Article – Utah Hiker Survives Being Trapped for 4 Days

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

A 33-year-old hiker is in stable condition at a Salt Lake City hospital after he was trapped in a drainage tunnel in the foothills east of the city for four days and three nights.

When his cell phone died, he found a rock and banged it against the tunnel walls in hopes of attracting someone’s attention. But no one ever came although numerous hikers passed by above the tunnel.

By Saturday afternoon, after four days without any food or water since the fall, it became clear that he needed to take action. Samuelsen decided to crawl out of the corrugated tunnel. He was able to find a piece of wood and make a split of sorts for his severely fractured leg. He eventually crawled to a nearby highway, where he was discovered by a motorist.

According to doctors at St. Mark’s Hospital, Samuelsen’s right leg is broken in numerous places, and may need to be amputated, because the wound was open for four days.

Biiiig balls. A compound leg fracture is major bad news. Just the mental image of looking down and seeing a jagged chunk of bone sticking out of the skin is enough to make my stomach do flip flops.

A couple things I’m curious about. First, why didnt anyone miss this guy for four days? One of the first rules of going somewhere is to let folks know where you’ll be, when you’ll be back, and at what point to start worrying. Second, he had no food and water for four days? So where was his pack? Did he lose it in the fall? Did he even have one?

I can understand the cell phone being useless…there are plenty of places I can go out here where signal is absolutely nil. This is why when I go hunting I usually take the cellphone and a couple aerial flares. But, I also tell people where the heck I’m going and when to expect me back and, more importantly, when to call the SAR guys. (“I’ll be in hunting area 282, I’ll wrap it up around 4pm, if you don’t hear from me by 9pm start panicking.”) This is also why I keep pen and paper in my hunting kit…so I can leave a note at the truck in case I have to change plans.

Hope this guy keeps his leg (at least he didnt have to cut it off himself like that guy that lost his arm a few years back). I’d like more info on what happened to his gear, though. And, hey, you’ve always got gear in your pack for this kinda situation, right? Right?

Technically, not a stranding…but I’ll use that tag for convenience.

Book – “Invasion” by Eric Harry

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

As many of you know, the recent re-make of ‘Red Dawn’ was tweaked ‘slightly’ in post-production. The original bad guys were changed from Chinese to North Korean. Nevermind that those two countries have a vastly different level of military capability. The change was, ostensibly, to make the movie more marketable in the lucrative Chinese market. The more likely reason is that when the original outfit that made this movie went under, it was bailed out by another outfit that had some close financial ties to the Chinese. In short, they didn’t wanna offend the new owners.


I was reminded of a book with a very similar premise – ‘Invasion‘ by Eric Harry. In the book, the Chinese invade the mainland USA in a conventional-weapon operation after isolating the US from it’s allies. The book is full of the things that make an ‘Invasion USA’ scenario interesting – the Special Forces stay-behind doing his one-man war in the captured South, quislings, super-weapon designers, political intrigue, etc, etc. Realistic? Probably more so than Red Dawn. A good read? Well, entertaining, certainly. It isn’t exactly Tom Clancy but it’s a step up from your average post-apocalyptic novel (no cannibal looter army, for example).

Like a lot of books I found fun to read, this one is outta print but used copies abound. If you want something to read to warmup to the new Red Dawn remake, this would be an excellent choice.

More bargain hunting

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

As I mentioned earlier, the local K-Mart is going outta business. They’ve been progressively marking things down more and more. I’ve been keeping an eye on the ‘health and beauty’ section since that’s where the first aid supplies hang out. Today everything there was marked to 30% off lowest price…AND..for today only there was an additional 10% off on the final price. That translates out to ..uhmm….carry the one….an effective 37% discount. Well, heck, that’s more than one third off. Wouldn’t you capitalize on that as well?

I’m kind of a snob, so what I was after was name-brand stuff. Mostly Johnson & Johnson bandages, gauze, pads, etc, etc. Those were top of the list. The stuff that remains there, while still attractive to my needs, is low priority stuff so I’m content to set back and wait for the final 50% off or whatever they wind up doing. If it’s still there, great…if not, I won’t care.

As I commented to the wife, as the discounts got more and more intense (20% became 25% became 30%, etc.) the crowd definitely became a little more…interesting. We’re in what could arguably be considered a slow economic collapse and people are jazzed about saving 35% on a SpiderMan t-shirt. Screw that…priorities, man….be less thrilled about that and more thrilled about finding essentials and other useful items that’ll help keep you in one piece as the uncertain future unfolds.

So, much like the animal kingdom, as one beast falls the scavengers come in and take what they can from it’s corpse. That’s the food chain, and not everyone enters at the top.

