bicycle, bags, food savings

I have a pretty decent mountain bike. Not the top of the line, but still pretty good…it’s a Gary Fisher that I paid about $500 for. For where I live and most of the errands that I need to run, it makes miles more economic sense than driving. Of course, for about five months out of the year its just too damn cold to ride it, but the rest of the time…

As Im sure you can imagine, the mountain bike has a few bonuses going for it as well, once you factor in the preparedness angle. I can avoid traffic jams and roadblocks, weave down alleys, sidewalks and between parked/stalled vehicles, requires no fuel, is quiet, covers a fair amount of distance, can handle logging roads and even foottrails in the sticks, and can carry an adequate amount of gear for immediate and short-term needs. (Esp. if I wear a backpack.)

Going back to the current apocalyptic paradigm of Katrina, anyone with a decent mountain bike, a map, a backpack, and 24 hours notice could have put some major distance between themselves and the worst-flooded areas. I remember seeing footage on 9/11/01 of people having to hoof it out of NYC. That can be a long walk in business attire. Even one of those funky ‘foldup/briefcase’ bicycles would have been several orders of magnitude better than walking…esp. if you didn’t know if things were going to get worse and needed to de-ass the area in a hurry. And, yes, I could also do all those same things, and do them faster, with a KLR650 or other motorcycle but, sadly, my budget can’t handle that right now.

I’ve been thinking about having the bike stripped down to the frame and having the frame powdercoated to give it an essentially impervious and protective finish…a nice olive green color with a matte finish. Although, I suppose, in a pinch I could just spraypaint the whole thing if I had to.

One of the things I need to do is pick up some maintenance manuals and tools and put together a bicycle repair/maintenance kit. Things like spare spokes, tubes, chain, links, cables, guides, etc, etc, as well as all the requisite tools like patch kits, pump, spoke tools, allen wrenches, screwdrivers, chainbreaker, etc, etc. Larger things like spare seat stems and wheels would, of course, have to go in the bunker.

I need to get a good pouch/bag to carry this gear. The requirements are that the pouch/bag be subdued color, immensely durable, versatile, capable of being carried independent of the bicycle (carry strap), affixed to the bicycle, and have the ability to be integrated (MOLLE, PALS, ALICE, etc) into a larger bag.
Interestingly, Im looking for a bag for my support gear for my CZ as well. I need a bag that meets the same criteria as above. I need to carry spare ammo, magazines, cleaning gear, scope tools, screwdrivers, range cards, spare sling and swivels, maybe a set of binoculars, etc, etc. Sort of a grab-n-go bag for my CZ550. And, like the bag mentioned above, it should be capable of being carried on its own through use of a sling or strap and should also be able to be integrated into a larger bag through the use of standard attachment methods/points.

A standard SAW ammo pouch comes close to what Im looking for and with a few minor modifications might work well, but I need to shop around a bit…hit the usual gearqueer sites like Kifaru, Maxpedition, etc, etc.
Speaking of my CZ, now that I have the lovely 8# keg o’ Varget to use I can accelerate my work on developing an ideal load for my .308. I’ve got some Sierra MatchKings to try out and also will be getting some Lapua .308 brass to try as well. I want to find a load that shoots well and then crank out about a thousand rounds of it to stock away. Then comes the fun part – calculating ballistics with things like time of flight, remaining energy, bullet drop, wind drifts, etc. at various ranges and making range cards. According to my software, assuming a target 6″ in diameter (about the size of someones face), if I sight in at 129 yards I can hold dead on out to 270 yards and hit within that 6″ target zone without having to worry about holdovers. Assuming my target zone is a 10″ circle (about a torso/chest size) I can sight in at 154 yards and hit within my target zone out to 330 yards.
What brings the good Commander Zero joy? Saving money and stocking his freezer..and if I can do each of those at the same time, all the better.

Case in point: ground beef. My local Albertson’s is only three blocks from my workplace, so each day around lunchtime I trot over and scope out the meat counter. Stuff that has hit (or is about to hit) its ‘use by’ date is put in a bin way at the end of the counter and marked down. Todays prize: 80/20 ground beef that was normally $2.99 a pound is in 1~2# packages at $1.69 per pound that’s about 44% off. Put another way, the $8.79 I spent to get 5.2 pounds of meat would normally have only gotten me 2.94 pounds of meat. Its like getting two-and-a-quarter pounds of meat for free. Darn near half price! Pays to shop smart, people! (They also had a few pork loin roasts and some angus beef marked down but I couldn’t really see them being as versatile as regular ground beef. However, on those occasions when they have a beef roast marked down, I try to get those since they are good for sandwiches all week.)

