Augason at Winco II

One of the nice things about blogging for twenty years is that I can go back and check details that would otherwise be lost in time.

The Augason storage food I mentioned yesterday? The price on the potato shreds is the same as it was last year. Interestingly, though, the butter powder is $2.50 cheaper than it was last year.

Storage food is insurance. Certainly it’s a nice hedge against the day the zombies arrive, Xenu comes back, the Chinese invade, the race war starts,  and the comet hits. But it’s also a comfort against job loss, economic troubles, and supply issues. In general, like all insurance, one of it’s great benefits is the peace of mind it offers.

We seldom see hunger in this country to the point that exists in other countries. (We’re the only country with obese poor people, so you know food isn’t exactly a problem for us.) But while as a nation we virtually never experience hunger, we can (and do) as individuals…we suffer individual setbacks like job losses, crippling injuries, etc. And while there may be miles of aisles of food at the Walmart, there may be none to be had by you. So….yes, a form of insurance.

Preaching to the choir, I know, but let’s be real….too many people emphasize the sexy gun stuff and under-emphasize the unsexy things like food. But your gonna eat a lot more often than you’re going to shoot things in most crises. So…yeah, lay back some .223 but spend at least as much in time, effort, and money on food as well.


6 thoughts on “Augason at Winco II

  1. While long-term survival is the ultimate goal, it’s also nice when, two years from now, you’re eating at today’s prices. It may occasionally bite you, but not often.

  2. Correct. One element to the food/ pantry department that I have been devoting time and funds toward is all of the accoutrements that are necessary and or nice to haves beyond just pallets of chow. Back stock stuff like: vacuum sealer rolls, freezer bags of all sizes, food wraps and foil, disposable plates bowls cups utensils, redundant storage containers for leftovers and freezing bulk foods, back up small appliances like toaster, microwaves, rice cookers, etc. A lot of which is imports which will be unobtainium in sporty times. Recon your local thrift shops for items of interest, and to get trained up for the future commerce conditions should your a.o. become “behind the lines”.
    Stay frosty.

  3. It been a long time since you addressed LTS food. Could you talk a little about what you use and why. You mentioned a few years ago you had 3 or so different brands. Are any of them the better than the others in your opinion?

    • Nothing has changed since I last detailed it, so any posts you may find on the subject would still be accurate.

      • I’ve been looking at multiple brands. Do you think Augason or another brand is better than the rest. Or does it just come down to cost of these for you?

        • My preferences, in order, are Mountain House, Augason Farms, LDS Cannery. I don’t usually bother with other brands because I just havent needed to in the past. Id say its a lot like buying guns….stick to the big names.

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