
Ganked from a link at the squirrely place….observations and AAR from Katrina with some interesting points:

And while we’re at it, it looks to be an interesting site on its own so it goes into my bookmarks.


3. Your personal and/or corporate supplies andfacilities may be commandeered without warning, receipt or compensation.I’ve had numerous reports from in and near the disaster zone of individuals(e.g. boat-owners, farmers with barns, tractors, etc.) and corporate groups(e.g. companies with heavy equipment, churches with halls, etc.) finding anofficial on their doorstep demanding the use of their facilities or equipment.If they demurred, they were told that this was an “emergencysituation” and that their assistance was being required, not requested.Some of them have lost track of the heavy equipment “borrowed” in thisway, and don’t know where it is, whether or not it’s still in good condition,and when (if ever) it will be returned – and in the meantime, they can’tcontinue their normal operations without this equipment. Others have had theirland and facilities effectively confiscated for use by rescue and reliefworkers, storage of supplies, etc. In some cases, in the absence of theirowners, the property of the individuals and groups concerned (e.g. farm gasolineand diesel supplies, the inventory of motor vehicle dealers, suppliers offoodstuffs, tarpaulins, etc.) have been commandeered and used by law enforcementand relief workers, without permission, receipts, reimbursement, etc. Protestshave been met with denials, threats of arrest, insinuations of being”uncaring” and “un-co-operative”, etc. Lesson learned ifyou’ve got what officials need in a time of crisis, forget about Constitutionalprotections of your property! Sure, you can sue after the fact, but if you needyour goods and facilities for your own survival, you’re basically SOL. Those ofus who stockpile necessities for potential crises like this might want toconsider concealing our stockpiles to prevent confiscation and if you needcertain equipment for your own day-to-day use (e.g. tractors for farmers,generators, etc.), you might have a hard time retaining possession of thesethings. This problem applies to relief workers also I’ve had several reports ofprivate relief workers (e.g. those sent in by churches, etc.) having theirvehicles and supplies commandeered by “official” relief workers,without compensation or receipt, and being kicked out of the disaster area withwarnings not to return. The fact that the “private” workers wereaccomplishing rather more than the “official” workers was apparentlyof no importance.

4. If you look like you know what you’redoing, you may be a target of those less prepared. There have been many,many reports of individuals who were more or less prepared for a disaster beingpreyed upon by those who were not prepared. Incidents range from theft ofsupplies, through attempts to bug out with these persons (uninvited), to actualviolence. It’s genuinely frightening to hear about these incidents, particularlythe attitude of those trying to prey on the prepared they seemed to feel thatbecause you’d taken steps to protect yourself and your loved ones, you hadsomehow done so at their expense, and they were therefore “entitled”to take from you what they needed. There’s no logical explanation for thisattitude, unless it’s bred by the utter dependence of many such people on theState for welfare, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, etc. Since they’ve alwaysbeen dependent on others, and regarded this as an “entitlement”, in adisaster situation, they seem to automatically assume that they’re”entitled” to what you’ve got! In one case, the family’s pet dog washeld hostage, with a knife at its throat, until the family handed over money andsupplies. In two cases, families were threatened with the rape of their womenunless they co-operated with the aggressors. In four cases that I know of,children were held hostage to ensure co-operation. There have also been reportsof crimes during the bug-out process. Families sleeping in their cars at highwayrest areas were a favorite target, including siphoning of gas from their tanks,assaults, etc. The lessons to be learned from this are obvious. One family can’tsecure itself against these threats without great difficulty. It’s best to be”teamed up” with neighbors to secure your neighborhood as a whole,rather than be the one house with facilities in an area filled with those lessprepared. If you’re in the latter situation, staying put may not be a safeoption, and a bug-out plan may be vital. When bugging out, you’re still not safefrom harm, and must maintain constant vigilance.

Now you tell me that doesnt make you want to stock up on ammo and shotgun shells.

