Literally, in this case.
President Biden said in a speech on Wednesday that he’s going to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines “come hell or high water.”
Biden made the comments at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference in Baltimore, Maryland, on Wednesday night.
“I know it may make some of you uncomfortable,but that little state above me, Delaware is one of them, hasthe highest rate, one of the highest rates of gun ownership. But guess what? We’re going to ban assault weapons again come hell or high water and high capacity magazines. When we did it last time to reduce mass deaths,” Biden said.
Look, you’re a smart guy, right? You know exactly what you need to do. Go do it. Repeatedly.
More stupid shit from the mouth of a moron. His allies like “No Neck” Pritzger in Illinois and Wretched Gretchen in my state are trying the same thing.
But in the final analysis it’s always some stupid ass woke Marxist office holder who is responsible. In the encase of the recent shooting at MSU. If the Soros backed and funded prosecutor had done her job. The shooter would have still Bern in jail.
Marjorie Stoneman- Douglass High School in Florida. Barack Obama was running a little known program to try to cut ” the tunnel from school house to jail House” system for minorities. Nicholas Cruz was referred to the Sheriffs Department 12 times. But each time they left him in school they received cash payments from the Department of Education. As long as no arrest occurred. The school also received a cash payment. Kind of a toleration payment. And when you look closely even the first school shooting at Columbine has Liberals in the woodwork. Both of the two students involved were forced to take a ” death and dying” class. It was required. The Marxocrats cause this crap and then they want to blame law abiding citizens like you and me. It’s this entire screwed up educational system not to mention the justice system these idiots like Nazi collaborator George Soros who is inciting this stuff. The more kaos the better. Because the next step is martial law. There are only two choices. If they press hard enough they will repeat their history. I refer to April 12, 1861.
Look Fat, double-double barrel is all any man needs. Trans-men, too. I don’t duhscriminate. Fascists and white supremacy duhscriminate. Not the Merican way.
Ask my wife the doctor. She breathes on me at night.
Been there, and continue to go there.
On the other hand, it might be of use to visit a Single Action Shooters Society (SASS) match and see what a semi-trained person can do with revolvers and pistol caliber carbines. Then follow that up with a lever action rifle course at Gunsite. Be sure to police up your brass you’re going to need it. Gray Fox
Don’t think for an instant that after the semi auto stuff gets banned that the .gov freaks like Biden and his evil henchman ( and hench-woman, they are even worse) won’t come after lever guns and SAA revolvers once there are a couple mass shootings using those fine weapons. They will and won’t be satisfied until ALL private weapons ownership is outlawed in the US. Don’t give an inch.
Agreed! They will even go after those per 1898 firearms, then the crossbows and on and on.
The UK is actually wanting to put serial numbers on steak knives now.
It is never ending with authoritarians, only ending with the people taking back their government.
I despise Biden, but recognize what is going on here.
Biden is doing what politicians on both the Left and Right do. They find a situation where they know that changing the law is a hopeless, Quixotic effort, they crow loudly that they are going to change the law, and then they fund raise in order to fund the effort.
When their effort fails, they then turn to their supporters and say, “Well, we did our best.” Their war chest to use on other issues, however, remains much richer.
The Supreme Court in the Heller decision (2008?) made it clear that firearms in common usage are protected by the 2nd Amendment. Given that there is probably something around 26+ million “assault rifles” (AR15s, AKs, Keltecs, PTR91s, etc., and, among them, well over 22 million AR15s), how can that class of firearm not be classified as not being in “common usage?” The AR15 is actually the most commonly sold rifle of any type in the US.
By the end of the month, Federal Judge Roger Benitez, a federal judge in San Diego, will declare the Kalifornia Assault Rifle Ban and the Kalifornia “high capacity” magazine ban to be unconstitutional. He has already done so with his magazine ban decision, and this resulted in “Freedom Week” in which, some say, 5 million “high capacity” magazines were purchased.
Butt-hurt, California took the case to case to the Supreme Court, but the Bruen case beat it there (and only strengthened it). The mag ban case was then sent by to Benitez so that he could review his decision “in accordance with the Bruen decision.” Fun Fact: His original decision was EXACTLY in accord with Bruen. In fact, two weeks ago, Governor Gabbin Nuisance publicly lamented that gun control was “dead” in Kalifornia. Of course, Democrats will keep trying, e.g., the reformed CCW bill in the legislature as it is currently written.