Today’s purchases will get tucked away in the uber-awesome Hardigg medchest where they will quietly sit…safe, secure, and unaware of the passage of time…until that day when they’re needed.

Now if I could just find a smokin’ deal on an EU3000………..

A month of living on a zero-based budget – Pt II

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

So this is kind of interesting and something of a surprise to me. As you know, I’ve been using Google Analytics since July to keep track of blog stats. Usually I’m just curious about the basics…how many visitors, what countries, that sort of thing. But, you can get much more in depth if you want to…one of the things I was curious about was what were the pages/posts that got the most viewing. This actually surprised me. The post that was read most, of everything on the website, was this post: A month of living on a zero-based budget. This post was the #1 viewed post for August. In fact it was read over twice as much as the next most popular post. Musta struck a chord with folks. So, let’s do a followup.

When we last left our intrepid heroes, they had spent a month living on a zero-based budget. Every purchase for the month, when added up, had to equal total income for month..not more, not less. In short, every dollar was spoken for. Succinctly…”x” dollars came inot the household, and “x” dollars went out. So, first month had a few hiccups but worked out well. How did the second month go?

Well, the second month worked out better than the first. In fact, because such a large amount of money was able to be put away into savings right off the top (“Pay yourself first”) we were able to pick up a few expensive things in August that normally cause folks grief when it comes time to purchase them. Like what? Well, new tires for the truck, for example. Budgeted for it, shopped around, bought ‘em. No muss, no fuss, and no “Dammit, now I gotta eat dog food and popcorn till the end of the month”.

Another tremendous boon was that we were in a position to take advantage of some things. For example, a coworker of my wife’s was unable to pick up a quarter of beef she had arranged to buy. Would we be interested in getting it? Hmmm…well, we were planning on buying a big buncha beef anyway and, more importantly, we had the resources available to say ‘sure!’. When we went to pick it up, cash in hand, it turned out to be a half, not a quarter, of a beef. Double the beef, double the money. Fortunately, we had the resources to say “Well, we may as well get it and cross beef off the shopping list for the next six months”. And that’s what we did. We had the money in savings to take advantage of the opportunity. So we got a whole bunch quality locally-grown beef at a good price in a tremendous quantity. And we’d have been unable to do that if we hadn’t been tracking our spending and (somewhat) rigidly sticking to the budget.

The other nice thing is that by sticking to our budget, we’re making tremendous progress in having an emergency fund put together of several months expenses. I’m the first to admit that there are going to be times when cash is worthless, but until that point comes…the plumber still wants greenbacks and most auto mechanics don’t take Silver Eagles. (Yes, yes..I know your guy takes them but I’m talking about in general.)

Dave Ramsey says that if you make a budget, and stick to it, you’ll feel like you got a raise. This is absolutely true. A big part of that is because you’re thinking about money in a way that you may not be used to thinking of it – as a resource to be used carefully and strategically, making the most of it. And, indeed, when we have all the groceries for the month purchased, money allocated into savings, and all of that taken care of…we can look at the budget and say “Hey, you know we still have ‘x’ dollars in the entertainment budget. Wanna get a pizza and a movie?”

To tie this into preparedness, one of the nice things about this way of doing things is that it’s allowing a more consistent approach to preparing. Food is a good example. Right now, we’re tracking every item purchased for our grocery budget. We spent ‘x’ on groceries last month and I can pull up a spreadsheet showing every item that was purchased, where from, and how much. After a couple months it becomes easy to see that some items are purchased inthe same (or similar) quantity every month. Like, right now it’s a given we’re gonna go through a couple cases of coke, about 10# of chicken, Italian sausage, etc, etc. So these things become staples and are automatically added to the grocery list every month. (By the way, for groceries we use Grocery IQ on our iPhones. It updates live, so if I’m at WalMart and she’s at CostCo and one of us gets, say, four cans of soup off the grocery list it immediately updates that list on both our phones so the other person doesn’t wind up buying the same thing. It also keeps price information so we can compare prices from previous trips and other locations…which makes shopping around much easier.) Since we’re tracking the groceries so closely, and keeping track of where the best prices are, we’re able to meet our monthly need for groceries and buy extra to sock away.

So, there you go…month #2 of living on the zero based budget. No sense of deprivation, no annoying moments of self-denial…I hate to use the word ‘empowering’ but there it is. When we shop we feel very in control of what we’re doing because we know exactly what sort of conditions we’re going to operate under – we’ll spend this amount and no more. And we’re confident enough in what we’re doing that delaying a purchase until the following month (or later) in order to make it fit within the budget doesn’t seem like a hardship.

So, all in all…so far so good. If you think you’ve got the self-discipline for this sort of thing, I highly recommend it.