Linkage, the sheep look up

  • This looks highly interesting: – A self-heat meal I was previously unaware of. Looking for all the world like a ‘self heat’ out of an Axler book.
  • Wiggys makes and sells poncho liners and theyre on sale
  • Interesting and overpriced can organizer…but you could crib the design if youre the DIY type
  • Other powdered eggs to try…seems a good price if its a decent product. Someone try it and get bac k to me.
  • A survival site

In New Orleans, Self-Sufficiency Is the Theme

“People are doing themselves a disservice if they think the governmentis going to take care of them,” said Phyllis Parun, a New Orleanscommunity activist who Wednesday organized a workshop on hurricanepreparedness in her Bywater neighborhood, and got the American RedCross to lead it. “It’s fend-for-yourself time.”

“People are doing themselves a disservice if they think the governmentis going to take care of them,” said Phyllis Parun, a New Orleanscommunity activist who Wednesday organized a workshop on hurricanepreparedness in her Bywater neighborhood, and got the American RedCross to lead it. “It’s fend-for-yourself time.”

Theres an old joke that a Conservative is a Liberal who got mugged. Perhaps a survivalist is sheeple that spent a night in the Guantanodome. Hey, whatever it takes….the more people feel independent of .gov’s teat the better off we all are.

MOA @ 200 yds., working for a living, drop, LJ recommendation

My buddy points out to me that 13/16″ at 200 yards is .38794016311611415297579278210326 MOA. Why, yes, he is an engineer..why do you ask?
I’ve decided, for several reasons, to get a second job. My primary reason is to sock away money so that the girlfriend can quit her job to go to school. However, a small portion of this anticipated increase in income is marked for more goodies. Specifically, magazines and AR receivers. Im having a crisis of faith in regards to the 2008 elections. If the Democrats wind up winning I can totally forsee the return of the AW ban…and even if nothing changes I think we all agree extra guns and magazines is never a bad idea or investment. There are, of course, other things I want to get but the guns and mags are the noly things I want that are likely to be legislated out of my reach. Not alot of legistalionfloating around on MFCs, MREs, FDFs, and the like.
My math says that a .30 168 MK at 2800 fps that is +2″ at 100 will be -.3″ at 200 and around -6″ at 300….
Interesting LJ for today – akobsessed

US Bird Flu plans

U.S. Plan For Flu Pandemic Revealed

Lets hit the highlights…..


The Treasury Department is poised to sign agreements with other nations to produce currency if U.S. mints cannot operate. The Pentagon, anticipating difficulties acquiring supplies from the Far East, is considering stockpiling millions of latex gloves. And the Department of Veterans Affairs has developed a drive-through medical exam to quickly assess patients who suspect they have been infected.

To keep the 1.8 million federal workers healthy and productive through a pandemic, the Bush administration would tap into its secure stash of medications, cancel large gatherings, encourage schools to close and shift air traffic controllers to the busier hubs — probably where flu had not yet struck. Retired federal employees would be summoned back to work, and National Guard troops could be dispatched to cities facing possible “insurrection,” said Jeffrey W. Runge, chief medical officer at the Department of Homeland Security.

The administration hopes to help contain the first cases overseas by rushing in medical teams and supplies. “If there is a small outbreak in a country, it may behoove us to introduce travel restrictions,” Runge said, “to help stamp out that spark.”

Operating the largest health-care organization in the nation, the VA has directed its 153 hospitals to stock up on other medications, equipment, food and water, said chief public health officer Lawrence Deyton. “But it’s a few days’ worth, not enough to last months,” he added.

Anticipating that some nurses may be home caring for family members — and to reduce the number of patients descending on its hospitals — the VA intends to put nurses on its toll-free hotline to help veterans decide whether they need professional medical care. At many VA hospitals, nurses and doctors would stand in the parking lots armed with thermometers and laptop computers to do drive-through exams. Modeled after its successful drive-through vaccination program last fall, the parking-lot triage is intended to keep the flow of patients moving rapidly, Deyton said.

“Any community that fails to prepare — with the expectation that the federal government can come to the rescue — will be tragically wrong,” HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt said in a speech April 10. The administration is posting information on the Internet at .