1/3 goes into the freezer for immediate use and the remaining 2/3 goes for the cryo-nap in my deep freeze downstairs (after being vacuum sealed, naturally).

There is no reason for anyone in this country to be hungry. If you can come up with $5 a day I can feed you until you bust. Last night I made shrimp fried rice and the cost was about…mmm…twentyfive cents for enough rice for two people…another thirty cents for three eggs..about twenty cents for one green onion…soy sauce was free since it was a packet from a Chinese take out…three bucks for some cooked shrimp (or I could use some of the even cheaper remaindered skinless chicken breast or steak and bring this in for even less)…so its about a $4 dinner, in terms of actual ingredients. That’s for two people, mind you…so that’s really $2/person. Still leaves me three bucks to feed you oatmeal, scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast and maybe some soup for lunch.

An interesting side note was that when I was cooking last night I had to restock the rice container that was on the kitchen counter. I got on the footstool, opened a cabinet and pulled down a white six-gallon bucket. Set it on the counter, unscrewed the GammaSeal lid and beheld bazillions of tiny grains of rice…all nice and safe, clean and dry, secured from rodent and insect problems, and when I scooped out a cup of the stuff it barely made a dent in the huge quantity that was there. Mmmmm…that’s security. I love that smug, satisified feeling of ‘Oh yeah, this was a good idea’.

There arent many people who enjoy a good apocalyptic fiction (as opposed to apocalyptic non-fiction, I guess) book as much as I. So, when I heard Stephen King had a book out (Cell) about zombies I figured Id give it a shot. Now, theres spoilage ahead but I dont think you’ll care because Im advocating you save yourself $18 and give this thing a pass.

Let us be warned: There be spoilage ahead

arfcom survival forum

Yup, got a bit weary of the fundamental and the judgemental over at the Cheap Rodent forum so I signed up at arfcom’s forum. Still read over at the other place, but after reading pretty much every post at arfcom I think I like them a bit better. Need to just lurk for a bit to see what sense of community they have though.

For the interested:

Egg fried rice experiment

Happiness is finding food storage that you like enough to eat even when there arent hordes of zombies roaming the streets.

Tried making egg fried rice this evening and to my surprise it came out pretty darn good. I was surprised because the ingredients were pretty unimpressive.

1 cup cooked rice
couple tablespoons cooking oil
green onion, sliced
three eggs

Beat three eggs lightly, add a pinch of salt and a little bit of the green onions and then beat some more.
Heat oil in wok and add eggs, scrambling and cooking until theyre about half done
Add rice and mix really really well
Cook with frequent stirring until eggs are dry, rice is thoroughly coated. Add remaining onions and cook another minute or two.

Its good by itself with some soy cauce. Where it really shines is as a base for adding whatever is handy like chicken or othermeats and whatever vegetables (or sprouts) you have laying about.

The original recipe calls for some green peas as well but I dont care for green peas so I omitted them. However, Mountain House makes freezedried (FD) green peas. The dehydrated eggs, rice and cooking oil can all be stored longterm and dehydrated or FD onions could be substituted for the green onions.

Good meal, filling, hearty, requires minimal prep and the cost is less than $1 for a large serving.

Land musings

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

The most useful and valuable resource any revolutionary movement can have is…what? Operational bases located in other countries. The FLN had Tunisia, the Viet Cong had Cambodia and to a lesser degree China, Anti-Castro forces have/had Florida, etc, etc. The advantages are, to me, obvious. Remember when you were a kid and played tag? If you were on ‘base’ you were immune from getting tagged. Same thing.

I mention it because I think one of the biggest advantages that a person can have in terms of personal preparedness is a secondary location to relocate to. Take the case of Katrina victims, for example. Lets say they do get on a bus or get some gas for their Buick and get out of Dodge. Where to go? If you dont have a secondary location or some good friends or relatives to set up with youre going to be living in your car or a hotel and neither one of those is an attractive option. The solution would be to have a place to go where you know that even if the accomodations arent exactly the same as the place youre evacuating from you at least know theres food, fuel, water, clean clothes and power waiting for you.

