Here are a few of the problems plaguing our nation’s butter supply:
Yet another piece telling us that something will be (or is) in short supply and that we had best be ready for it.
It’s funny, I don’t recall this many articles about this sort of thing before January 2021.
Butter is awesome. Let’s face it, everything tastes better with it. Fortunately, it freezes rather well and I keep about 20# in the freezer at all times. The more astute will recall that ghee will provide butter flavor without needing the freezing/refrigeration of regular butter. And, the truly thoughtful, will have cases of Red Feather sitting in their bunker….just in case.
I haven’t seen any problems walking into CostCo and walking out with as much butter as I want, but perhaps I should bump up the house supply. Even if there isnt an availability issue the price certainly isnt going to go down.
And, yeah, bacon grease can be used for a lot of the things that I like to use butter for when it comes to cooking….but, there’s still alot of things out there that just arent the same without nice melted butter on them.
We have been seeing this exact issue recently at our local Sam’s Club (south central MN). Availability has been sporadic the last couple months. Currently they are completely out of the standard, Members Mark butter.
What’s worse is that we let our stock in the freezer deplete. I need to do some deep diving to see what we have.
I’m making daily stops at Sam’s on my way home from work (trick from 2020) to see if they’ve restocked.
On the flip side, a regional chain is running it on sale, limit 1 per day so I’m stopping there as well.
Well Crummy old Joe Dummy isn’t Roosevelt. Thank God. But then Joe didn’t have to recruit Communists like FDR did. His party is full of them. To see a shortage of anything in the greatest and most productive nation on this planet ever. And these Marxist turds think for one minute we are going to let this pass.
While Jomentia and the evil cruds in his party loot the Treasury and work with the Chinese to hand over all of our military and manufacturing secrets.
On election day next month. We will remember. The Wall Street Urinal has a report on the insider trading the people in Congress and the Bureaucracy are engaged in. And with no oversight they are making millions. Using information that would see anyone of us in jail for SEC violations.
And don’t think for a minute this is just a few. Many when running for office they claim Washington is broken. According to whom? In truth it’s not broken. Not at all. Generation after generation of politicians have maneuvered and passed bill after bill to create what we have now. Ike warned us. As did Reagan. In the end these corrupt bastards have structured this government precisely as they wish it to be. So that government serves them. Not the people. Self serving so called public servants. Lying to us while they count their profits. You wouldn’t be surprised to learn that millions were mad off this COVID19 pandemic. While they violated our rights with lock downs and vaccine mandates. Several who were investigated and found to be ” clean” were actually the worst of the bunch. Look at the retirements. Those were the ones who made a fortune and now retire to live a life of ease and comfort. And I can say that leadership in both parties are culpable. One reason I want to see an amendment putting term limits on Congress. Limit them so you don’t have these bastards ensconced in an office for 40 years or more to rob at will. They need to be in and out before they have a chance to make corrupt alliances and evil bargains. November. The day after election day. We will know if this nation will survive or we are handed another choice. One forced on us by those in league with the NWO and those who want one world government. We are at 3 wks and counting. Then we’ll know.
By hook, crook, or false flag event, they will do everything they can to prevent losing their power. I really wouldn’t be surprised that the election is ‘postponed’ with no intention on ever re-establishing it.
Butter was $5.12 for two pounds at Walmart in January. Now it’s $8.88.
Yeah, butter really helps food taste better. And you don’t have to cook it to get the ‘secret sauce’ out like bacon. Bacon grease is WELL WORTH saving.
Right now, real salted butter is about a dollar a stick. If there are shortages, butter can be traded for other needed consumables.
Salted butter here is 2.99 a pound. It also freezes well.
frozen butter- check
ghee- check
red feather- check
Whee I passed Zero’s test!
So instead of having 1.2 pounds of butter in storage in one place for every last man, woman, and child in the country, they’re down to “only” 0.9 pounds of it?
