Article – How funky tortoiseshell glasses can beat facial recognition

I value privacy. I hate how more and more we find ourselves losing that privacy. This is why I am always gratified that when some technology comes along to challenge my privacy there also comes along some clever hacker with an idea to counter the problem. In their paper, Accessorize to a Crime: Real and Stealthy Attacks on State-of-the-Art Face Recognition, presented at the 2016 Computer and Communications Security conference, the researchers present their system for what they describe as “physically realisable” and “inconspicuous” attacks on facial biometric systems, which are designed to exclusively identify a particular individual.

The attack works by taking advantage of differences in how humans and computers understand faces. By selectively changing pixels in an image, it’s possible to leave the human-comprehensible facial image largely unchanged, while flummoxing a facial recognition system trying to categorise the person in the picture.

Where the researchers struck gold was by realising that a large (but not overly large pair of glasses) could act to “change the pixels” even in a real photo. By picking a pair of “geek” frames, with relatively large rims, the researchers were able to obscure about 6.5% of the pixels in any given facial picture. Printing a pattern over those frames then had the effect of manipulating the image.


Article -Spooked by Russia, Tiny Estonia Trains a Nation of Insurgents

Cubs win World Series.
Truly, we are in the End Times.


I love this article.

Encouraging citizens to stash warm clothes, canned goods, boots and a rifle may seem a cartoonish defense strategy against a military colossus like Russia. Yet the Estonians say they need look no further than the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to see the effectiveness today, as ever, of an insurgency to even the odds against a powerful army.

Estonia is hardly alone in striking upon the idea of dispersing guns among the populace to advertise the potential for widespread resistance, as a deterrent.


The number of firearms, mostly Swedish-made AK-4 automatic rifles, that Estonia has dispersed among its populace is classified. But the league said it had stepped up the pace of the program since the Ukraine crisis began. Under the program, members must hide the weapons and ammunition, perhaps in a safe built into a wall or buried in the backyard.

My government gives me higher taxes and forces me to buy health insurance. Their .gov gives them G3 rifles and encourages them to be survivalists. *sigh*

I’m taking an Economics class at the university with a professor from Estonia. She’s a cute little bohunk who fits the stereotype of blonde former-Soviet polytech instructor. I wonder if she has relatives doing this sorta thing.

It’s interesting to note that the US (and, to a lesser degree, Soviet/Russian) experience in asymmetrical warfare is convincing some that tiny forces can, if nothing else, stalemate larger ones. Used to be that was ‘outside the box’ thinking…now it’s empiric data.

Election years are always expensive…

So the election is around the corner. Because Im a survivalist, I have to be prepared for possible outcomes that will affect me. So…there’s is a vendor in the midwest right now who just sold a metric buttload of Magpul Glock magazines to some rude survivalist dude in Montana. I asked him how  they were selling. He said they’d sold over 100,000 in the last month. I don’t believe that, but I do believe that by this time next week his remaining inventory of 800 mags will gone.

It has been 12 years, or three Presidential election cycles, since the Clinton Assault Weapons Ban expired. If you had bought one magazine (your choice of flavors..AR, AK, Glock, whatever) every month since then you wold have a gross (thats 12 dozen, or 144) magazines for your favorite boomtoy. But many people didn’t do that. In fact, many people just shrugged their shoulders and did nothing to hedge their bets. Those people are now on the phone to CDNN listening to a recorded voice say “ are caller queue..”.

Assuming that youve been into preparedness/guns since that time, there is no excuse for you to not have your lifetime of magazines. In fact, the sunset of the AW ban was your ‘second chance’…your Jimmy Stewart “Wonderful Life” moment…to relive your magazine/gun buying past. Did you make the most of it?

So why did I buy more mags? A few reasons..first, while I have what I think I’ll need for the rest of my life I am a big fan of overkill. Second, these are mostly for resale at exploitative  prices to whiners who will say “You’re price gouging! That magazine only cost you ten dollars!”. And I will say, “Yes it did, the other $90 is for you expecting me to cover your twelve years of cluelessness.” And, finally, I just like having them. It’s a giver of warm-fuzzies…like food in the freezer, gas in the cans, money in the bank, and Jennifer Lawrence’s panties on my bedpost.

All is not entirely lost….once the election is done, the laws won’t really change until after the inauguration. Thus, you have about a two month window to really kick it into high gear…as millions of other people try to do the same. Perhaps with the new administration they won’t get around to ‘the gun issue’ for a little while, or at all, but You. Dont. Know.

And this is important: Any new ban will not be like the old one. Do you really think they’ll put in a sunset clause? Or an exemption for specific named guns? Do you really think they’ll simply copy the 1994 ban and run it up the flagpole again without changing it to suit their goals? Don’t be silly!

Yup, you’re going to spend a couple hundred dollars on magazines. Here’s something to help you put that in perspective:


Twenty years ago.



You young whippersnappers may not remember it, but there was a time that you would think you’d stumbled onto gold if you found a guy selling a used Glock 33-round happystick for less than $125. Today, you can buy three of them for that price…more if you shop around carefully. I’ve a tall .50 can full of ones (Glock-made) that I paid $20/@ years ago.

And if I’m wrong….if a Republican-controlled Senate and House hamstrings the new President and no new laws are enacted (what are the odds??) then what? Was it a waste of money? Nope. You still have something you want, and can use. Plus, and this is just my personal take on it, another ban will happen. If it doesn’t happen this administration, it’ll happen in another. But…like hurricanes and earthquakes, we may not know when but we know it will happen.

