Okay, the deal with bargains is usually that once I get what I need, I tell you guys about it. Thats not being mean, that’s just looking our for Number One…or, I suppose, Number Zero.
Anyway, the folks at Spec-Ops Brand are having a closeout on .308 double mag pouches. Looks like that the only ones left are multicam but that works perfect for me. $8.75 ea and Made in ‘Murica. I’ve got something like a thousand G3 mags so…I picked up a bunch.
They apparently have a buncha stuff on sale, ending today. Warm up the credit card and gear up.
Nice. O.K. my contribution to the shopper’s alert posting is an AK-47 magazine deals. Robert RTG LLC in Sheridan,Wy. Is offering 20 packs (twenty!) 30 round >or< 40 round magazines for $99.00. They are polymer types from bosnia-herz, and pretty well done. (I got mine already, move fast folks) Those chaps over there in the former Ugoslavia are well schooled on AKs so they know how to do it. Some of you Wolverines frens out there are the old school combloc AK rifle drivers, so stock them up. RTG is great source for hk91 parts as well so look around while there. This is the regrouping and gearing up period before spring training season. Get busy and stay frosty.
Just checked……”out of stock”.
I blame C.Z.
sent your part to my brother this morning and they were all out but he told me they are having a 75% off sale on select items so have at it