Realistically, this is probably the most expensive aspect of preparedness (short of fortifying or building-to-suit your primary residence). There are a few ways to go about setting up a secondary location. Your secondary location could simply be good friends or relatives. Showing up on their doorstep with just the clothes on your back would be a bit of a burden so if they are, as we say, ‘Like Minded Individuals’, they might not mind you leaving a couple footlockers in their basement in case you ever wind up becoming their guests for a few months. Clothes, bedding, toiletries, some food, etc…the usual stuff, goes a long way towards making oneself welcome. A decent all-season tent would be nice because then you could just pitch it in their backyard and really be a low-profile guest. Shower in the morning using their bathroom, run an extension cord out to the tent for a small heater or radio, and you’d pretty much be invisible to them.

Another option, and one I’d like to pursue, is to simply have the land available to retreat to. Realistically, we all want a nice fortified, spacious dwelling to pull up to as the mushroom clouds bloom in the distance. In reality, thats a pretty big-ticket item. The old addage about a bird in the hand being worth two in the bush really comes to play here. Example: the property you want with nice old stone farmhouse, year-round spring and fertile fields is $300k. While youre saving that money The Big Event happens and you need to relocate…but you havent gotten the property yet. A more realistic alternative, in my opinion, is to buy the bare land first and hold onto it until such time as you can build on it or re-sell it when youve saved enough for another place. This way, while your saving up for that perfect bunker you still have a place to go if you need to. A few acres of land that is in your name gives you alot more relocation options than a real estate brochure and money in a savings account. Its a place to park a trailer, set up a tent, drop a cargo container, or even build a small, basic build-it-yourself-in-a-weekend cabin.

While your sticking money away for the Perfect Place, you have this chunk of land as a fallback position. When you finally do have enough money you can either build on your proerty or buy the property you’ve been wanting all along and sell your other one (which probably appreciated in the interval).

At least, thats the theory….

Land musings

The most useful and valuable resource any revolutionary movement can have is…what? Operational bases located in other countries. The FLN had Tunisia, the Viet Cong had Cambodia and to a lesser degree China, Anti-Castro forces have/had Florida, etc, etc. The advantages are, to me, obvious. Remember when you were a kid and played tag? If you were on ‘base’ you were immune from getting tagged. Same thing.

I mention it because I think one of the biggest advantages that a person can have in terms of personal preparedness is a secondary location to relocate to. Take the case of Katrina victims, for example. Lets say they do get on a bus or get some gas for their Buick and get out of Dodge. Where to go? If you dont have a secondary location or some good friends or relatives to set up with youre going to be living in your car or a hotel and neither one of those is an attractive option. The solution would be to have a place to go where you know that even if the accomodations arent exactly the same as the place youre evacuating from you at least know theres food, fuel, water, clean clothes and power waiting for you.

Realistically, this is probably the most expensive aspect of preparedness (short of fortifying or building-to-suit your primary residence).  There are a few ways to go about setting up a secondary location. Your secondary location could simply be good friends or relatives. Showing up on their doorstep with just the clothes on your back would be a bit of a burden so if they are, as we say, ‘Like Minded Individuals’, they might not mind you leaving a couple footlockers in their basement in case you ever wind up becoming their guests for a few months. Clothes, bedding, toiletries, some food, etc…the usual stuff, goes a long way towards making oneself welcome. A decent all-season tent would be nice because then you could just pitch it in their backyard and really be a low-profile guest. Shower in the morning using their bathroom, run an extension cord out to the tent for a small heater or radio, and you’d pretty much be invisible to them.

Another option, and one I’d like to pursue, is to simply have the land available to retreat to. Realistically, we all want a nice fortified, spacious dwelling to pull up to as the mushroom clouds bloom in the distance. In reality, thats a pretty big-ticket item. The old addage about a bird in the hand being worth two in the bush really comes to play here. Example: the property you want with nice old stone farmhouse, year-round spring and fertile fields is $300k. While youre saving that money The Big Event happens and you need to relocate…but you havent gotten the property yet. A more realistic alternative, in my opinion, is to buy the bare land first and hold onto it until such time as you can build on it or re-sell it when youve saved enough for another place. This way, while your saving up for that perfect bunker you still have a place to go if you need to. A few acres of land that is in your name gives you alot more relocation options than a real estate brochure and money in a savings account. Its a place to park a trailer, set up a tent, drop a cargo container, or even build a small, basic build-it-yourself-in-a-weekend cabin.

