Best birthday ever

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

I must say, this year’s birthday was a bountiful one. I am exceptionally pleased that I managed to parlay the birthday gifties so that I finally ‘finished’ my Uzi.

Three things I wanted for the Uzi. I mean, other than a third choice on the selector.

  • Rails
  • Light
  • Vertical foregrip

For a gun design thats been around fifty years, there is an absolute dearth of Uzi rail systems out there. Oh, you can buy the usual handguards that someone then bolted a section of rail onto…thats easy to find. And, for most situations, that’s really about all you need. But I wanted to run a light and a VFG. So…first things first. Let’s get some rails. I wound up with this: Mako Tactical Rail System for Uzi. It’s nice enough…fits, seems to do the trick…but not worth more than $100 in my opinion. Nonetheless, if you’re going to need more than one section of rail you don’t have too many choices in Uzi rail systems.

So,,,now we’ve got rails. Lets throw a VFG on. I went with the Magpul MOE RVG Grip, Black …mostly because it was fairly inexpensive while being of good quality. Once I had the rail system mounted and the VFG attached it was a very convenient package to handle. More importantly, I could grip the VFG with my left hand and remove my right hand from the pistol grip and still keep control of the gun. Also, it seemed a more natural presentation of the gun than with the palm flat underneath the regular handguard.

So, that left the tactical light..which is where it gets interesting. I tried pulling the old Streamlight M3 off my Glock and putting it on the Uzi. A little snug on the rail, but not bad. Trouble is, its an old model..incandescent/Xenon. I’m trying to switch over to LED lights for the increased durability and battery run-time. So, I pulled the Scout light off the AR and tried it. Very nice! And it was right around that point that a buddy of mine who was in town visiting came by and gifted me with a truly awesome weapon light… a Streamlight 69230 TLR-2s Rail Mounted Strobing Tactical Light with Laser Sight and Rail Locating Keys that we had looked at the previous day at a local gun shop. After we had split up for the day he went back and picked it up for me as a birthday gift. How awesome was that? Well, can’t let an awesome piece of gear like that go to waste…so onto the Uzi it went. Sweet Crom, I may have created the ultimate home defense gun. The light is bright and intense, the strobe effect is suitably disorienting to the target and the cute little red dot on the target conveys a nice sense confidence when you point it down a darkened hallway at that shadowy figure that wasnt supposed to be there. I was vacillating about whether to SBR this thing and this has convinced me that I absolutely need to.

Speaking of birthdays, the vast portion of gifties this year wound up being, naturally enough, preparedness-related….so I got plenty of fodder for some product reviews which will be forthcoming over the next couple weeks. Some really cool stuff. Man, I wish birthdays came more than once a year.

Link – DIY pepper spray

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

From a link that was sent to me in email. How to make your own Pepper Spray.

I’ve never been sprayed with the stuff directly, although I’ve gotten a face full indirectly a couple times. However, my lovely wife, as part of her training, got a solid blast of it in the face from about three feet away. It does indeed blind you, and it does make breathing a spotty endeavour, but…and this is important…if the bad guy already has a grip on you somewhere he can still continue his melee attack (since he doesnt need to see in order to continue beating on you when he already has a hold of you). If he doesn’t have a grip on you, then he’s going to have a heck of a time finding you what with the blinding and tearing up of the eyes. (Of course, to my way of thining, if the bad guy already has a grip on you then the situation has advanced beyond pepper spray and into things a bit more dangerous.) I like the idea of having a graduated scale of escalating force options and pepper spray gives you that. However, the impression that spraying someone in the face with the stuff will spare you a beating isn’t exactly 100% true.

This much closer to adult diapers and long-term care……..

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

Ah, ’tis my birthday. And, as a wise man once opined, you’re only as young as the woman youre feeling. If you’re in a quandary because you didn’t shop early and are now left wondering what you could possibly get me on such short notice, fear not! Simply find a suitable .jpg of an amazingly hot chick holding a gun and email it to me. Clothed, lingerie, naked, whatever….hot chicks with guns.

Gun show, stove link, fuel rotation, gift arrival

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

So the great Missoula Gun Show came and went. I played it pretty cheaply, all things considered. And while I bought a few small goodies for myself I did manage to keep from buying the really big tickets I wanted. I love going to gun shows and it’s always a pleasure to just wander the aisles..