I am not saying that butt-head states will give up the fight, but just like NY did with its concealed carry law by giving the middle finger to the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court will slap the efforts down.
IMHO, Joe Biden will be “moldering in his grave” before the Supreme Court shifts to liberal, again, and decides to overturn precedent by reversing the Heller and Bruen cases.
My inherited rights are not contingent on public opinion, law or the will of some tyrant. Storage space has been well utilized for 30 years now.
Never had any, never will….😵💫🙄. Smell the sarcasm….
Well here’s a piece of news. Joe Biden didn’t write the original AWB. The biggest reason that was never reauthorize was simple. It didn’t work. Like every other thing this malignant mental case allows to drop from his pie hole. He lies about everything. And remember the state governments cannot override a right listed in the Bill of Rights in the Constitution.
And not to get anyone’s hopes up. The Marxocrats may soon lose the majority in the US Senate. Let’s just say it could happen. Unless the guy with more Chins then a Chinese phone book screws it up again. This turd needs to be flushed. Kentucky needs to send this Chinese lap dog to the kennel for old grifters.
McConnell hates the base of his own party. And he has done everything he could to circumvent the Tea Party. And the MAGA movement. Thus old fossil is ready for a new career. Like cleaning the shutters at the Louisville train station. That should be something he can handle. Shoveling shit. As in bullshit.
Politicians and judges are puppets. They don’t do what they want, they do what they are told.
People can hate on Biden, Trump, MTG, AOC, McConnell, Pelosi, etc. ad nauseum but it will not go after the root cause of the issue.
The powers that be don’t want the common folk to have guns. Find out who they are (i.e. Koch Brothers, Thoros, Bill Gates, Musk, Dimon, etc) then go after the one thing they love the most, their bank accounts, by boycotting their services and products.
“The powers that be don’t want the common folk to have guns. Find out who they are (i.e. Koch Brothers, Thoros, Bill Gates, Musk, Dimon, etc) then go after the one thing they love the most, their bank accounts, by boycotting their services and products.”
And people wonder why they want to destroy America as an economic power. Then we will only be 330 million out of a world of 8 billion. Our opinions will mean even less than, and they can have full power over all of us.
It’s Too Late… Hundreds of Millions of Guns and Trillions of Rounds of Ammo out here. Commies can’t do Math (Maffs is hard, ‘yo) and even 1 percent of that is more than Everything the ‘government’ and military can bring. Once the Door-to-Door shit starts, Any and Every .gov creature becomes a Target. And their Homes and Families.
Sure, the whiners and cowards will say “They will Cancel your Driver’s ‘license’ and Seize your Bank Account and you will HAVE to Comply.” Uh, No. that’s as much a “Go Signal” as the Door-to-Door shit.
Think that One (or two, or five) Individuals can’t have an Effect? Look up, “Marvin Heemeyer”, “Christopher Dorner”, and the “Beltway Snipers”. All these Incidents showed what kind of Screaming Panic among the .gov can be accomplished by one or two Motivated Individuals.
I went hard on guns and gun stuff for both Obama elections then did it again for Trump/ Hillary. Somewhere along the line I got the things I need.
Dudes can get stupidly focused on guns. At some point it becomes a significant drain on resources which could be better used elsewhere. We are way more likely to need a few grand to pay a surprise medical bill/ car repair than need an AR-15, to say nothing of the 3rd AR-15.
Was China Joes(Mr.10%) brought to you by Phiser?
I live in communist Washington state. Went to draw up papers on new AR15 Friday, mandatory 10 day waiting period, approximately 14 day background check, chance I might not get it if the state senate and governor sign the POS legislation banning assault rifles beforehand. Here’s the fucked up deal, per Rainier arms attorneys……no arms can be sold with detachable magazines, includes all pistols, only able to sell revolvers. It will likely be upheld at some point, but until then. Seems there is a chance this could pass, will see. It’s poorly written, but they did it on purpose.