While your sticking money away for the Perfect Place, you have this chunk of land as a fallback position. When you finally do have enough money you can either build on your proerty or buy the property you’ve been wanting all along and sell your other one (which probably appreciated in the interval).

At least, thats the theory….

Red Cross ramblings, fuel can fumings, AK/AR comparisons

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

I saw on the news that the Red Cross is still getting blowback from their operations (or lack thereof) in La. following the hurricane there. The main complaint seems to be that on a small/local level they do okay, but those small on-the-ground units are hampered by lumbering out-of-touch corporate bureaucracy. Remember the scene in ‘Blackhawk Down’ where generals in Washington are trying to manage a battle over satellite? Theyre in Washington giving orders to troops in Somalia who are engaged in firefights. Same thing.

Solution? Everyone has a solution. Mine is to do what most militaries do. Give broad guidelines and tremendous lattitude to the on-scene crews to do what they think is necessary within the pre-established framework. Of course, I also think a military-like approach to disaster relief would make a huge difference. Not military as in gun-toting gung-ho types (although theres certainly a place for that in any disaster relief org.) but rather in terms of TOE, rapid deployment ability, logistics, etc, etc.

The girlfriend and I were going through our snail mail the other night and there was a ’send us money’ letter from the Red Cross. The girlfriend said that in the past she had donated but that she wouldnt this time. I asked if it was because of the mismanagement of the agency that has come to light in the wake of Katrina. She said that wasnt the reason, her reasoning was that it made more sense to spend that money on our own preparations. By our being prepared, we are not a burden that the Red Cross needs to put resources into. In short, since we’ll be ready the RC can go elsewhere. (And, of course, theres the added bonus that we dont have to stand on food lines.) A very practical response. One less needy couple means the RC can focus their efforts on someone who isnt prepared.

Does this mean I dont think the RC is worth donating to? Not sure. They do good work in terms of first aid/CPR training and the smaller stuff. However, I think that money would be better invested in community/state level disaster relief. After all, the RC will take a couple days to get to you whereas the boys at VFD #1 will already be there the second the hurricane is over. Municipalities have no shortage of properties that would be suitable for secure and structurally resiliant supply storage facility.

I’ve said it before, but its true – Katrina/New Orleans will be the paradigm for most disaster planning for the forseeable future. It was hust too ‘perfect’ an example to not use…there was lawlessness, out of control cops, local and federal impotence, dramatic tales and footage of survival, huge body counts, etc, etc. Its every ’survivalist fantasy’ made manifest. All the elements are there. The scenarios that previously just existed in badly-written ‘mens action’ novels (*Ahern*cough*Johnstone*)actually existed and, by implication, could exists again elsewhere. Definitely a wakeup call to the less-than-prepared.
Im experiencing some disappointment with the plastic Blitz fuel cans. This requires some mental imagery so bear with me. The spout that comes with the can is, when not in use, inverted so that it is inside the can. Follow me? Problem is, the spout hangs down far enough into the can that its mouth comes in contact with the fuel. When the temperature changes the expansion/contraction of the container and the vapors within creat pressure and fuel is forced up the spout and then seeps out the cap. Very bad. The solutions are all unappealing:
Fill the cans to the point where the fuel doesnt come in contact with the spout – so my 5-gal. containers is a 4.5 gal.?
Remove the spout and simply use a cap on the mouth of the can – Easiest but removes convenience of having a pourable spout available with the fuel.
Leave lids screwed on cans loose enough to allow vapor/pressure bleeding – Im sure you can see the unappeal of that

Sadly, if I continue to go with the plastic cans, option #2 looks like it may have to be the way to go. About now someone will ask why not use the MFC (mil. fuel cans) that are available. Well, for my needs theyre probably a good choice but damn they are spendy. Let me quickly recap my needs vis-a-vis plastic vs. metal fuel cans: metal cans are for long (>1 year) storage of fuel and are preferred for their lack of permeability and their durability. The plastic cans are for short term (FAQ on fuel storage cans that compare the most popular ‘jerry cans’. I’ll try to find it and post the link.
I just finished cleaning the girlfriends AK and as I marvel at its simplicity all I can think is “The AR is never clean enough and the AK is never dirty enough”.

