Oh yeah, silver is down…….

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

I’ve been so wrapped up with the gun stuff going on (and rightly so, I believe) that I completely overlooked the fact that silver has dropped below $30 and is, at this moment, right around $28.75…time to buy!


I’m fortunate that I have a buddy in the gold/silver biz (and, wow, has he been busy lately or what!) so he only gives me the mildest of dirty looks when I ask him to drop by the shop with just one or two silver rounds or Eagles for me. (Honestly, I prefer the rounds for the better value but the Eagles are probably more ‘recognized’.) It sucks that between the sputtering economy (and how are those job numbers these days, anyway?) and the gun control shenanigans it’s mighty hard to decide which direction to point my disposable dollars at. (Although, after typing the term ‘disposable dollars’, I think I’ve figured out where to point that wallet.)

Really, the ‘investment’ plan is really the same as it’s always been: gun stuff, metals, food. (Not necessarily in that order.)

I realize that there’s a certain demographic (a short-sighted one, in my opinion) that says “If you cant eat it or shoot it whats the point of it? When we’re all living in caves and eating our children no one will want your Eagles!” and thinks buying this sort of thing is a waste of time. That’s cool, I can respect that..I disagree with it, but I respect that you have an opinion. So take your money and buy more mags, ammo, land, guns, food, fuel, clothes, meds, household supplies, tires, and tools…because while we can disagree about the metals thing, I think we can agree that there’s virtually no point in holding onto anything more than a small amount of cash when it’s looking more and more like the only economic courses available to this country involve bank runs and inflation.

The Walking Dead, new breathable emergency bivvy, export bans?

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

Man, the latest episode of The Walking Dead had what everyone has been clamoring for since first season: heroic Davy-Crockett-at-the-Alamo zombie killing. Honorary Superman Cape awarded to Daryl. Cuisinart Medal of Achievement to Michonne.

Static defense is always tough. It’s great to hole up in a fortress, but if youre locked inside that gives everyone outside all the time and space they need to do recon and move in forces. Smart money would be to always have assets outside the wire who can surprise attackers from the rear and lend a hand as needed. Team Rick managed that only by accident.

Note: I have shot Webleys from time to time and they have trigger pulls that are only slightly better than your average staple gun. Kudos to the panicked extra who actually made it look like a smooth DA pull. (Although, really, they probably just CGI’d the muzzle flash. Still, the Webley Mk I just has classic lines. Love the birdshead grip. I had to freezeframe to amke sure it wasnt a Merwin & Hulbert.)


A while back I posted about the AMK Bivvy Sack a nice piece of gear to keep in any kit. Turns out they make an improved version that combats the biggest complaint about the product: moisture. Since it wasnt terribly breathable, it kept humidity/moisture in there with the user. That leads to clamminess which is rather unwelcome. Turns out they have a new version that is breathable (AMK SOL Escape Bivvy ). A step in the right direction, to be sure. What I find even more interesting is that they are going to offer it in a color other than blaze orange…green! So no more looking like a giant orange baked potato. Sometimes you  want that hi-viz color, sometimes you dont. The green ones aren’t available yet (as best I can tell) but I’ll definitely be swapping out my older non-breathable versions for the new ones.


I received an interesting email from someone overseas the other day. He asked if I had heard anything about a magazine export ban. He had been going to his usual sources  and found that they were not shipping internationally. Perhaps there’s some new program or policy review going on? If anyone can shed some light, I’d like to hear about it.

The Mini-14 quandry

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress’ latest crack at a new assault weapons ban would protect more than 2,200 specific firearms, including a semi-automatic rifle that is nearly identical to one of the guns used in the bloodiest shootout in FBI history.

One model of that firearm, the Ruger .223 caliber Mini-14, is on the proposed list to be banned, while a different model of the same gun is on a list of exempted firearms in legislation the Senate is considering. The gun that would be protected from the ban has fixed physical features and can’t be folded to be more compact. Yet the two firearms are equally deadly.

“What a joke,” said former FBI agent John Hanlon, who survived the 1986 shootout in Miami. He was shot in the head, hand, groin and hip with a Ruger Mini-14 that had a folding stock. Two FBI agents died and five others were wounded.

