ll be years before the enormous stockpiles of it are gone but it will happen.
IOR Valdada, the guys who make the scope Ive been lusting after, also make binoculars and, more interestingly, monoculars. Even better, they have rangefinding reticles. May have to get one for myself. Be kinda handy in the field.
Sportsmans Guide HQ catalog has black Mickey Mouse winter boots on sale for $40. $60 if, like me, you take a wide. Their product #AX6M-21076X …. If anyone wants to buy me a pair, I take a 10W. These boots are the shiznits for mind-numbing cold. HQ also has them in white but then your looking at an extra $20 (but no Wides), and, frankly, I can get the same effect with some spray paint. So if you want some winter boots that will keep your footsies warm and dry in literally arctic conditions, these be the ones.
And, tis is a goodie, a reallyneat deal: 288 MRE heaters for $20. Even if you dont have MRE entree pouches laying around, you can still heat the small ‘single serving’ packages of chili, ravioli and various other small packaged pre-cooked foods. This is a smoking bargain on these things. Oh..and you can make little noise bombs out of them using empty plastic pop bottles. Seriously, this is a good deal. Grab some while you can.

Cop toy porn

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Ever get one of those newspaper-like periodicals that is nothing but product information for various products related to a particular field? Computer folks get them all the time, Im sure. I received one for law enforcement stuff. Its interesting because theres all sortsa goodies that might be handy and its also good to know what sort of new toys the friendly fellows in the black ski masks are going to have. Some interesting highlights:
Self heating rescue blanket – Ready-Heat Blanket www.boundtree.com
Earbud LED light – Ear Piece Lighting System –  www.policehelmets.com
Rescue rope gear – www.cmcrescue.com
QuikClot Absorbent Clotting Sponge – www.quikclot.com
Bone conduction mic headset – www.swatheadsets.com
Large tensts/shelters of various use – www.base-x.com

You know, with that Fatherland Security money floating around every Mayberry police department is gonna be wanting a piece of that newfangled eee-lec-tronic cop gear.

Cop toy porn

Ever get one of those newspaper-like periodicals that is nothing but product information for various products related to a particular field? Computer folks get them all the time, Im sure. I received one for law enforcement stuff. Its interesting because theres all sortsa goodies that might be handy and its also good to know what sort of new toys the friendly fellows in the black ski masks are going to have. Some interesting highlights:
Self heating rescue blanket – Ready-Heat Blanket www.boundtree.com
Earbud LED light – Ear Piece Lighting System –  www.policehelmets.com
Rescue rope gear – www.cmcrescue.com
QuikClot Absorbent Clotting Sponge – www.quikclot.com
Bone conduction mic headset – www.swatheadsets.com
Large tensts/shelters of various use – www.base-x.com

You know, with that Fatherland Security money floating around every Mayberry police department is gonna be wanting a piece of that newfangled eee-lec-tronic cop gear.