Shutting off the flow of money, eh.

The Chief Cultural Appropriator in Canaduh*  has initiated some ’emergency measures’ to stamp out terrorists who have been…committing parking violations. Whatever. Yet another reason no one takes Canada seriously.

But, what is interesting about all this is that amongst the powers that the Canuckistan government is giving itself is the power to shut down various financial activities that it thinks go against The Canadian Way and might benefit those evil double parkers.

We’re back to the old dictatorship-by-proxy that we see in this country every so often. Government can’t do a particular thing because of the Constitution or some other legal restraint….but it can encourage a non-government actor to perform the same function. An example would be when .gov leaned on banks and credit card companies not to do business with firearms businesses. Can’t really shut down the gun market but we can certainly make it so they can’t do business.

What happens when you get on The List and the bank is ‘nudged’ into freezing your accounts? Are you going to be left standing at an ATM with a dead bank card, $32 in cash, and no access to your money? Gotta think about these things, man. Yet another reasonable cause for having a buncha cash (or cash-like instruments) in a secure place. When .gov finally rolls out it’s own cryptocurrency (guaranteed to have a catchy-souding patriotic name like LibertyBucks, or BitEagle, or something) you watch how fast they’ll tie up that ‘money’ when they decide its going somewhere, or being used by someone, they don’t like.

What’s really fascinating is that Candians have this reputation as a perpetually-apologizing group of people who are just so gosh darned nice. Watching Trudeau ret to act like an in-control leader is like watching a toddler running around the house in dad’s cowboy boots and hat.

But, the moral of the story here is that this is an example of even more reasons not to put all your eggs in one basket..errr…bank. And, not that I would ever recommend such a thing, but it’s also a nice example why having banking under other names might be handy.

* = Ever notice how all those Socialistic and Draconian places start with ‘C’ and end in ‘A’? China, Cuba, California, Canada, etc.

23 thoughts on “Shutting off the flow of money, eh.

  1. And proving that gravity works, latest reports have hordes of Canuckistanis now pro-actively draining the cash out of their bank accounts nationwide, in quantities and with sufficient alacrity to cause the term “bank run” to be whispered, now that Turdoo has shattered all faith in the sovereign banking system and national currency.

    “F**k me?”, meet “No, f**k you!

    Almost like Adam Smith might have been onto something back in 1776.

    It couldn’t happen to a nicer dictatorship.

  2. “secure place”. that’s my dilemma, where to put it. a safe? even the best ones will burn after a while, and only slow down a pro for a few minutes. it has to be accessible so can’t bury it. same for silver.

  3. Excellent article today ! Keep
    Up the work .

    On a side note when “alternative” at home
    Banking assets do what lumber , steel, real estate, vehicles , electrical and plumbing parts (you get the drift ) I fully expect to see a parabolic rise i the underlying valuation of gold/silver .

    PMis are of the few
    Tangible assets that have not tripled.

    1900 dollar gold
    Is chump change compared to 100k ford trucks.

    When it does that remote Montana land may be more in reach for some !!!

  4. And we’re next USA. Already banks are shutting down cause they are experiencing a bit of a run on withdrawals. As in more is being taken out than they need to keep operating. By opening on Monday AM I’m guessing banks will freeze all assets from being withdrawn, or at least limiting it to so many dollars a day.
    Next I expect troo-dough to try and enforce his martial law mandate with limited success, while the mounties continue following in lock step for their paltry paychecks and painting targets on their backs. Once they succeed in confiscation of money from whomever they chose, the trucks will be forced to return home. From there the trucks will be shut off and will not resume their meandering up and down the highways for a good long time. It’s gonna be a hungry summer.And we’re next.

    • for the first time in recorded history today our credit union lobby was closed, on a Friday!, due to ‘staffing’ issues (drive thru was open). Finally got through on the phone by a fluke, I was number 60 in the phone queue. Just needed a document out of the safe deposit box, I counted six employees in the branch. Pulled out the documents, extra wad of cash and some precious metals and put them in the safe at home.

      shit is getting real.

