Gun show, links

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Went to the Hamilton gun show today. Nothing really jumped out at me. AR mag prices seem to have come down. In bulk, military contract 30-rd mags were about $10. Ammo was still high. Lucked into a guy selling big boxes ‘o bullets. The Kiwi and I snagged 2000 .30 147 gr. FMJBT w/ cann. for $75/1000….a very nice savings. I also saw the only sporterized G43 I have ever seen. It was hideous. Also saw some guy selling a “sniper” Springfield 1903A4….except it had a front sight (hmmm….werent they all made without front sights?), had the serial number and maker data in the wrong place (hey , werent they made so the scope base wouldnt obscure them?) and had a very non-military base (Wow, I didnt know Redfield made a nice blued one piece base like that way back when!). In short it was everything I could do to not ask the guy if he really knew what he was talking about. Sad thing is some idiot will come along and give him a couple grand for that abortion.

But, more importantly, I got a good deal on bullets and can start putting some .308 ammo away for that rainy decade.


Misc. links:

A survival blog that seems to have gone nowhere:

More of the same:

Interesting files from an odd website:

Practical Preparedness:

More than I ever wanted to know about making lanyards:

Preparedness discussion forum:

Good grief, Kurt Saxon hasnt blown himself up yet?

An to round out the list: ,Rawles’ Survivalblog

Last Man on Earth -> Omega Man -> I Am Legend

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Friday is the day, folks. I am jazzed. I am always up for a good (or even a crappy) post-apocalyptic movie. This years ‘Resident Evil: Extinction’ was only mildly entertaining (although if the apocalypse is going to be full of Milla Jovovich clones then I will personally press The Big Red Button that starts doomsday) and just made me that much more eager for Legend.

Its beaten to death but heres the fast background: “I Am Legend” was a book that was made into a movie with Vincent Price – “Last Man On Earth”. A few years went by and it was re-made as the classic “The Omega Man” with Charlton Heston. Fast forward a few years and its now “I Am Legend” with Will Smith.

All three movies share the same source material but handle it differently. LMOE gave strong vampirical overtones but followed the book pretty well. Omega Man lessened the vampirical angle and utilized a bunch of Christian/Messiah imagery that, once you know what to look for, is hard to ignore. I’ve seen some previews for Legend and it looks to be closer to the book and less like Omega Man although since more people are familiar with Omega Man than LMOE there’ll probably be some nods to the Heston movie.

This movie has been in development for years with Schwarzenegger slated for the lead role but it never materialized. It’ll be interesting to se how Will “Aw hells no” Smith does in it. I love this image from the movie. It looks like me leaving for work in the morning (except I have more hair):


Solution to mall shootings

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Obviously the solution to the problem of teenagers shooting up shopping malls is difficult but it needs to be looked into. Yes, I know Im going to get stiff resistance from the ‘individual rights’ crowd but, dammit, theres lives at stake. Now, be objective and just think this through: Ban teenagers.

No one needs a 16-year-old emo slackard around the house. Studies show that you are 43 more times likely to run out milk and breakfast cereal if theres a teenager in your home. Statistics dont lie, people!

Now, some may say that theres some sort of constitutional right to have teenagers but if you intepret the Constitution that way you have to remember: that document was framed in a different era. The teenagers in those days were harmless. They worked in the fields, handled the livestock, and were actually useful. Modern teenagers are entirely different. A modern teenager can lay waste to an entire refrigerator without pausing to ask “Did you want some of this?”. If our founding fathers knew that the familiar and useful teenagers of their era would be supplanted by todays high-capacity eating machines they’d have struck all language from the Constitution that allows these horrid emo wastes of skin to exist.

What can you do? First of all, if you have a teenager or two in the house GET IT OUT. Send it to college, the Marines, the Peace Corp, whatever. But get it out of the house now! Reduce the risk at home!
Second, work to reduce the incidents of senseless teen violence by removing the source of the problem: support licensing and strict insurance requirements for anyone ‘needing’ a teenager in their home. The US is the only industrialized Western nation that allows completely unfettered teenagers. Fetter them!

Teenagers shooting up shopping malls is a nightmare scenario all too common today. By putting reasonable restrictions on teenagers we can stop this senseless violence. These restriction will not affect people who have legitimate, normal children. We’re not talking about taking away anyone’s toddlers. We just feel there should be sensible controls on the more dangerous and destructive children – teenagers.
Thank you and good night.


Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

A few links…….

I found this fascinating and I recommend it. Videos from a program about those crazy Americans with their bomb shelters:

Part I Part II

I recognized several of the shelters from the book “Waiting For The World To End” by R. Ross. Some very nice shelters in the videos including everyones dream home: the converted missle silo. An interestingthing, and something that surprised me given the apparant UK origination of the show, was that there were no scense of shelter owners displaying their firearms. You couuld see ammo, ammo cans and a rifle in some of the backgrounds but not nearly what Id expect from liberal weenies like the Brits.

More links: shout out to merccom over at LiveJournal for the links to DIY wind turbines:

DIY turbine link #1

DIY Turbine link #2

I would imagine that simply replacing the blades with a chain and sprocket assembly would be all thats needed to build a bicycle generator instead. Good stuff.

Political positions on gun control

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

I dont normally get too far into politics here because thats not what this blog is about, but I do like this candidates unambivalent statement on the gun control issue.

“Other candidates say gun control doesn’t affect hunting. Now I’m a very avid hunter, but the Second Amendment isn’t really about hunting. It’s about tyranny and self-defense. The Founding Fathers weren’t worried about our being able to bag a duck or a deer, they were worried about our keeping our fundamental freedoms.”

Nice words if he really believe them. Alot of folks go to gun shows and get their pictures taken for a campaign, its what they do in office to follow up on that that matters.

Still, refreshing to see such an opinion.

Snowfall, Glock spares

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Had the first major snowfall of the year here the other day. This particular region of Montana is usually very mild in terms of snowfall. Three inches here, two inches there, that sort of thing. Once in a blue moon it may dump eight or ten inches at once but that’s been pretty rare…I haven’t seen it happen for at least the last five years or so. We wound up getting about six inches of heavy wet snow the other day. Every so often the lights would flicker and there were three or four moments when we were without power for five minutes but that was about it. No real outage. Others in the region weren’t so lucky and there are probably still some people out there without power. Biggest culprit was overloaded tree branches dropping onto power lines.

When the lights flickered I went ahead and made sure everything that was rechargeable was plugged in, made sure the cell phones were charging, and set up the police scanner to keep tabs on things. All in all, very uneventful. In addition to a small segment of the local population without power there were a few traffic intersections without traffic lights. Very Mickey Mouse. Nonetheless, its nice to know that if the power had gone out for any real length of time we’d have been just fine, thank you very much.

Historically, when the power goes out around here its in the winter and usually due to these exact circumstances. Sometimes in the summer, however, if the fires are exceptionally bad, there’ll be outages as transmission towers get caught up in the conflagration but that usually happense elsewhere in the region. Since the precursor for the power going out around here is usually very cold weather, I don’t worry about the freezer being offline for too long. Worse comes to worse I can just sit everything on the porch in a box and they’ll stay frozen.

I did wind up mounting several of those lovely puck-shaped LED lights in the critical pathways. They put out a good amount of light and should run a pretty long time considering the low power requirements of LEDs.


Other thing Im working on, in preparation for the elections, is to update and increase my spare parts supply for my Glocks. The primary sidearm around here is the 9mm Glock pistol. Although we have 1911 and P35 pistols as well, the Glock is the first choice for its reliability, durability, and affordability. However, nothing lasts forever and if a critical part breaks on your handgun you’re left with a very awkward club or a rather expensive single-shot. Parts need replacing for two reasons – either you broke the part or you lost the part. Im guessing the latter occurs more than the former.

Determining what spare parts to keep around for the Glock is pretty simple. Its based on parts that I’ve seen break in the past (or have reports of being prone to breakage), parts that are likely to get lost, and parts that are affordable to have in quantity. Nice thing about the Glocks is that other than major things like barrels, extractors and slides everything is usually five bucks or less.

Theres several variants of the 9mm Glock (longlside, competition, fullsize, mid size, compact) but they all use, mostly, the same parts. Obviously some things like recoil spring assemblys and the like will be different but the other stuff is all the same. Parts Im ordering:

Recoil spring assemblies – I’ve seen one of ours break and I’ve heard from others that they do can let go after a while. The gun continues to operate just fine, the spring goes from being ‘captive’ to ‘noncaptive’ and that makes disassembly a bit more involved. But, fortunately, it seems to have zero affect on the gun. They list for $4.95 ea. So I’ll probably get four in the G17 size, four in the G19 size, two for the G26.