Oh, and not to jinx things, but I will bet that sometime between now and the inauguration, there will be a high-profile mass-shooting to reinforce the whole “we must ban them’ message. I hope I’m wrong, but I dont think I will be.

Suggested reading: Mag Speculating.

Signs of the times

It seems like every election year CostCo trots out the PanicPak.

20161022_120000 20161022_120014So that is, ostensibly, $40 for 3 days worth of food for 4 people. Or, put another way, $10 for a 3-day supply for one person. Sounds like a bargain, I suppose, but there’s not a shred of meat on that list of food (“chicken-flavored” = TVP or non-meat ingredients), and most of it is soups/stews. I like the notion of ones-stop-shopping, but, honestly, I’d grab a 5-gallon bucket from Home Depot and load it up with some bottled water, instant oatmeal, Cup O Soup, some cans of chicken or tuna, and a few other long-term goodies and call it  a day. I mean, c’mon, its only three days….I’ve eaten leftover pizza for 2-3 days at a pop and never felt at a loss….and it was only $10.

In a crisis, I probably wouldn’t be working on the 3-meal-a-day paradigm anyway. Sure, it depends on your activity level – hanging looters and manning barricades requires more calories than just huddling in a fallout shelter – but I’m most likely to do two meals a day and leave it at that. but, of course, your mileage may vary.

For someone who wants a turnkey solution this sort of thing might be nice but when the apocalypse gets hear I don’t want to be the last real meal in my belly to be cheesy broccoli soup or some such nonsense. It’ll be freeze dried porkchops, mashed potatoes, corn, apple pie and some sugary beverage.

Because you suck. And we hate you.

My life, broadly speaking, is a swirling cesspool of despair and hopelessness from which no ray of hope can ever escape. BUT…once in a very rare while, Fortuna, perhaps feeling sorry for me, will discreetly put her finger on the scale and tip it in my direction. It doesn’t happen often, but it happens often enough, like the occasional royal flush, to make me stay in the game. Case in point, todays totally unexpected surprise:

20161023_124815Yes, there is a small patch of wear from where the previous owner had an HK carry handle mounted on the gun, but this is an otherwise unfired, genuine, honest-to-Crom, HK-91 in the box, circa 1981.

A longtime friend of mine came by an announced he was thinning out his collection and gave this thing (and it’s bayonet) to me. I’ve had very few pleasant surprises in my life but this was one of them. I know, I know…most of you are still bouncing the word ‘gave’ around in your head. Yes, gave. As in “Here is an astronomically expensive gun that most people would have sex with a Cuisinart in order to possess. Take it, it’s yours. Free of charge.”

For those not in the know, these things were banned from import back in the 80’s. Of course, that immediately raised their value and they now trade somewhere in the range of what a decent used pickup truck costs.

Being a fatalist, I am terrified. If something this good happens to me, there has to be something equally bad out there waiting in the wings to balance the scales.

For those who havent figured it out yet, this posts title refers to the ‘unooficial’ motto of HK.

TWD and hunting season

This is highly amusing: Anti-Hillary ‘Walking Dead’ Posters Surface in Los Angeles
negan_webThis is what happens when you mix popular culture with politics. And , for some reason, it just tickles me silly.

Hunting season opened today. Me and an acquaintance will be going out tomorrow to do our part to keep ourselves at the top of the food chain. I’m starting to think that the only reason I like hunting season is because it gives me the opportunity to try new gear and show it off.

While I was out picking up my Bambi tag, I checked the supply of .22 ammo at the Sportsmans Warehouse. To my surprise, there were several bricks of Federal on the shelf. Hmm. They were apparently in some sort of gyno-friendly promotional mode because the box was pink. Dude…if you’re stupid enough to pass up buying a brick of .22 because the box is pink, well, I’m not. So, that was a sorta bonus.

Movie – The Accountant

I’ll keep the spoilage to a minimum. Ben Affleck plays an autistic/Asperger-y accountant whose upbringing by his military dad included lots of hand-to-hand to keep dad’s son from being a victim. Fast forward twenty years and the obsessive-compulsive kid is now an accountant to the mob, terrorists, and other undersireables.

The gunplay in this movie was pretty good, and there’s some Barrett lovin’. This movie also features Jon Bernthal, last seen in “Sicario”, as basically the same character he played on The Walking Dead. There’s some nice pistol work, a little bit of small-unit stuff, and a whole lot of CQB-gun-to-the-head action.

The rest of the story you can go see. And, actually, it’s not bad.. sort of “Rain Man” meets “Bourne Identity”. But, what I found interesting was the the level of preparedness the main character engaged in. Hidden away at a storage unit was his Airstream trailer, loaded with cash, gold, rare paintings, weapons, and everything he’d need to pull up roots and GTFO before the heat landed on him. As he tells another character, he can abandon his life and be on he road “in twelve minutes”.

If you’ve ever wondered what a decent ‘bug out trailer’ would be like, this is a nice example. It sits in his stroage unit, loaded up and ready to go, just waiting for the twelve minutes he needs to grab it and it’s life-altering cargo.

Anyway, enjoyable movie, some really nice plot twists, good action, and not a drop of useless romance or love interest. Oh, and local lad JK Simmons does a really nice job as the multi-layered treasury agent.