  5. I’m hoping our Tyrants (the Yew-S (D) Politburo ) do the same.
    I done did closed 2 accts already. The interest was a joke anyway AND…it’s less BS every month. WIN WIN !

    It’ll be Grrrrrr-Rate !

    After all, it was our YeW-s Politburo that “directed” Tredeau, the Castro Offspring. (Yeah, he is. Quebec baby Quebec. Epstein in the woods and then some.)

    Ain’t No Such a thang as Coincidence.

    US Sponsored Financial Terrorism Directed against You, Your Country and Your Freedoms.
    As it stands today…The US Govt is the enemy of Free Canadians Everywhere.

    Your 96gender Tyrant may have “Freely” signed it, but it was DC and it’s Tyrananical Psycopaths that made Fidel Jr the 96th…..

    A DEAL, HE SHOULD NOT REFUSE. (Reference Quebec Elite Woodland Pedo Parties)

    Make’em PAY kidz, make’em pay.

  6. Firstly, I’m a Canadian, secondly I don’t agree with what our fearless leader in Ottawa is up to. He was elected by a skewed electoral system that allows two provinces to elect a minority government. Now, when your leaders perform questionable actions/policies, we from the Great White North refrain from calling your leaders names. We have belittled you country on occasion so fair is fair. Keep that in mind. He is our bag of turds so we’ll call him names, thank you! As for the rumours of a quiet bank run. I’ve heard nothing. Another thing, CZ, he may be like a toddler running around the house out of control, but he would never be caught in cowboy boots and hat! Blackface, maybe. TTFN

  7. Right. Stay flexible with liquid assets in your possession. Supports a theme of also getting out of cities or blue hives. (Yeah start packing now if not de-camped already) Not just banking can be “.gov jacked”, banditry type methods employed upon malefactors. Consider the electronic benefits direct depositing systems, all categories. (My own vet disability stipend, sole support example can be turned off for just this blog reply post) that would be turning some screws on people for sure. Also a Reporter for salt lake tribune is using doxxed donations list released by deep state hacker actor to contact those folks for antagonizing agendas. The tempo is sure picking up.

    Stay frosty.

    • VA keeps telling me to set up direct deposit for my disability check. I keep not doing it. The demand becomes evermore strident, citing federal law requiring me to comply. The more they demand, the more convinced I am that I am doing the right thing.

      • Stay the course as a hold out, j. They may still have to pay in checks for a long time still. I will pull everything out above minimum balances to mitigate fees and go to ground. (P.s. those newer 100 denom bills can be skynet tracked with tech, shield accordingly)

        And what part about MRNA experimental vaccine with body count statistics and crashing out humanoids, in color on the vidya screens, do folks not comprehend. Jeez. My store has a case lot sale coming up, going to fill up the long bed 3/4 ton truck, because seems prudent about now. Stay frostiest out there frens.

  8. As a guy who (a) lives north of the not-so United States and has (b) lived through the war measures act being implemented in October 1970,* I can tell you that you do not have a grasp of what’s going on up here.

    1. A very small group of truckers are protesting the fact that they cannot reenter Canada from runs south of the border if they haven’t been vaccinated. However, they cannot cross the border into the not-so United States without being vaccinated. BTW even the Teamsters Union and the Canadian Truckers Association are opposed to the trucker’s protest.

    2. By blocking border crossings, these “freedom fighters” have caused some serious issues including small business layoffs and several car plants with hundreds of workers going on short-term layoffs. As a result, these “freedom fighters” are being treated in the Canadian version of what Ronald Reagan did to the air traffic controllers.

    3. These “freedom fighters” slept through civics class. If they had been awake they would understand that insisting on a right that infringes upon another’s rights without acknowledging their responsibilities isn’t fighting for freedom – it’s demanding privilege. In short, these excessively gullible and intellectually challenged people are having a temper tantrum.