Red Cross ramblings, fuel can fumings, AK/AR comparisons

I saw on the news that the Red Cross is still getting blowback from their operations (or lack thereof) in La. following the hurricane there. The main complaint seems to be that on a small/local level they do okay, but those small on-the-ground units are hampered by lumbering out-of-touch corporate bureaucracy. Remember the scene in ‘Blackhawk Down’ where generals in Washington are trying to manage a battle over satellite? Theyre in Washington giving orders to troops in Somalia who are engaged in firefights. Same thing.

Solution? Everyone has a solution. Mine is to do what most militaries do. Give broad guidelines and tremendous lattitude to the on-scene crews to do what they think is necessary within the pre-established framework. Of course, I also think a military-like approach to disaster relief would make a huge difference. Not military as in gun-toting gung-ho types (although theres certainly a place for that in any disaster relief org.) but rather in terms of TOE, rapid deployment ability, logistics, etc, etc.

The girlfriend and I were going through our snail mail the other night and there was a ‘send us money’ letter from the Red Cross. The girlfriend said that in the past she had donated but that she wouldnt this time. I asked if it was because of the mismanagement of the agency that has come to light in the wake of Katrina. She said that wasnt the reason, her reasoning was that it made more sense to spend that money on our own preparations. By our being prepared, we are not a burden that the Red Cross needs to put resources into. In short, since we’ll be ready the RC can go elsewhere. (And, of course, theres the added bonus that we dont have to stand on food lines.) A very practical response. One less needy couple means the RC can focus their efforts on someone who isnt prepared.

Does this mean I dont think the RC is worth donating to? Not sure. They do good work in terms of first aid/CPR training and the smaller stuff. However, I think that money would be better invested in community/state level disaster relief. After all, the RC will take a couple days to get to you whereas the boys at VFD #1 will already be there the second the hurricane is over. Municipalities have no shortage of properties that would be suitable for secure and structurally resiliant supply storage facility.

I’ve said it before, but its true – Katrina/New Orleans will be the paradigm for most disaster planning for the forseeable future. It was hust too ‘perfect’ an example to not use…there was lawlessness, out of control cops, local and federal impotence, dramatic tales and footage of survival, huge body counts, etc, etc. Its every ‘survivalist fantasy’ made manifest.  All the elements are there. The scenarios that previously just existed in badly-written ‘mens action’ novels (*Ahern*cough*Johnstone*)actually existed and, by implication, could exists again elsewhere. Definitely a wakeup call to the less-than-prepared.
Im experiencing some disappointment with the plastic Blitz fuel cans. This requires some mental imagery so bear with me. The spout that comes with the can is, when not in use, inverted so that it is inside the can. Follow me? Problem is, the spout hangs down far enough into the can that its mouth comes in contact with the fuel. When the temperature changes the expansion/contraction of the container and the vapors within creat pressure and fuel is forced up the spout and then seeps out the cap. Very bad. The solutions are all unappealing:
Fill the cans to the point where the fuel doesnt come in contact with the spout – so my 5-gal. containers is a 4.5 gal.?
Remove the spout and simply use a cap on the mouth of the can – Easiest but removes convenience of having a pourable spout available with the fuel.
Leave lids screwed on cans loose enough to allow vapor/pressure bleeding – Im sure you can see the unappeal of that

Sadly, if I continue to go with the plastic cans, option #2 looks like it may have to be the way to go. About now someone will ask why not use the MFC (mil. fuel cans) that are available. Well, for my needs theyre probably a good choice but damn they are spendy. Let me quickly recap my needs vis-a-vis plastic vs. metal fuel cans: metal cans are for long (>1 year) storage of fuel and are preferred for their lack of permeability and their durability. The plastic cans are for short term (<1 year) where their permeability is mitigated by the six month rotation of fuel. Also, theyre conveniently cheap at about $5 ea. versus $30 for the metal cans. One thing I very much want is the convenience of having the fuel spigot attached in some way to the fuel container so that it is unobtrusive but always there. The plastic Blitz cans seemed like a good idea but now Im not so sure. The MFC seem to cost almost as much as the steel Blitz cans and if thats the case then I may as well get the steel ones. I suppose I should shop around a bit and see if I can find the cans cheaply somewhere. I hit the (Canadian) manufacturers website but didnt see anything about direct sales. I know BQ and a few other sources have them. Anyone wanna chime in with a source? Also, floating around on the internet is a FAQ on fuel storage cans that compare the most popular ‘jerry cans’. I’ll try to find it and post the link.
I just finished cleaning the girlfriends AK and as I marvel at its simplicity all I can think is “The AR is never clean enough and the AK is never dirty enough”.