Note: the original post has more links to related materials if youre interested.


Craigslist find

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

As the saying goes, even a blind hog finds an acorn every once in a while. I made the mistake of spelunking through Craigslist last night and found this beauty:

It’s a Hardigg military case of some flavor. I can’t track down the exact model but it’s big. Like, really big.How big? Okay, here’s some numbers:

Which means the interior dimensions give me just a bit shy of 36x20x21. Let me put that into perspective by dropping a shotgun into this thing and seeing what kinda space it takes up.

Thats a full-stocked Mossberg 500 with an 18″ barrel and an OAL of 38″. Fit’s nicely, dontcha think?

Can’t find the exact model of this particular box (which, apparently, was made for some kinda electronics according to the ‘how to load’ label inside the lid) but whatever it is I’m sure it was at least $500-600 or so new. This one is in terrific condition with a few scuffs but otherwise fine. Gaskets are perfect and the latches, which are sometimes found damaged or rusted, are also in great shape. Truly, a good find. Purpose? Well, I can think of a half-dozen right off the bat. The most obvious would be a ‘grab-n-go’ box. This thing would fit a loaded backpack, change of clothes, boots, rifle, ammo, other gear, and the other sundry items you’d need for about a week of living off whatever you can carry. Essentially, I’m going to view it as a waterproof,airtight, impervious-to-everything footlocker.

Price? Well, not as cheap as i would have liked. I was hoping to knock the guy down to $100 from his asking price of $150, but once I saw the condition and size of this thing in person I realized that probably wasn’t going to happen. But, hey, Hardigg case!

Now I need to stay outta Craigslist for a little while and let my wallet heal.

News roundup

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

Oh, let’s see whats floating around the interwebs today:

The Gold Standard Goes Mainstream

An under-reported development of this campaign season is the Republican Party’s decision this week to send Gov. Mitt Romney into the presidential race on a platform effectively calling for a new gold commission. The realization that America’s system of fiat money is part of its economic problem is moving from the fringes of political discussion to the center.

I freely admit that I really don’t know enough about economics to really see both sides of the argument as well as I should…BUT, I will say that given the choice between someone offering me $100 cash and $100 in gold, I’ll take the gold every time.


Six arrested in two more Central City looting cases; police credit citizens’ vigilance

Six more people were arrested in separate looting cases Wednesday in Central City, and police credit the vigilance of neighborhood residents in helping officers stop the crimes while they were still in progress.

Vigilance is fine, but it’s also a toothless guard dog. Calling 911 is, of course, the proper response to seeing looters working your neighbors house or your buddy’s business. The second proper response, however, usually involves two hand with one holding the stock and the other working the action.


Perhaps the notion of arming the law-abiding to deter the law-breaking is going international:

Russia May Legalize Possession of Handguns

Federation Council Vice-Speaker Alexander Torshin intends to propose a bill that would allow Russians to possess handguns and use them for self-defense without fear of being exposed to criminal liability. Presumably, the bill will be proposed in the State Duma early next year.


The world gets more and more interesting every day……..which, of course, is why we prepare.

Storing water with gear

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

,Rawles had a link about caching and added a caveat that storing water amongst gear is to invite disaster if the water container leaks, since much gear is not greatly enhanced by being soaked. He urged that water be stored separately from such gear.

This is true, but sometimes you really don’t want to  increase the footprint of your storage any more than you have to, and adding separate containers for water might do just that.

When I leave packs laying around with water in them in environs where they might freeze, I always start off using bottled water. I’ve experimented a lot with plastic bottles of water and have found that they’ll handle freeze/thaw cycles with virtually no failures. (In fact, I’ve froze/thawed hundreds of bottles of water and have yet to have one fail because of the freeze/thaw cycle. The ones that did fail were because, while frozen, the bottle was dropped and that damaged the plastic. A drop that would damage a frozen bottle, however, will usually not damge a thawed bottle since the thawed bottle flexes with the impact.) I’m very comfortable with the survivability of regular plastic water bottles. However, I am also a suspenders and a belt kind of guy. If I have a pack stored somewhere, then it’s probably important that the gear in that pack be in great shape since that pack is sitting there for the day when theres an emergency and my safety and well-being depends on the gear inside it. Most folks would figure the answer is to put the bottle of water into some other container to act as a secondary container in case the first one fails. Makes sense. Many folks use something like a Ziploc bag…a mistake, in my opinion. Ziploc bags are great, and I use lots of them for other stuff, but they just are not really waterproof. If you dont believe me, put some frozen chicken in one, and sit it in the bottom of your fridge to thaw. Come back in about three days and see what mess is sitting under the bag.