    4. The response to the truckers has been a very measured one.** When the predecessor to the Emergencies Act (The War Measures Act) was implemented, there was martial law and several thousand troops in the streets of Montreal, Quebec and Ottawa. Considering some of the stuff the truckers have been doing,*** they are getting off very lightly.




    • And we can see the guy who isn’t paying attention. Just do what the government says. Paging Aesop to deal with this. Aesop, your skills are needed by Mike.

      • You can’t help people who stab their own eyes out and tell themselves it’s for their own good.

        Mike is a fedbot, and not worth the electrons, let alone as a guest on Zero’s blog.

    • Your boy claiming the truckers are racists & nazis is utterly shameless. I expect nothing less from progressives, but it is a cowardly blood-libel none the less.

    • You are a trudeau troll. Must make you all warm and virtue signalling. Go get your free Tim Hortons now.

  9. Another Canadian chiming in. I have to disagree with the above poster on most of his points, and CZ as well. We may be a generally peaceful. laidback country that apologizes too much, but if you get our backs up, we are not pleasant to deal with. Just ask any country that has come up against our military.

    1: A small number? Supported by hundreds of thousands across this country, maybe even a million. They are the public face of a huge number of people both vaxxed and un-vaxxed. And please don’t quote the Canadian Trucker’s Association. Not only do they NOT represent the majority of truckers, they are basically an arm of the government and a heavy political donor to the Liberal party.

    2: Blocking the border crossings has affected some industry. That I will agree with, but it hasn’t affected it more than the continual lockdowns/mandates from our beloved leader. And I always find it humorous that when the auto industry is affected all of a sudden there’s a hue and cry to do something. I didn’t notice any of you guys crying when Trudeau has been systematically destroying the oil and gas industry, costing people their jobs, their way of life, and costing the country 100’s of billions of dollars.

    3: They slept though civics class? Really? Since when is demanding your legally guaranteed rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is not privilege! They are demanding their rights, and even your rights be returned, while you call them, “excessively gullible and intellectually challenged people are having a temper tantrum.” I wonder if you would call Brian Peckford that? Former Premier of Newfoundland, one of the individuals that helped write the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the last living signatory of that document. Why is he on the side of truckers, and freedom loving people across this country? Or is he just another these excessively gullible and intellectually challenged person having a temper tantrum?

    4: The Emergencies Act should be used only as a last resort. Seems to me it is Trudeau’s first resort. A convoy of his constituents shows up in Ottawa – the seat of government – and he doesn’t even attempt to open a dialogue with them. He calls them Nazi’s and a small fringe minority holding unacceptable views. In any situation in the free world, leaders usually at least attempt a dialogue before declaring “Martial Law” and bringing in the storm troopers to disperse it.

    I don’t even know why I try. There are obviously way to many people out there that are brainwashed by MSM, and are more than willing to live under a tyrannical government. I guess I’ll close with this quote, “THOSE WHO WOULD TRADE THEIR FREEDOM FOR SAFETY – DESERVE NEITHER!”

  10. Lived and practiced in Ottawa for 12 years…. My late wife was Canadian, my fil is a retired RCMP officer. He, btw, is not at all impressed with the performance of his government or his force.

    Canada is essentially passive-aggressive. The whole fing country. The stress of the weather, the crowds (it’s a big country but 95% of the people live within 100km of the US border), the expenses (mostly caused by government) and the stresses build.

    More than half the patients I saw came in with long-term prescriptions for antidepressants or mood stabilizers…. And on top of that, self medicated with alcohol or cannabis or both.

    And when the strain gets to be too much? Then they get nasty.

    Trudeascu is way beyond too much. The Parliament has shown themselves to be cowardly shits, declaring it’s too dangerous for them to meet today to table (canuk for debate) the emergency act. The former CoP in Ottawa quit, the ‘acting’ thug with a badge is happy to beat some heads in. Gassing people, killing pets, and if the occasional kid dies? Well, omletes, eggs….

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