Hanlon recalled lying on the street as brass bullet casings showered on him. He thought the shooter had an automatic weapon.

Both models of the Ruger Mini-14 specified in the proposed bill can take detachable magazines that hold dozens of rounds of ammunition. “I can’t imagine what the difference is,” Hanlon said.

I’m not the first one to point out that Feinstein’s dream list featured one model of Mini-14 while ignoring the rest.  This is just further proof that the people doing this idiocy are clueless morons. Nothing proves the absurdity of these ‘feature’-specific bans like putting a Ruger Mini-14 or 10/22 on a table next to its pimped out version and asking folks to spot the assault weapon.

I actually like the Mini-14 very much. I’ve found them to be very reliable but rather inaccurate. The newer models supposedly are more accurate, but with the advent of gas-piston AR’s, the reliability is about the same but the AR wins for ergonomics and modularity.

But, were I trapped in a place that thought pistol grips and flash hiders were a fast-ticket to the greybar Hilton, I’d probably take one and not look back.

Since this bill exempts particular guns by name, some manufacturer needs to market a single-shot .22 and give it a distinct name..AR-2013, or some such….and get it added to the list. Then, if theban goes through, transfer the name to a regular AR and see if that makes anyone start foaming at the mouth.



Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

Cheaper Than Dirt, Home of the $99 PMag, has jumped on the bandwagon of businesses that are refusing to deal with those who stomp on gun rights. This is akin to the guy who just let go with the ‘ol one-cheek-sneak looking around and innocently asking “Hey, who farted?”

I have some issues about prices. I don’t believe in ‘price gouging’..I believe in charging what the market will bear. The guy you bought his full-auto Uzi for $400 in 1985 decideds to sell it in 1987 for $4000. Is that price gouging? Well, the law changed and his Uzi bullethose is no longer available except only to LE/Mil/dealers….so I thin we’d argue that since the scarcity of his merchandise went up, so did the price. Heck, thats just good business.

So CTD buys a couple pallets of PMags back in October for about $7 a mag in bulk. Suddenly the market explodes with demand and theres a risk that all those PMags may be all that CTD will ever have. So…they raise prices. Fine.

Here’s where me and the laws od supply-n-demand part ways. There’s the old saying about how you can eat a sheep once but you can shear it a bunch of times. CTD pissed off scads of folks and many of those folks have long memories. I know people who still won’t touch a Ruger product even after Billy Ruger finally hit room temperature.

CTD, realizing that they may have accidentally screwed the pooch, in terms of public relations, is now saying “Hey, we’re just like you guys!” in an attempt to distract from what some might characterize as unreasonably high price increases.

Again, I’m not going to tell anyone what to charge for something. If I dont like a price, I dont buy it. That simple. I’m free to do that. I think price controls are absurd and do nothing beneficial. But…with great power comes great responsibility, as we were told by Stan Lee. You can charge $100 for a nice PMag that everyone knows you were selling for $19.95 two weeks ago, and that’s your decision….but you need to really think about the consequences of that sorta thing. One consequence is that guys like me are gonna make fun of you for quite a while.

On the bright side, as gun control gets pushed further and further down the news cycle it looks like prices (but not availability) are slowly sinking from the stratosphere. Saw a new RRA basic AR carbine for $1150 at the show this weekend, so thats an improvement. And mag prices has stabilized around $20-$30 for AR mags.

Regardless, this is just a good example of why you shoulda stocked up on this stuff years ago.


More casting calls

I get about five or eight of these every year:

Hi there-
My name is Shannon Powers and Im the Casting Director at Firecracker Films, the same company that produced Zombie Apocalypse on the Discovery Channel and we think you could be great for our project…
The Goal of our show is to educate the public of the reality of prepping and how much more prevelent the need for survival has become. We want to show the tools that will be needed to survive a number of potential catastrophes. We aim to highlight experts in different survivalist fields with scientific data to back up these “SHTF” ideals. Our focus will be on “What if these certain “events” would occur and how we “The World” would look like after this?? We want to legitamize these ideals because the time for concern has never been greater and the population needs to learn how to prepare themselves NOW! Any interest? I have read your site and kept up with you on the social media accounts and truly believe yall could be a great voice for our show…
If you have any interest at all we would love to have a quick 10-15 min phone conversation further discussing the show:)
Thanks so much!
-Shannon Powers
Shannon Powers <firecrackerpreppers@gmail.com>;
The Casting Team
These things are NEVER a good idea.

