Link – 5 Apocalyptic Realities In A Country That’s Out Of Food

Mostly  out of laziness I haven’t really done any grocery shopping for the last three weeks.  I’ve pretty much just been living off of what is in the freezer and cupboards. And, unsurprisingly, I didn’t even notice it until the other day when I realized that I’ve used about $25 of my monthly grocery budget and haven’t bought anything other than Coke and a half gallon of milk.

I’d mentioned a few posts back that the bargain meat purchasing has led me to have a freezer full of food and that at the end of the month half of whatever is left in the freezer is carried over to the next month and the other half goes into the deep freeze for that rainy day. Well, it’s been three weeks and my freezer is still full of various bits of dead animal flesh. There is easily another few weeks of pork loin, steaks, turkey breast, pork chops, and such sitting in there.

The point? Clearly theres at least a months worth of meat in the refrigerator’s freezer, and it’s nice to be able to blow off grocery shopping and use the money for something else. Also, its a nice reinforcement that the current policy on picking up and tucking away the bargain meats has been working well.

Contrast with this fascinating piece about how in Venezuela, just having a couple mango trees in your yard can make the difference in avoiding starvation….but can also lead to armed men looting your tree for food.

“I have a mango tree … This tree is currently saving my life, but might also get me killed soon.”

That’s Busteq. He’s a middle-class Venezuelan who lives in a nice neighborhood. In short, he’s a lot like many of you, except his country (which has more oil than any other nation on earth) saw its currency go tits-up when gas got super cheap last year. This, combined with almost comical levels of government corruption, has brought their civilization to the brink of collapse.

Ah Venezuela….it’s like a nationwide Katrina experience that just never ends.

It’s nice to think that just the stuff sitting in my kitchen right now has gotten me through almost a month all on its own. And thats just the stuff in the kitchen cabinets. Once I dip into the long-term storage food I’d probably be right at a year or so, at least. Of course, as the link above demonstrates, having food when your neighbors do not is great for keeping you fed and lousy for keeping you safe. This is where the Venezuelan experience differs from what might happen here. (And, if you’ve been reading about the hurricane-ravaged islands in the Caribbean you can read some pretty scary stories about looters and other opportunists running amok.) In this country, assuming youve got your head screwed on straight and don’t think the world is all peace-n-love, the smart prepared individual will have the means to keep his property his.

What’s it like when a prepared survivalist rides out something like the recent hurricanes? Well, our Friend Of The Blog, Harry,  at Self Sufficient Mountain Living sat out the tail end of it and appears none the worse for wear.

It’s an interesting, but very predictable, time in a survivalists life when the gun stuff fades in precedence and the mundane things like food and toilet paper take the spotlight. On the other hand, having been into preparedness in one fashion or another for about thirty years it’s not unreasonable to think that within that time frame I’ve managed to get the gun needs pretty much met.


Fun little piece about Venezuela and worth a read. Definitely makes you feel like heading to CostCo or SuperWallyworld to stock up. Oh, and before I go, here’s another piece in the same vein from the same source: My Wealthy Country Became A Dystopia Overnight: 6 Realities.

Paratus obligation discharged

A few people were very thoughtful and threw a few bucks in the donation jar and wished me a happy Paratus. ( You do know theres a link there on the right side of the screen that says ‘Bunker Equippage Fund’, right?)

Since the gift-giving paradigm for Paratus requires that when someone gives you a gift and you do not reciprocate:

Unreciprocated gift giving is acceptable if the recipient makes a tremendous expression of gratitude and makes a self-deprecating remark about their own lack of generosity. The giver then agrees with the recipient about their lack of generosity, injects a level of snark or good-natured mild condemnation, and the obligation is then discharged.

(Yes, I am linking to my own blog…the internet equivalent of shouting your own name during sex.)

So, for those who generously threw a few bucks in the hat: Thank you very much. I appreciate every bit of help. I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything..but I’m cheap. I’m so cheap I named myself as the beneficiary in my will. Heck, Im so cheap the suits I wear have been in style four times. I mean, I know money talks but all mine ever says is goodbye!

Gun show blues

Oh merciful Crom, whatever happened to the good gun shows that this region used to produce? I went to the Hamilton gun show and it seemed smaller than ever and there was virtually nothing of note. I did see a cute little Ruger Compact in 7-08 (which is a nice little gun in a nice caliber), an FR-8 (the pinnacle of bolt-action truck guns), and that was about it. Even the usual mishmash of survival-related stuff was absent. Very much not worth the drive, or the six bucks to get in the door.

However, as long as I was in the neighborhood, I hit the local gun shops. Wound up getting a trigger for the project AR. Got it installed, seems to work, but I’ll need a trip to the range this week to confirm it with live ammo. All thats really left is to replace the standard A2 stock with a Magpul PRS, attach a sling of some kind, and thats about it.

