Missoula Gun Show

The big Missoula Gun Show starts tomorrow. I’ll be stopping in there all three days to see whats going on, visit with folks, and see what the markets will bear. There isnt really anything I need to get, but I wouldnt say no to a little Barret lovin’.

It’s been a busy week so posting was thin this week. Sorry about that… between relatives visiting, new job, and the usual constraints on my time it was difficult to get time for blogging. But, relatives leave Tuesday, so we should be back to an even keel by then.

2 thoughts on “Missoula Gun Show

  1. I was in a Dunhams a couple of days ago. The prices of firearms have pretty much returned to near normal.
    Ammo on the other had was still double and in some cases triple what they were in 2019.
    While the firearm cases were full. The ammo shelves were still close to bare. What was left was high priced. Including a box of Winchester 7.62x51mm military spec that was priced at $64.99.
    The various boxes of 9mm were priced from $24.99 to $34.99. Nothing special like +P loads just standard ammo.
    Did read that Vista has the two Remington ammo plants up and running. They will be producing in excess of a million rounds a day. No idea how that might help to alleviate the shortages and high prices. But I suppose everything helps. Fiocci should be close to a production start date for their new ammo plant in Arkansas. And construction has begun on a new ammo plant in West Virginia. I doubt they will be up and running before next year sometime.

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