Trigger spring – another part I have personally seen fail. Trigger will need to be reset manually. That means after firing you’ll have to push the trigger forward again for the next shot. Still, the gun will continue firing. $2.50 ea. And fits all Glocks. Half dozen please.

The rest of the stuff is mostly small parts that can get lost/broken if a detailed disassembly goes south. Spring cups ($2.50, fits all), spacer sleeve ($2.50, fits all), firing pin spring ($2.50, fits all), trigger bar ($14.95, fits all 9mm), and a few other sundries. Spare OEM sights are $6.95 for the set.

This isn’t a comprehensive list, I purchased a bunch of spare parts a few years ago and still have them so this is just ‘topping off the tank’, so to speak. Since the last time I ordered parts we’ve added another few Glocks to the safe so what was ‘plenty’ of spare parts became an ‘adequate’ amount. Need to fix that.

37 year-old MH food

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Link snagged from arfcom:

Mountain House: Food that has lasted half a long lifetime

Good stuff. I still have several cases of cans left over from the last group buy, as well as several cases of the vaccuum sealed ‘ProPack’ pouches. Email me if anyone wants some.

Edited to add:

This guy did it right. He felt threatened by something and took a very positive (and expensive) step to prepare himself against it. And the admirable thing is that when the original threat disappeared (the Cold War ending) he didn’t throw the stuff away and figure ‘well, thats the end of that’. Instead, he made the effort to hold onto the stuff just in case…. unlike many of his contemporaries who turned their bomb shelters into family rooms, threw out the dosimeters, and voted to have the city council pull the civil defense funding.

Fuel musings

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Locally, gas jumped ten cents a gallon overnight. That means that in this neck of the woods, its around $3.10 per gallon. A few years ago people were asking what sort of price would it take for Americans to switch to economic vehicles and start being more ‘green’ in terms of fuel consumption. The answer is: a lot more than three bucks a gallon.

Fuel is one of those things that, broadly speaking, you cant really manufacture a good substitute in your garage. (Theres a dissent for biodiesel which does require some components in its manufacture that are pretty hard to do on your own…) You can create power, but not fuel. However, since what we want the fuel for is, usually, to create power. Whats the difference? Semantics, really…. Take a solar panel for example…you can build a setup to generate power, but you cant create the fuel (the big burning mass of hydrogen about eight light-minutes from here.) Wind turbine? You create the power using the fuel (wind). But, as you can see, you don’t create the fuel.

Some developments in the area of bio-fuels looks promising. Vehicles that run on SVO (straight vegetable oil) have been around for a while and I suppose if you’ve got a big enough chunk of land and the means to extract it, you can produce pretty much as much vegetable oil as you want. On the other hand, its that attitude that’s driven up corn prices lately as people see corn as a fuel rather than a food.

Development in the field of electric vehicles interests me greatly because its far easier to come up with your own way to generate electricity than it is to come up with some kind of liquid fuel. Trouble is, the history of electric vehicles has thus far been pretty disappointing although its gotten a shot in the arm lately in terms of development and research…mostly due to people seeing that theres obviously money to be made in the field. There are a few promising developments out there but the big bottleneck is, unsurprisingly, battery technology.

I can’t manufacture my own gasoline, and at this point the vehicle I use runs on the stuff. Best I can do is keep a bunch of it on hand and treated for long-term storage. I usually treat the stuff with a gas preservative (PRI-G is the stuff I use), seal it up in a DOT approved container, and tuck it away in a safe place. I try to rotate it out every year. Havent had any problems yet. Its nice to have an extra bit of gas on hand, esp. if you think how much distance that gas allows you to cover. For example, I usually have enough on hand to give about 500 miles of range under optimum circumstances. Five hundred miles is a nice amount of distance to have between myself and Bad Things.

I started out keeping fuel in the classic metal red ‘Blitz’-brand jerry can. They’re okay, but they have features I don’t like. The venting for pouring fuel sucks (too much ‘glug glug glug’..takes a while to empty a can using a nozzle), the screw-on lid is not captive (and thus can get lost meaning it WILL get lost), and a few other things. However, none of the problems are insurmountable – I’ve taken to using a longneck funnel when fueling rather than slow nozzles. One funnel gets paracorded to each gas can and we’re good to go. The caps can be made captive with a little ingenuity but it’d be nice to have something better.