Extreme cold weather bag sale, Bag O' Tricks, propane Volcano, crisis predicting, board pimpage

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Major Surplus N’ Survival is having a sale on military extreme cold weather bags. Comes with a groundpad and some cheesy backpack. The military extreme cold weather bag is a goodie. Its big and heavy, so dont plan on backpacking it anywhere….however its an outstanding choice for static usage such as keeping in the back of your truck in the winter and that sort of thing. A couple years ago I waited until it got to be about zero degrees outside, set the bag out, stripped to my shorts, tshirt and socks and climbed in. Was warm enough that I would have no trouble recommending this bag for vehicle use or for use in other cold weather situations where staying warm is a life/death issue. Sale price is, get this, $30! And thats with a ground pad! Thats a good deal, folks. I recommend it to all concerned.
Whats in the Zero’s Tactical Tailor bag that he carries with him most every day? Buncha stuff….spare Glock mags, 9mm ammo, Gerber folding knife, two LED flashlights, first aid kit, paracord, zip ties, AM battery radio, cold weather module, lashing straps for the pack, notebook and pens, bottle of water, etc, etc. It isnt a BOB since I live 9 blocks from where I work. If I lived ten miles from where I work I’d carry much more different stuff. This mostly just things that will be handy if the power goes out, the rioting starts, the aliens land, etc. and I need to walk home. Its also handy for medium-range roadtrips. However, it has come in handy in the past….never know when youre going to need to ziptie something together or have to bandage a booboo. (And, before anyone chimes in with ‘You should have _____ in there’, trust me its probably already in there.)
The local Sportsmans Warehouse has a goodie I want. Its got the large Volcano cookstove with propane conversion. Uberrific! I have a small Volcano charcoal stove and I must say it works very very nicely. However, I do wish I had gotten the larger one. This one I saw at SW is not only large, but it can be quickly converted to use the highly convenient bottles of propane. Thats the sort of multifuel capability that brings a smile to the Zero’s face. An advantage to the Volcano stove versus, say, a Coleman folding camp stove, is the sheer ruggedness of the thing. You can stack layers of heavy cast iron dutch ovens on the Volcano with no concern for buckling or crushing something….and cast iron cookware really shines when youre cooking outdoors. This isnt to say that I’d go with the Volcano stove as my only alternative cooking stove….sometimes portability is needed and thats where my delicious little Omnifuel comes in. But, adding the Volcano to the stove I already have I will have the ability to cook and boil water using charcoal, gasoline, kerosene, coleman fuel, propane, wood and pretty much anything that you can put a match to… and the ability to create large quantities of boiling water can be pretty darn handy in a crisis. Esp. when being clean and eating with clean utensils means the difference between healthy survivor and sickly weak survivor.
Speaking of crisis, my focus is still on an economic/infrastructure crisis brought about by either terrorism or economic upheaval. As Ive said before the incidents where you go to bed in a normal world and wake up in a Mad Max movie are pretty rare…earthquakes and nuclear weapons are about the only things that really do that in the blink of an eye. Im more concerned about the gradual slide into a crisis…prices go up, jobs are lost, shelves start going bare, the supermarket is slower to restock, more and more police start hanging around banks, rolling blackouts occur, etc, etc. Pretty much a slow slide into Third Worldism. Sure it may be a temporary Third Worldism lasting only a year or two but when America catches a cold, pretty much everyone reaches for the Kleenex. My goal is that if the jobs are lost and the economy tanks to still be in a position to have heat, food and security for at least a year.

Of course, if youre ready for that youre probably also prepared for the sudden crisis like earthquakes, nuking, hurricanes, blizzards, famines, etc.
I’d like to take a minute to recommend’s ’survival’ discussion board. Unlike another board I spend a good bit of time on, this one seems to have less judgemental Jesus-worshippers. Im a live and let live kinda survivalist, but the notion that if I dont believe in Jesus or think the Ten Commandments dont belong in government Im somehow less of a patriot makes me a bit angry. Hence, Im going to divide my time between the squirrels and arfcom’s board.