I take each bottle of water and vacuum seal it in a bag. The vacuum seal bags are quite waterproof, and they let me know at a glance if there’s any failure in bag integrity. (Since even a pinhole will cause the vacuum to fail.) If you really, really wanna go nuts you can vacuum seal it twice. I usually just take one 20 oz. bottle of water, vacuum seal it, and move onto the next. One bottle per bag. As long as the sealed bottle of water is kept protected from sharp objects and such, it lasts forever. (The bottled water in my pack is in its own zippered compartments…so there’s nothing to puncture or abrade anything.)

Don’t have a vacuum sealer? Get one.They are easily one of the best gadgets any survivalist could own. Even for non-preparedness uses, they’re awesome. Yeah, it’s a bit of money upfront but we save tons more money by being able to buy in bulk. (Case in point, the $1.50/# ground beef in the freezer that was bought a year or so ago and is now saving me from having to buy $2.99/# ground beef.)

Contraversely, (yes, I’m making my own words) if all the other gear is waterproofed then it doesn’t matter if the water container leaks. So , if you vacuum sealed all your other stuff and didnt add an extra layer of protection to the water bottles, you’d probably be okay there as well. Of course, the best way to do it would be to do both: waterproof the gear and isolate the water bottles.

If your situation can reasonably accommodate storing water separate from gear, then by all means do just that. But, in those circumstances where the water bottles have to be mixed in with the gear for space/pack constraints, this method has worked great for me so far.




Link – Ga. murder case uncovers terror plot

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

Really? Overthrow the .gov? Couldn’t they at least wait until after November to see how it shook out?

LUDOWICI, Ga. (AP) — Four Army soldiers based in southeast Georgia killed a former comrade and his girlfriend to protect an anarchist militia group they formed that stockpiled assault weapons and plotted a range of anti-government attacks, prosecutors told a judge Monday.

Prosecutors in rural Long County, near the sprawling Army post Fort Stewart, said the militia group composed of active duty and former U.S. military members spent at least $87,000 buying guns and bomb components and was serious enough to kill two people — former soldier Michael Roark and his 17-year-old girlfriend, Tiffany York — by shooting them in the woods last December in order to keep its plans secret.

Well, they turned out to be more serious than 99% of the self-appointed ‘militia’s out there…they actually killed someone.

You know, I live in the heart of ‘anti-government extremist’ country. I’ve met the guys at the Militia Of Montana, I’ve met Randy Weaver, and I’ve met a lot of people who have the most fascinating basements and garages you will ever see, and I’ve read the literature, seen the movies and heard the speeches. My conclusion? These guys were not going to achieve their goals with $87,000 worth of ‘assault rifles’ and training camp. They would have had a better chance, several orders of magnitude better, if they had taken that $87k and bought themselves an election. Pick a personable, likeable, photogenic, squeaky clean guy who is on the same wavelength as they are and run him for political office. Then, once he’s in, work on getting him higher and higher up the food chain. It’s low risk, high reward.

Now I’m not saying you can’t change the direction of a national government through attrition…most countries in Africa hold their elections to the sound of gunfire and screaming…but when you get into First World countries the whole ‘we are here to liberate this country in the name of the people…’ nonsense just won’t fly. It’s hard finding a hundred guys who believe in something so strongly that they’ll give up everything they’ve built, including their lives, to storm the halls of power at gunpoint. But you can easily find a hundred thousand people who will fork over ten bucks to achieve a similar end result (the end result being change of government). Even way back during the American Revolution, if you look closely, you’ll see that money was a big, big part of making it a success.

I think you’re far more likely to achieve your political aims through greenbacks rather than black rifles, but thats’s just me. Sure, maybe someday it’ll come to that…but I doubt it very highly.

And, as the saying goes, ‘three can keep a secret if two of them is dead’. Forming your own super-secret armed ‘committe of freedom’ is just not going to work in an age when no one can keep their mouth shut. Oh, you may think to yourself “Ha, you’re wrong! Me and my cadre have been active for several years and we’ve never had a problem!” Fair enough. But when you and your buddies move on to actually, you know, doing stuff and one of you gets caught…well, I’m pretty sure group cohesiveness will plummet as everyone scrambles to be the first to take the deal the .gov will be offering to the first one to turn on his ‘comrades’.

Link – GOP set to OK most pro-gun platform ever

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

TAMPA, Fla. – Delegates to the Republican National Convention on Tuesday will approve the most pro-gun platform ever, staking out support for national concealed carry reciprocity and opposing domestic restrictions on ammunition and United Nations interference in gun sales.

“It’s probably the most supportive and detailed on Second Amendment issues ever,” said a gun-rights advocate who attended the GOP platform committee meetings last week.


If only, if only……..Talk is cheap, man.