Group Buy – Stag Lowers

Week to two weeks lag time on the Stag lowers is what I was just told. Fortunately, the Zero plans ahead – the five I ordered last week already shipped. They should be here tomorrow.Played it safe and ordered another 10. That will cover all current orders on the group buy and leave a few extras for anyone who wants in and hasnt yet ponied up. The folks at Stag also said that they are stepping up production, theyre selling a buttload of lowers at the moment and that things have been hectic.

This has been another episode of ‘Read the writing on the wall’.

group buy stuff, bunker linkage, FAL stuff

Been hectic the last week. Mostly because we had a bunch of LJ people in town visiting. Always nice to meet folks whom I’ve dialogued with over the years. Tough making the time when youre holding down two jobs though….but its worth it. Its nice to be able to talk with people who don’t look at you like you have two heads as you discuss the merits of propane vs. diesel generators and the ability to scrounge/store fuel for them.
HR1022 is, naturally, affecting the market for everything that’s gun related. Which means…*sigh*…another 100 HK91 mags are getting ordered Monday.

Time to get what you need while you can, guys. Credit cards exist for a reason and this is it.
Also putting in another pre-emptive order with Stag for more lowers. The group buy on them ends this coming Friday and, honestly, Im not really motivated to have another one. Its one thing to pimp Mountain House or the like but once you start having to get everyone on the same page regarding FFL’s and that sort of thing it becomes a bit more work than I really wanted for the rewards I get out it. On the other hand, perhaps I need to simply set it up a bit ‘neater’ next time.

Next group buy? Well, I’ll be 110% honest with you – the group buys revolve around things I’m buying for myself. By getting everyone to come in on a large purchase it knocks the prices down and that way I can gear up at a lower price than if I did it on my own. And, obviously, you guys also do better. Win-win. The drawback, thus far, is that this means the group buys are based on what Im needing to buy and not what other folks are looking for. I am, though, open to ideas. There are a few things I’ve been needing that I’m contemplating as future group buys including knives, first aid/medical stuff, magazines of various flavors, Blackhawk gear, LED lights and some other stuff. Throw out any ideas you have, maybe we can put something together and everyone can get a decent deal.
Some of these photos have been posted here before but there are a few more. The camouflaging on some of these is brilliantly done. The Swiss have their crap together….

Or, they did until the last paragraph of this article. Ooops.

Speaking of bunkers…lets throw in some links: – In French but easy enough to figure out
If anyone wants to buy me this book, feel free…….
A few bunker appreciation societies..brush up on your Berlitz for these….
Had the opportunity last week to fire a few other FAL’s. I bought a pile of DSA’s $5 used metric mags and sometimes I had problems with them. The question is: was it the gun or the mag? You can see the confidence-sapping possibilities, yes? Well, I tried one of the mags that was giving me problems in my FAL in someone elses FAL. Exact same problem. So…the problem is indeed that particular magazine. Accordingly, I need to head-to-head my mags in more than one FAL to vet them. And I need to spend the extra $ and get the better condition $12 used mags. Grrrr.
I got a call from someone I know who was attending a gun show in Mass. They came across a new in box Becker TacTool and wanted to know if I wanted them to pick it up for me. :::facepalm::: Oh where does the money go……
In case you haven’t noticed, the price of ammo and components has, in the last several months, skyrocketed. I’m sorta in the business and stuff that is on ‘special’ or ‘sale’ right now is more expensive than the same item’s non-price sale in January. The ‘why’ isn’t terribly important. What is important is that your ammo:dollar ratio is now shifting to less ammo for your buck. So, if youre lacking in some particular caliber or component, I’d say get ‘em while you can because its only gonna cost more later. I’ve still got cases of $85/1000 Wolf 7.62×39 sitting in the bunker that I’m patting myself on the back over.
Dunno if anyone noticed but theres a permanent link for ordering the MH ProPack if anyone wants more. Theyre on-hand for immediate shipping.