Someone sent me this link about some of the new portable woodburner stoves on the market these days. I’d heard about the Solo stove and have been curious to try one….but, this other stove, Firebox, seems like a real gem, other than it’s weight. Usually when Im just out for the day, I take a little Esbit stove. But for being out in the boonies a bit longer it would be nice to be able to just burn the abundant twigs and other burnable detritus that litters the woods. What’s the difference between these and just building a fire on its own? Generally, these things are designed to create drafts that create hotter burning, more efficient fires. Hey, I’m all about less work at less expense. I went ahead and added the Firebox to my Amazon Wish List and at some point I’ll pick one up and put it through  its places.


Rotated some stored gas today. Fuel from, according to the tag, 2010. About two years of storage. The fuel was treated with a generous dose of PRI Fuel Stabilizer which I’ve found to be an excellent product. Usually, I’ll wait until the gas tank in the truck is down to around 1/4 or less, dump in one five-gallon can of fuel and then fill the rest of the tank with fresh gas. Seems to work so far. Someday, having a stockpile of fuel is going to be very, very important. Heck, even in the not so recent past (Katrina) it’s proven itself to be pretty important. Now that the feds have, essentially, wiped out the scourge of eay-to-use gas cans from the US it’s harder than ever to find a good gas can. Spend the money and buy the ‘Euro’/NATO-style cans…you can find them at many offroad accessory websites. They are far, far better cans than anything Blitz ever out out and I like ‘em better than the plastic cans.


Birthday tomorrow. Another gift came in the other day and I need to do a write-up on it. Its one of these (Freeplay FreeCharge 12V ) and I’m quite eager to experiment with it.

Gun show find

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

Well I can cross off the ARMS #22 set of QD rings from my Amazon Wish List. Was wandering around the gun show and found a guy selling a pair for $65. Thats almost 50% off the new price. These babies will get mated up with my IOR M2 scope and mounted on one of my flattop ARs. Eventually, I hope to put together something very similar to the RRA Coyote rifle which will then be the new home for this arrangement.

Saw a few other goodies of interest but Im trying to behave and not spend any money. Although I did pick up a nice Hensley and Gibbs bullet mould for a mere $5…that would have been criminal to pass up.

Link – Palmetto State Armory “Hope N Change” AR lower

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

In Celebration of our dear leader’s historic presidency, we are proud to announce the pre-sale of a very limited edition commemorative lower. Crafted from Forged 7075 T6 aluminum, anodized and hardcoated black per mil-spec, these feature a special rollmark and a serial prefix of “YES WE CAN.” In addition, the safe and fire positions are labeled “Hope” and “Change”. Your paid order reserves one of these special lowers. Lowers are expected to start shipping August 15th.

I like lowers with non-typical markings…you know, the kinda stuff that instead of saying ‘safe’ and ‘semi’ and ‘full’ say things like ‘safe’, ‘tshtf’ and ‘teotwawki’. Although, from a practicality standpoint, I rather like the lowers with the HK-style pictograms.

Anyway, I wonder if the Chuck Schumer commemorative AR lower can’t be too far behind.


Cannery trip photo

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

Yay Mormons! Trip to the cannery went smoothand quick. Got my goodies and was outta there in a lot less time than I anticipated. My thanks to the local LDS members who allowed me to accompany them. (Technically, I could have gone on my own invite but I feel more comfortable going with someone as their guest.)


The new Zumbo

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

Tam, over at View From The Porch, has a lovely piece about someone stepping on his own dick over the proposal being bandied about to ban the internet/mailorder purchase of ammo by lowly civilians. His idea is that if we surrender Poland, maybe the Germans will leave the rest of Europe alone.

At which point, his Facebook exploded.

So, a guy who makes his business selling ammo is supporting restrictions that will force people to come to him for his ammo. Okay, it’s a bit self-serving, but at least I can understand that. But then it gets clouded in the Neville Chamberlain-ing Bill Ruger-ing of ‘maybe if we throw this one guy out of the sled, the wolves will stop chasing us.’

Back-pedalling and ‘what I really meant was…’ has already started. I dunno about you  but if the zombie apocalypse was going on and this guy was the last source for 9mm ammo, I’d forget about my Glocks, go all Daryl Dixon on the zombies and lead ‘em straight to this guys shop.