The plastic Blitz cans are, in my opinion, best saved for lawnmowers and short term storage. First and foremeost problem is that under temperature changes they contract and expand putting pressure on the contents of the can and sometimes forcing it out through the threads in the cap. Extremely ungood. Additionally, fumes just seem to seep through the plastic and you get that gas smell everywhere. Their main advantage is they are cheap. I use them for short trips where I want a few extra gallons in the truck ‘just in case’ but for long term I really don’t like them.

Everyone seems very taken with the military fuel cans (MFC) made by Scepter of Canada. These are a very heavy, robust plastic can. Im sure they have a lot to recommend to them, but I just can’t get past the notion that a plastic fuel container is going to not leak at the threads, not expand/contract excessively, and not stink up the place.

The fuel cans I have become smitten with are the ‘Euro/NATO style’ jerry cans. (Outstanding link to their use and history here)They do require a particular nozzle assembly but if that’s unavailable a funnel will do just fine. They have a captive cap that stays out of the way when pouring, have their own generous venting for pouring, and are usually fairly affordable compared to the other choices. I found a source for them surplus, ordered a few dozen for myself and am in the midst of swapping out my Blitz cans for this type.

How do you keep a gas can in your truck without it walking off? Well, I use a small cable bike lock. It goes through the handles of the can and then through the tie-down bolt at the corner of the truck bed. For things like this I use combination padlocks rather than keyed ones. Never know when you’ll not have a key handy. The nozzle needs to be kept clean so I stick it in a cylindrical plastic carrier usually used for mortar rounds. Protects it, keeps it dry, and keeps it clean so dirt and dust don’t get into the tank with the gas. To be safe, a longneck funnel goes in also ($2 from WalMart for the funnel. Makes it easy to have spares.)

Purchasing deadlines

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

The elections are now less than one year away. Think about that for a minute. You have less than twelve months to hedge your bets and do the things you need to do and buy the things you need to buy. Why the deadline? Well its pretty simple – the odds are good that some of the things you and I want (or need) are the same things that some politicians think we shouldn’t have. But, even if someone were elected who supports the same things we support and believes the same things we believe theres still going to be a ‘panic buying’ episode in the months coming up to the election.

Starting soon you’re going to see the prices of magazines, guns, ammo and the like start going up…because people are going to start stocking up ‘just in case’. The more hardcore of us will also be stocking up on fuel, food and similar needs. More shortages, more price increases.

Gold just is currently over $800 per ounce. A few years ago it was less than half that. Now, most people would think to themselves ‘man, I wish I had bought gold five years ago’. That’s exactly how you’re going to feel in five years if you don’t buy the ‘controversial’ items you can currently buy at reasonable prices.

Whats controversial? Well, the usual ‘black rifles’ and their magazines. ‘High capacity’ pistol magazines. You know, the usual. Anyting else? Ammo, perhaps. No one has made much noise about it but its possible things could go back to the old days when only FFL’s could mailorder ammo. And there very well could be some sort of prohibition on milsurp ammo importation much like BATFE has pulled regarding ‘assault weapons’ parts from overseas.

‘Course, theres more to life (and preserving it) than guns and ammo…that’s just the fun and interesting side. However, its also the side that’s easy to target by those who ‘never met a ban they didn’t like’. Interestingly, as of late there have been some small collateral forays into other aspects of preparedness by the nannystaters. ,Rawles posted on his website that the .gov had recently deemed the sale/distribution of iodine crystals (‘Polar Pur’ and other water treatments) in need of regulation. There was also a mention, although I haven’t been able to confirm it, of .gov leaning on manufacturers to stop selling infrared cyalume lightsticks. Two incidents, if true, that show that it may become increasingly difficult to buy the things we feel we need to keep ourselves safe.

Doomsaying? Probably. But take the upcoming elections out of the equation and look at circumstances around you. We’ve got war(s) going on with possibly another waiting in the wings (Iran), the economy seems to be getting worse, the housing market situation is having a ripple effect in other areas of the economy, food prices are going up as fuel prices continue their climb…. So even if you don’t think that the upcoming elections are any impetus to ratchet up your purchasing theres still plenty of reasons to skip the $3.95 lattes this week and sink the money into other things.