As I was heading down the valley I could see that, surprise, the snow has started to fall in the mountains. We’ve had a major weather change in the last couple days. Finally had two days of drizzle, cold, and high-altitude snow….an excellent recipe for getting the fire situation straightened out. The air, while still just a touch hazy, is much better than it has been and I welcome it.

All in all, not a bad day since I got to visit some gun shops, but I still think the quality of local gun shows has gone downhill. I clearly need to start expanding my range and hit the out-of-valley shows and see what theyre like.

Article – Are you prepared for the end of the world as you know it?

Happy Paratus, guys..

In a startling coincidence, the local leftist fishwrapper has this:

There’s a line, though, that most of us don’t care to cross. It’s one thing to stock up on essentials ahead of a blizzard, but what about stashing a military-style backpack by the back door with enough dried food, medical supplies and handgun ammo to last weeks? That’s tinfoil hat territory, the kind of over-the-top survivalist prep reserved for those who have watched Red Dawn one too many times. I’m as big a fan of The Walking Dead as the next nerd, but the zombie apocalypse is pure fiction, no alien invasion is imminent, and I’m only about 60 percent sure we’re headed for a full government collapse. I need a bug-out bag full of waterproof matches and MREs like I need a hole in my right foot, right? At least that’s what the Southern Poverty Law Center would have me believe.

Havent read the article in its entirety yet, but I’m sure it will live down to the Independent’s usual standard of journalism.

Article – Preparedness Month? Bah, Humbug. Happy Paratus Day! What’s on Sale

For your perusal:

WESTERN MONTANA – So, September is National Preparedness Month. After Hurricane Irma blew through, does anyone feel like Americans are more prepared since “preparedness” got its own month?

Maybe it’s time for our own holiday. That will get people’s bloody attention.

Happy Paratus Day!

It’s like Christmas for the prepared individual and family.

That’s right, kids….it’s been a whole year since the last Paratus holiday. The backpack is by the main egress point in the hopes that the elite Paratus Long-Range Recon Gift Squad will deliver goodies to deserving survivalists like myself.

It’s your holiday, guys….enjoy the heck out of it.

The Paratus FAQ

Another P95DC

Picked up a thoroughly neglected P95DC Ruger off Gunbroker for $200, delivered.

There was , literally, not a drop of oil or lube anywhere on it. Just driving out the slide release to facilitate takedown took the use of a punch and hammer because everything was so tightly seized. But, got it all apart, smoothed everything with some steel wool, lubed it up like a nervous virgin on prom night, and now it seems to be doing well. I’ll take it to the range this weekend to function test it and then tuck it away for the Deep Sleep.

I’ve found these old P-series pistols to be quite the value. They can be had pretty cheaply and they are extremely durable. Although the P85/89 series are way, way, way overbuilt for a 9mm I have no doubt they’d survive just about any punishment that could be dished out at them. I have a bunch of the P89’s floating around, I prefer the P95DC out of the entire line of P-series guns.

20170909_113936The P95DC is decock (hence the DC designation) only…no manual safety. Just point and shoot. Single or double action. And it’s far less bulky than the P85/89. At only $50 more than what a HiPoint dealers at, it’s a far better choice. Cheap enough to be, basically, disposable but ‘real gun’ enough to trust in Katrinaville.

On the flip side, Ruger made some delightful 9mm carbines that shared mags with the P-series. The carbines never sold well and now when you can find them they command insane money. Still, I’d really like to have one.

Although I’m pretty vested in Glocks, I love the P95 for it’s suitability as a secondary or tertiary level of redundancy. It is the perfect gun for leaving under the floorboards at the cabin, tucked into the springs under the drivers seat, or stashing at an undisclosed location.

Article – Virgin Islands Allows National Guard To Seize Guns, Ammo Ahead Of Hurricane Irma

Someone was nice enough to email me this link to share:

U.S. Virgin Islands Gov. Kenneth Mapp signed an emergency order allowing the seizure of private guns, ammunition, explosives and property the National Guard may need to respond to Hurricane Irma.

Mapp signed the order Monday in preparation for Hurricane Irma. The order allows the Adjutant General of the Virgin Islands to seize private property they believe necessary to protect the islands, subject to approval by the territory’s Justice Department.

I thought this sort of thing was proven to be an extremely bad PR move after the Katrina episode but some people don’t learn, I guess.

A couple questions worth asking: how do they know where the private guns are so they can seize them? Hmmmm.


Further reading:

Second Amendment groups are in arms over orders given by the Caribbean territory’s governor activating the islands’ military forces and granting them emergency powers.

With powerful Category 5 Hurricane Irma tracking for the islands, Gov. Kenneth Mapp (I) called out the 1,000-member Virgin Islands National Guard and, as first reported by the Daily Caller, issued orders to Adjutant General Deborah Howell on Monday that the force is “authorized and directed to seize arms, ammunition, explosives, incendiary material and any other property that may be required by the military forces for the performance of this emergency mission.”