Ignoring the logistical element of what will basically amount to infrastructure failure (what with normal commerce disrupted and all) the economic hitw ould be enormous. With people not going to work, how are those mortgage payments being met? Bank holidays and moratoriums from federal edict?

CZ 308

So my fellow LMI finally got his chronograph back from the shop. (And, broadly speaking, theres only one reason you send a chronograph back to the manufacturer for repair…so lets not ask ‘why was it at the shop?’) In order to calculate bullet drop, time of flight, and all those other fun things that would help in making my .308 experiences more accurate ones, I need to know the exact velocity of my loads…not the guesstimate that the reloading manual suggests.
Cut for table and image..and boring ballistics

Gun show, bird flu

Went to the gun show yesterday. Even though Im not necessarily looking for guns (or gun related items) gun shows are still outstanding venues for purchasing the sundry items that make the uncertain future a bit easier to bear…poncho liners, ammo cans for storage, first aid gear, optics, camping stuff, mil surp clothing, etc, etc, etc.

Didn’t see anything I couldn’t live without, although there were some very nice goodies. A few .50 bolt actions, a slew of FN products (probably because of a promotion FN has been running where a dealer gets a free FN gun if they purchase five FN guns) with the PS90 being noticeably absent, some decent scopes, John “Militia Of Montana” Trochmann had his usual books and gear although his eyepatch was missing, and no sign of Randy Weaver at this one.

I wasn’t really looking for much. Cant really afford much right now. I did pick up a few pairs of EMT shears which my first aid kits have been lacking. Otherwise I pretty much passed on everything. The only things that even tempted me were some SA .308 battle packs for the FAL. There was almost no, nada, none,zip Wolf 7.62×39 to be found. Nor were there any of the ‘off’ brands like Silver Bear, Barnaul, etc, etc. Read into it what you will. Also there were plenty of AK’s in attendance but not a lot of steel magazines for them. I did see the new betamag for the Mini-14 (and given the reliability of the Ruger platform, I’d bet the Mini would run the full mag just fine whereas the AR might jam after 75 rounds or so…that’s just opinion. On the other hand, the AR would at least put the bullets where you point them, where they go out of the Ruger is anyones guess.)

Ok, I forgot….there was one item I saw that I wanted and that was the military sleep system. Inner, outer and Goretex bag. Ive been wanting one of those for a while now. One of the LMI picked up a couple and they looked mighty good to me. Usually about $150 and probably worth it.
Rumblings in the UK about bird flu complete with a recently publicized document about government plans to press former emergency workers into service to drive trucks of food and supplies through afflicted areas. I’m still on the bird flu fence. However, even if bird flu doesn’t make the jump to humans (and I’m not saying it won’t, Im just making a point here) all it’ll take is the announcement of a few dead geese in a Washington cornfield to start the panic buying and shopping that makes these things self-fulfilling prophecies. Take Hurricane Rita for example, the hurricane killed less people than the evacuation did. Bird flu itself might shut down a city but the announcement of bird flu, whether theres a threat or not, will do it just as well. So even if bird flu is a bust in terms of being transmitted to humans you’ll still get the same chaos as if it had.

My interest in bird flu isn’t necessarily that I’ll contract it. I tend to lead a fairly reclusive life with little face-to-face contact with people…its not like I share an office, elevator or bathroom with 150 other people in a company. Its just me, the girlfriend and a few people at arms length at the bank and post office. (And, yeah, both of those places are fine breeding grounds for germ transfer…fortunately both are also completely replaceable with online transactions.)

No, my concern is from the effects of bird flu. Disruptions in trucking and delivery of goods, the fast and sudden disappearance of chicken from the meat department at Albertsons (so stock up now, kids!), the economic slowdown as a result of decreased productivity, etc, etc, etc. Sure, I’ll go through gobs of hand sanitizer and bleach the living hell out things but my real concern is availability of food, travel restrictions, inflation, scarcity of goods and that sort of thing.