Zombies, MTM ‘Survivor’ and MonoVault burial/cache tubes

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

So I watched the new mid-season premiere episode of The Walking Dead. On a day when a Montana news alert said the dead were rising to prey upon the living. Before bed. I guess it’s no surprise that my dreams involved zombies.

On the bright side, remember this post where I was wargaming the best 10/22 for that sort of situation? Well, I had it with me in this particular zombie dream and it did a great job against the undead and the evil, predatory survivors.

Of course, goofy nerd-dreams mean very little in real life. I do need to pick up some accessories to tweak out the Rugers, most notably I need a good suppressor, but I’ll wait until the current hysteria dies down.

Cool dream, though.


I might have mentioned in the past about an outfit in Idaho making burial vaults for guns. A little more purpose-built than your average DIY sewer-pipe project, I’ve been meaning to get one of these things to evaluate. One feature I very much like about them is that theyre made to take the GammaSeal lids that I’, so fond of.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and MTM/Case-Gard appears to be flattering the MonoVault guys. No sign of it on their website, but CTD (home of the $60 P-Mag) has a little piece up about it on their interesting blog. According to CTD, the MTM product is about 12″ deep and 7″ wide. Enough for a handgun and some small essentials. I think I’d rather spend the bucks and get the MonoVault and be able to tuck and 870, 10/22 and AR in there. For those of us truly on a budget, theres still probably a few of the sonobuoy cases still out there somewhere.

Im not really much of a ‘bury your guns’ kind of guy. If I need to hide a gun somewhere I think I can do a little better than a gun-destroying, moisture-laden hole in the ground. But…products like these are nice for keeping a stash of gear at secondary and tertiary locations, or for travel needs.

And they laughed at me when I use the term ‘zombie apocalypse’……….

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

The Chair Is Against The Wall

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

This showed up in the mail the other day:

IMG_0619For those of you who don’t get the joke, maybe this’ll help:

It’s 11:59 on Radio Free America; this is Uncle Sam, with music, and the truth until dawn. Right now I’ve got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone: “the chair is against the wall, the chair is against the wall”, “john has a long mustache, john has a long mustache”. It’s twelve o’clock, American, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there, on, or behind the line, this is your song.

Yeah, my geekdom knows no bounds. Oh, and before anyone asks: source.

As an aside, I’m rather intrigued that OCTactical gives you  options on what camouflage patterns you want on your gear…and that they actually include my beloved flecktarn. Now if they’d just get the PenCott Snowdrift or the Dansih snow camo then I’d be really happy.


Gun show acquisition

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

So…gun show today. Stumbled acorss, of all things, a 1911 carbine conversion. Now, these things used to be available through Gun Parts and a few other mail order catalogs. What is interesting is that this is the first one I have ever seen with a folding stock. The stock is very well designed and well made from aluminum. Theres a little bit of wiggle in the lockup but when I took it out to the range this evening it shot very well and cycled flawlessly.

TPIWWP, so…………..


The stock must have been made during the ban years…I say this because theres an ugly hole drilled/gouged where a pin must have been put in to lock it in the open position.

Now, I took this thing out tonight and shot it. Works great, accurate, and a lot of fun. Also totally freakin’ useless, in my opinion. Now, if you SBR the gun you could use the stock with the regular barrel and thats only slightly less practical. But…I bought it for resale and novelty value. If anyone wants to look cool at the range with it, here it is up on eBay.

Video – Man builds $65 thousand doomsday bunker

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

Man, I love seeing other peoples bunkers. I’ve never cared for the buried-culvert style of shelter but they do seem to be a popular choice. I rather prefer above-ground shelters, preferably of hardy concrete construction.

As we all know, the #1 rule of Survival Club is that you don’t go around showing your gear off on national TV. I suppose some folks just can’t help bragging, and others figure “if it convinces one person to prepare, then it’s worth it”, but showing off to a big audience is just asking for trouble.