And that’s supposed to signify a shortage?
This is more a case of PR spin trying to use doom-and-gloom to justify widespread price-jacking.
The oil companies have been doing this successfully and unhindered for decades.
It was bound to catch on.
Have you been following the die-off of cows due to the drought? What about eggs? Worse than the price has been the shortages. Also PR spin? It couldn’t have anything to do with the BILLIONS of chickens force-ably killed by order of the FDA due to the bird flu, could it?
Shopper’s bulletin. Red Feather canned butter is very good quality. I buy a case of it every few years. I obtained mine from “Pleasant Hill Grain”, a nice people company that carries all sorts of foods and K.P. kitchen gear as well. Worthwhile to check out and patronize instead of amazon. (Check out the canned cheese and powder eggs options as well for deep storage) Having a tin of butter (needs no fridge/freezer for long term storage) is golden in many a scenario. When your out INNAWOODS with those Wolverines chums, and you crack open some canned butter to augment whatever meager rations you and the frens are subsiting on it will be a much more pleasant dining experience.
Stay frosty.
I haven’t seen shortages of butter here, but the price has gone from about $2 a lb to $5.79 for the same store brand product.
Got to thinking. Why is there a butter shortage? The FDA keeps large stock off the market to maintain a fair market price. Milk as well. That is processed into nonfat dried milk.
The more I see all the parts of this puzzle I’m not liking the answer.
1. Food factories and processing facilities being set afire.
2. Members of the WEF and the Liberal World Order are buying tens of thousands of acres of farm land just to keep it out of production. That includes the Microsoft weirdo.
By diminishing the food supply they can reduce the population. Keep it inline with the ridiculous book ” The Population Bomb” by Erlich. Another bullshit piece of crap written by a loser idiot but swallowed by the drug addicted Red Diaper Doper Babies of the 60s. Whose grandchildren. At least the ones that weren’t aborted are now the Watermelons of today. Green on the outside and bright Communist Red on the inside. This has been percolating for 60 years. Now. They are ready.
The UN about 15 years ago began reducing the food relief that is being sent to Africa. The feeling was that if these people were fed more then just a subsistence diet the population would explode. If you think for one minute any of these self styled rulers are compassionate think again. By his own admission George Soros in the summer of 1944 in Budapest Hungry was complicit in the deaths of 10 thousand Hungarian Jews. He collaborated with the Nazis. Many of whom escaped with help from the International Red Cross and the Catholic Church. Of course the allies helped themselves to the rocket and nuclear scientists bringing many to the US via Operation Paperclip.
I read a great deal of history. From the European dark ages to our modern age. The names change but the motivations remain pretty much the same. Today. The tech is better. Much more so in order to use that tech to kill millions of people these losers considered undesirable. Great Reset? More like the Holocaust times ten.
How many have died in the intentional release of COVID19. And I can tell you that the next bioweapon is already being readied. Make no mistake about it.
One fact I have learned is that Moderna began working on a vaccine for COVID19 in 2016. Two years before the pandemic was released on the world. We knew about it but our Intel community didn’t put the pieces together fast enough. More on that later.
If you want to know what these bastards are about. Read the crap they read. They’ve been writing about it since the fifties. And they believe the most idiotic crap. But they’ve been conditioned to believe this by what they are being taught in preschool through the college level. Many of their teachings come from Paganism. Earth first.
Earth worship and all that crap. If you’ve read Atlas Shrugged. Read Ayn Rands rebuttal to the hippy movement of the 60s. Then you will understand. The title is. The Return of the Primitives: The New Left and the Anti-Industrial Revolution. It is still in print.
Did you know you can pressure can butter? It isn’t USDA or any other alphabet agency approved, but it works.
Pleasant hill is always a good buy for red feather, Walmart actually had it via safe castle. Using Zero math pleasant hill is 232 with shipping, Walmart 200 free shipping and minus 5% for online sales with Walmart card.