Grocery bargains

Some things just bring me joy….free ammo (it happens), porn sites with easily hacked passwords, puppies, watching liberals discover the world isn’t what they thought it was, etc, etc. But two things that always soothe my soul are a) bargains and b) food. And sometimes, if the gods are smiling, a & b combine in one glorious moment.

Today? Apparently breakfast cereal was on sale. The real stuff, not the store-brand ‘almost as goods’. (Generic frosted flakes? “They’rrrrrrrrrrrrre…okay!”) So, with regular price being knocked down about 50% who wouldn’t stock up?

20160915_191416I know from experience that they’ll stay fresh in their sealed bags well into next year. And I’m the kind guy who, when he feels lazy and hungry, will just have a giant bowl of breakfast cereal  for dinner.

More importantly, its part of the Alpha strategy – buy it cheap and stock it deep when prices are low. Way I reckon it, I’m good on breakfast cereal for the rest of the year.

Need more milk though……..

Paratus this Friday

As i just said in the subject line, Paratus is this Friday. This is a great opportunity to take the moral high ground and buy yourself that little geegaw that you’ve been wanting…a new LED flashlight, a spare magazine, your own nuclear power plant, whatever.

It’s also a great opportunity to pick up an item or two as a gift for those who aren’t quite on the wavelength as the rest of us. The post about multitools got some comments about how people are always coming to us to borrow our flashlights or multitools because we’re known as the McGyvers of the office/production floor. Well, Paratus is your opportunity to get them a $10 LED pocket flashlight and maybe make converts.

What does the ol’ Zero want for Paratus? Hmm…well, the things I want most are the things I apparently can’t have, so I  need to stick to what seems more attainable… I’d like a lovingly restored FJ40, a chunk of land with a nice house on it, Jennifer Lawrence with a brain disease that makes her an incurable, but monogamous,  nymphomaniac…t’know, the usual stuff.

Paratus is as good a reason to prepare for the election as anything else. For a reminder of what life can look like for us Ballistic-Americans when a Clinton is in the White House you can view this post.

Regardless, Paratus is your holiday. live it up!

The morons that blogging attracts

I just had to delete several comments that someone shotgunned to several different posts. All the comments were the same and ended with a link to this retard’s webpage where he is trying top promote his Ultimate Survival Book That Will Save Your Family In Times Of Crisis! ..or some similar horsecrap. Here’s the thing, on a whim I went to his website and, I am not making this up, these are the ‘words’ (well, they’re kinda like words) that he has describing his SuperMegaAwesome book:

  • “survival phisical / e-book”
  • “and any other desaster”
  • “survive any coming catastrofe…”

Oh, there’s a “catastrofe” alright….I think I’m reading it.

I’ve actually met a couple of survival book authors. They can spell. I would guess that reading this guy’s book (or as he might call it, ‘buuk’) would be about as painful as watching a chimpanzee try to operate a chainsaw.

Here’s the thing…if this illiterate* goober wanted to hype his self-promotion website, he could have left a comment that at least had some relation to the post…and his link would have been there. But, no, he had to be tacky and classless (and illiterate)…thus, the public mockery.

Blogging….it ain’t what it used to be.

* = Given this special snowflake’s grasp of language and spelling, I fully expect him to send me an email loudly declaring that he is not illiterate because his parents were married a full seven months before he was born.

Article – Multitools Make the Man

Everyday carry (or E.D.C.) denotes what you carry wherever you go. It is a niche preparedness culture that is lately becoming mainstream; amid the groundswell, it has been called a ‘‘movement,’’ a ‘‘mindset’’ and even a ‘‘philosophy,’’ for it also connotes a heightened consciousness about what you carry and why. The objects in an individual’s E.D.C. may be as unremarkable as keys, a cell phone and a wallet, but might be as various as a brass marine shackle or a tourniquet, a seatbelt cutter or a small multipurpose tool that looks like a seahorse, a reclining monkey or a gaping tyrannosaur. E.D.C. sites are awash in lovingly curated still lifes of all this — a murse dump with occasional Glocks.

A little something from the NY Times (“Pravda On The Hudson”) about the ‘trend’ towards EDC gear. Nothing really substantive or new in the article, but the fact that it is even there is whats newsworthy.

