Guessing the weather

There were a couple greenmail well-wishes in the PO box the other day from readers who congratulated me on the blogs twentieth anniversary. Thank you much, guys…it really helps!

Life continues apace. I’ve developed a new game to play online: I go to Yahoo News and, starting at the top, see if I can scroll down an entire page without hitting an article about ‘gun violence’ or ‘assault weapons’. So far…no.

The media is flogging this quite hard these days. To my paranoid way of thinking this is simply the usual tactic of the media, no doubt in cahoots with the lefties, warming us up to the idea that ‘reasonable’ and ‘commonsense’ bans on assault rifles, magazines, permitless CCW, etc, is perfectly normal. After all, once you’ve seen nine months worth of dozens of outlets telling you something ‘needs to be done’, arent you, the generally ambivalent public, going to nod your head and go ‘yeah, I’ve read about that. Something should be done?’

It’s a form of indoctrination, propaganda, and opinion-nudging all rolled into one.

Add to that that somehow, despite what must have been the advice of virtually everybody on both sides of the political spectrum, Dopey Joe is throwing his hat in the ring for a re-election. Part of me says to let him get re-elected so we can stop all this foreplay and just get the darn apocalypse started already, Another part of me thinks that you have to have a Carter administration in order to clear the path for a Reagan administration.

My ability to predict the future is utterly worhtless. For every correct prediction I’ve made, I’ve got at least a dozen bad ones under the belt. That’s something like a 92% wrong average. But…you never know which prediction is going to be correct, so you have to prepare for all of them.

I’ve been hammering away at this blog since 2004 that the assault weapons ban would come back, and without a grandfather clause, eventually. I still believe that and I still take steps to be ready for it. I suggest you do as well.

But, in addition to the looming specter of gun prohibitions, we also have inflation, supply chain issues, and wildly dangerous foreign intrigues going on. Most of which, I think, can be mostly (though not entirely) laid at the feet of crack-smoking Hunter Biden’s dad. (And when it comes to cringe-worth Presidential relatives, Hunter Biden makes Billy Carter look like a choirboy.)

It’s not the end of the world yet. Heck, the orchestra hasn’t even warmed up. But the ticket office is open and the ushers are making sure the seats are prepared. So…..

12 thoughts on “Guessing the weather

  1. I saw a meme today, one with Sam Elliott, who is always a go-to guy for memes. Its caption says, “Have you ever noticed that no matter how many people are shot in Chicago, we never hear what type of gun was used?”

    Of course, the easiest way for a mass shooting to disappear from the press is for it to involve black perps.

    People who propose “common sense gun laws” are engaged in chicanery. Their type will always, always, always use any concession as the starting point for their next effort.

    I read, lo, these many years ago that when the amendment that would allow a federal income tax was being proposed, it provided for a maximum tax of 5%. Proponents said, “Oh, no! Don’t say 5%! If people think that they might have to pay 5%, we’ll never get this amendment passed.” The rest, of course, is history. Anti-gunners think this way, too. They don’t want to reveal their REAL objective. First the inch, then the mile.

  2. Yep, its incrementalism. We barely missed getting an AWB passed in Colorado this session, but they did pass several waiting period, red flag, and age restrictions. Eventually it’ll get to the point where there’s nowhere else to go, so be prepared now. Who knows what might happen at the federal level.

  3. If they ban ARs what happens if I remove the gas block and tube, store them in a very safe place, and replace the gas block with a block without a port. Would like to see the look on their face realizing that there are 15 million single shot ARs that could be converted back to semi-auto in 15 minutes.

    • Swapping the gas block would make no difference if they ban them by name. Your ‘COLT AR-15’ is still a Colt AR-15 whether it has a gas block or not. Additionally, I would guess that any ban based on functionality is based on the rifle in its ‘intended to be used’ condition…meaning properly assembled.

      • Commander:
        Yep – you are right!
        Every one of these Laws are designed to be “Heads we win, Tails you lose”.
        To stop such people would involve rope and lamp poles…


      • Or just include parts along with the ban, like in Illinois, and gas blocks and tubes become illegal and unobtainable also. And just fight it in the courts for the next 20 years or longer. This in a state that is entirely red with just a few blue counties.

  4. “so we can stop all this foreplay and just get the darn apocalypse started already”

    That’s a great line and I think there are a lot of us out here that feel the same way. As far as gun control – like everything else these days – do not comply. of course they want to take everyone’s gun – so they can start killing us openly instead of stealthily like they are right now.

    Excellent post. Oh – and I stole your meme 🙂

  5. I remember that socialist Trump worked with FineSwine on a national ‘assualt weapons’ ban that fortunately didn’t have the votes to pass. What can we expect from a life long New York democrat.

    • Amazingly this life long New York democrat socialist Trump got us 3 new Supreme Court Justices which resulted in the Bruen decision, which in my mind kinda ‘trumps’ all his missteps.

      • Three mediocre justices don’t right the dozens of Trump’s misteps that directly affected all Americans in a bad way. Those same three ‘justices’ wouldn’t even hear the evidence regarding the 2020 coup, or the ‘vaccination’ (bioweapon) mandate.

  6. Yes. Guessing the weather , correctly or closely so is a challenge. However, as your blogger activities exemplifies many steps are correctly being done to be adapted to those extremes that come and rise up and persevere in it all. As ANONYMOUS CONSERVATIVE blog articulates voting and standing your ground heroics are a near impossibility at this point in a Cabal and Intel / Surveillance dominated system. A so called red republican elected is barely a political tourniquet to stop bleed out and fast death, but the death by a thousand cuts our polity regularly sustains is also a sure death. Just flush out your helmet regularly and stay programmed on your own objectives. Continue preps and related activities as hobbies and life activities with as much zest as possible. As in the real estate mantra: location, location, location is very critical. If your a.o. is sketchy decamp and hermitage elsewhere, your life and family depends upon it. When an “elected” representative named “Zooey” is blabbering about blood on your hands type of statements in government sessions you’re probably behind enemy lines. Exfiltrate out, asap.

    Stay Frosty.

  7. Because of all the violence during the COVID19 pandemic. The good people if America saw fit to purchase 60 million firearms. Of course the burning cities and thuggery from leftist radical elements had something to do with it.
    Women, especially Black and Hispanic women made up one of the larger metrics of first time buyers.

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