The handwriting is on the wall that the natives are restless. Ammo shortages, FDF shortages, .gov plans and contingencies, etc, etc. Apparently theres a large contingent of people out there who are thinking ‘just in case….’

Glock parts, Wakefield eggs

Spare parts for the Glock 19’s arrived yesterday from Lone Wolf. Granted, Idaho is just a long rifle shot away from here but their turnaround time was pretty ggod. With shipping factored in each spare assembly came to $6.50 ea. Dropped one in the girlfriends G19 and we’re back in business. Not that it slowed us down in the least…know why? Redundant backups my friends, she could simply carry her G26 (and use her G19 mags if so inclined) or use my G19 (Since I usually carry around a G17). Nonetheless, spare parts for all guns. Thats the lesson for taoday.
Hey, I noticed REI is no longer carrying the Wakefiel instant eggs that impressed me so a few years ago. Hmmmm.

When you find a good piece of gear, buy it and buy alot of it ’cause you never know when its gonna go off the market.

Glock failure

Speaking of spare parts….

The girlfriend shot a few hundred rounds through her G19 the other day and had disassembled it for cleaning. She laid the parts out on the tray table she was sitting at and prepared to clean. She bumped the table, knocking the recoil spring assembly and slide off the table. The slide landed on top of the recoil spring assembly and broke the plastic recoil spring guide. The usually captive unit was now non-captive.

Could the Glock work in this state? Yes. However, disassembly would be harder because the spring would have to be compressed to remove it from the slide.

So…OEM part is $5. There are four on the way. So then the question became one of:
Glock OEM @$5 vs. aftermarket steel assembly for ~$25

Here’s how I see it.

OEM parts are always the first choice in most cases. (Yes, there are exceptions like some AK, AR and 1911 parts but Im makeing a sweeping generalization here) The OEM assemblies will be used and extras kept on hand. Since they are OEM they should be 100% reliable as the previous ones in terms of gun functioning. However, if some circumstance arises that precludes getting replacements in the future, the steel one is available.

Why not use the steel one upfront and just not bother with the OEM ones? Because I think the reliability of the gun will be better with jen-yoo-wine Glock parts rather than aftermarket. I cant prove it, I just feel that way. Is the OEM part better than the aftermarket one? Probably not…it is, after all, plastic. However, this part didnt break in use…it broke when it was removed from the gun and subjected then to impact. ALthough Im sure it has happened, it seems less likely that this sort of breakage occurs in actual use.


OEM parts for the Glock and a couple aftermarket versions of those parts in case the OEM’s become unavailable.

Resident Glock guru smjayman was nice enough to give his suggestions and I recommend he be heeded. Recap:

For Glocks, the parts that I see go down most frequently:

1. Trigger springs.
2. Slide stop springs.
3. Recoil assemblies.
4. Magazine springs.
5. Striker assembly plastic sleeve (as you mention).

I’dconcentrate on those. Spare barrel, while nice, isn’t something I’veseen get mucked up, oh, ever. Maybe if you had a squib and then bulgedthe barrel. I would probably get some spring cups and put those in thekit, not because they go bad, but because they are easily lost duringdetail strip/reassemble.

He also mentions the takedown lever and spring in later posts.


Amusing quotes

girlfriend: ..I need to put some fertilizer in the ground when we ge tthe rototiller.
commander_zero: Great, we’ve got a bunch of Mircale Gro that we can use.
Captain Insano: Miracle Gro? You cant mix that with diesel and make anything interesting!

Just another day at the Zerostead…………

Spare Parts

,Rawles SurvivalBlog has a mention today about spare parts. This is something I’ve thought about a good bit. After all, if the situation is dire enough that you need to carry around your firearms every day and depend on them then the situation is also probably going to be dire enough that heading down to the local gunshop for a spare recoil spring or roll pin is going to be out of the question.

I try to keep all my stuff for my various guns in one place (excepting of course, redundant backups). That is to say, in this example, I try to keep all of my 1911 ‘support gear’ in one convenient bomb-proof container…in this case a ‘tall’ .50 cal. can. Contents? Have a look:

LJ cut for your pleasure