AR mags

Went to the Hamilton gun show. Here’s a lesson in shopping:

I go to the table that has all the military surplus. Theres 8 AR mags sitting in the bin.
Me: How much for the mags?
Him: Ten bucks each.
Me: Make me a better deal for all of them?
Him: Sorry.

On the other side of the room is a fella with a table full of misc gun stuff. Theres a stack of six AR mags.
Me: How much for the mags?
Him: I dunno…lemme think.
Me: Make me a deal for all of them.
Him: How about twenty bucks.
Me: I can do that.

So eight mags for $80 vs. six mags for $20. Given the current political clime what would you do? Precisely: drop $100, buy all 14 and average out your cost.

Specter 3-point slings

Someone, I cant remember who, asked me about three-point slings. The girlfriend was nice enough to get me a very nice one for my AR15A2 a couple years ago and I’ve been pleased enough with it to recommend it. The sling was from CQB Solutions which has changed its name to Specter.

I’ve ordered another sling for use with my HKlone and should probably get another for the Bushie Dissipator carbine I picked up a few months back.

By the by, theres a very nice illustrated tutorial on the various ways to use a three-point sling. I think most of you might find it interesting.

Permanent(?) MH link

Thats the link to the permanent-for-now ordering page for the Montain House freeze-drieds. For now, its the ProPack pouches in ten different flavors (their entire line). Unlike last time, there is an option for ordering single (or, really, up to five) pouches but you get a better value ordering by the full case.

No time limit on this particular deal. Order whenever you want. All of it is on hand for immediate shipping.
#10 cans will be on there but not for a few months until the next group buy.


EDIT: Oh..and I received another 100 mags for my HKlone today. So a big, heartfelt ‘fuck off and die’ to the fine folks working to make HR1022 a reality.

Bushmaster gas-piston guns and uppers.

Well zowie!

I got the new Bushmaster catalog today and, surprise!, Bushmaster is making a gas-piston AR and they are alos selling a gas-piston upper. Looks promising. Bad news is that they want upwards of a grand just for the upper.

I like the AR platform for its ergonomics and modularity. Its reliability, however, isnt what Id like it to be and that is mostly because of its direct impingement system. Add a FAL/AK style of gas operation and I think you’ve got the a wonderful new beast.

I wouldvery very much like to get a review on one of these. I’d be willing to sell of a few of my current Bushies to get a couple with the new gas system.

Camillus closing

As I predicted/forecasted/warned, the folks at Camillus have closed their doors.

Fortunately, I did get not one but two of the knives I wanted from them.

BUT…I still need the TacTool.

Its sad that these good American knife companies are going under. I was in WallyWorld the other day and even some of the Buck and Gerber knives are mafe in China. Even if the Chinese did make quality stuff, I’d avoid it just on principle.

I think KaBar might be the last choice for a large sheath knife thats US made. We’ll see. I have a gun show this weekend to attend so perhaps there’ll be another Becker knife in the future if I come across one.

More MH, stripped AR lowers

Some people were unable for various reasons (timing, out of country, etc) to partake in the last couple MH buys and a few people didnt want to have to buy things in case quantities without knowing if they were going to like what they ordered….and there was no provision to buy ‘onesies’. So…I’m leaving a page set up for a small selection of the MH freeze drieds. Prices will be the same for the cases (6/case) but single pouches (or, really, any quantity up to five) will be available as well. Been finishing the bare-bones page and it’ll be up in the next few days. No minimum but obviously the more you order the more worthwhile it becomes shipping-wise. For the time being it’ll be just the ProPack stuff but the #10 cans will be up after the next group buy which I anticipate to be around May/June depending on interest. I need to order $2000 worth to get the free shipping which makes this all possible so I need to know that theres gonna be at least enough orders to make that minimum.
Reminder that the stripped AR lower deal ends two weeks from Friday.