Link – Operational rations

Interesting link to a very slick and professional looking examination of the various military rations in the US military.

I’m especially interested in the Unitized Group Ration – Express. I’m rather fascinated by the concept of a cardboard box of rations where you open it up, pull the rip cord, and a half hour later you and your squaddies have a hot meal.

Anyway, interesting link and worth a read.

Schedule, Paratus, election

Been busy these last weeks. A small portion of it is the usual Zero stuff…stocking away magazines, food, etc, but I’ve also got a buncha stuff in my ‘civilian life’ that I need to keep up with and, sadly, that’s cutting into blogging time.


Paratus is a week from tomorrow. Feel free to tell your friends about it. Don’t we all need an excuse to legitimize the purchase of more gear, hanging out with like-minded friends, and going to the range?


The election approaches. Not to sound like a broken record or anything but whoever wins the election isn’t necessarily our friend..oh, one may be friendlier than the other, but I’m not willing to chance it. Magazines, receivers, armour, ammo, components…..not necessarily in that order, but pretty close.


Don’t feel ripped off…I have some more substantive blog posts coming up. Theyre sitting in the Drafts folder now and I’m just waiting to get some images to go along with them.

Article – Swiss tell EU: Hands off veterans’ assault rifles

ZURICH (Reuters) – Friction between Switzerland and the European Union over the bloc’s plans to tighten gun control following a rise in militant attacks could turn into another serious snag in ties already tested by Swiss efforts to curb immigration.

The proposed directive, which applies to non-EU member Switzerland only because it is part of Europe’s Schengen open border system, has raised hackles among the Swiss, who resent intervention from Brussels.

Christoph Blocher, a leading voice of the Swiss right and a eurosceptic, says Switzerland should consider abandoning Europe’s Schengen system of passport-free travel if the Swiss people rejected the proposed measures in a referendum.

Drafted after militants killed scores in attacks in Paris last year, the EU plans on gun control aimed to curb online weapons sales and impose more restrictions on assault weapons.

But the initial proposal provoked an outcry in Switzerland because it meant a ban on the long Swiss tradition of ex-soldiers keeping their assault rifles.

I absolutely love some of the things the Swiss do in the name of national sovereignty and preparedness. Sure, they do some things I don’t like, but any country that encourages folks to keep their military guns, doles out ammo for a national shooting festival, and has survival bunkers dotting the landscape….plus, women in dirndl dresses…gets my seal of approval.

One of my bucket list items is to go to the big Swiss shooting festival they have each year.

The Brits have already walked from the EU and the world didn’t come to an end. The Swiss, as best I can tell, don’t really get anything out of membership so perhaps they’ll be next.

Counterfeit Pelican Case?

So I was trolling through craigslist and found this: Pelican 1700 Long Case (waterproof, crushproof, and dustproof)$100

Hmm. A Pelican 1700 for a C note would be pretty sweet. But….

Let’s bring up an image from Pelican’s website.
pelican-desert-tan-usa-made-military-rifle-caseNow lets snag the picture from Craigslist

00w0w_1DQ1PVk4BaM_1200x900Three things jump out at me:

  1. The logo’s on the cases are completely different. A Google and Yahoo image search for “Pelican case logo” does not return that logo you see on the CL case.
  2. Notice the two protrusions on either end of the black case. Not present in the tan Pelican image
  3. Pelican product has metal reinforcements at the padlock holes, the black CL case does not.

Is any of this definitive? I don’t know. It’s possible this is an old Pelican case that predates the metal-reinforced lock points, is an older mould that has those projections on the end, and perhaps the logo did change. Also, if you look at Pelicans product page for the 1700, some do have those round doughnuts on the corners, and some do not.

Or its a fake from our Most Favored Trading Partners over in China.

I was a tad disappointed that I couldn’t find much on the internet about spotting counterfeit Pelican cases. And, as I said, this case on CL maybe the real deal….but I’m thinking it isn’t.

Moral of the story: know your dealer. I came *this* close to buying this case until the odd logo threw me and I started to get suspicious. Amazon sells the real deal and if you shop around on there you can often find a decent deal on shipping.