
So as you know, the Preponomicon has a list of everything I’ve deemed worth keeping track of…mostly consumables – food, ammo, cleaning supplies, toiletries, etc. It lists what I have as well as what i need. So, literally the easiest thing for me to do is go down my grocery list of things to stockpile, order them up for pickup on WalMarts website, and just get it all done at once. So I did that. Scheduled a time to go there and pick it up and I got an email a few hours later saying, sorry, due to [whatever reason] they had to cancel the order but I could try reordering for a different day…and by the way here’s an online coupon for the inconvenience. Nice. So, tomorrow I’m picking up a stash of canned vegetables, coffee, and a few other things and when it’s all done I’ll have saved 50%. Lucky.

Say what you will about WalMart, it is pretty convenient for my preparedness needs. If I want to spend, say, $50 on items that are needed I can just run down my list, add it all to cart, and head down there to pick it up as they carry it out to my vehicle. No muss, no fuss.

What with this endless ‘second wave’ or ‘surge’ of Kung Flu cases (although, I wonder, are they really surging? Because I can very clearly see the definition of ‘new cases’ being manipulated to suit the political needs of whomever dispenses the information) it seems that the panic buying of earler this year may come back in fits and starts. Makes no difference to me, I’ve always tried to keep my house stocked like its the end of the world.

So, a thumbs up for simply opening up an Excel spreadsheet on one monitor, and a browser tab for WalMart grocery on the other monitor. It literally makes stockpiling as easy as ordering a pizza. Which reminds me, frozen pizza was a scarce item during the earlier panic buying…gotta add that to the list.

22 thoughts on “Lucky

  1. I’ve noticed the TP was gone at Sams this weekend, and in short supply at DG. Heard about a trucker strike… The new normal I guess. That’s why we stock up when we can. Heard there was 4 billion rounds on back order too. Makes you wonder when and if ammo will return to normal as well…

  2. If you haven’t considered getting an ooni pizza oven, I highly recommend it, with a couple if tries I am blowing away the local brick oven shops and my father used to own a pizzeria in queens, so I know pizza.. It can also double as a nice little tent stove.

    • Where in Queens? I grew up there and probably tried just about every pizzeria. Certain neighborhoods were better than others. New Park Pizza on Cross Bay Blvd (Howard Beach) was one of the best in the 70’s-90’s. The used to make their dough with golden semolina, and the crust was just the right ratio of chewy/crispy.

      Now I’m going to have to check out the Ooni Pizza Oven.

    • I have a Roxbox pizza oven and love it. Finally perfected my crust. The Roxbox can reach 950 degrees and you can use gas or wood.

  3. Kaiser Medical here in CA has ramped up testing for the WuFlu. Got a message and call that they wanted me tested. No if, ands, or buts. Pick a time, etc. Long driveup lines at the facility, took near an hour to get to the head of the line. Quite a few vehicles had multiple people in them that got tested.

    So, more testing, you get higher numbers found of past infections.

    Did you notice that Elon Musk got tested 4 times in one day, same setup, and got 2 positive and 2 negative results?
    Apparently the test is somewhat bogus.

    • Nobody is testing me. I use the same line as the pro-abortionists.

      My body – my choice.

      I’m not giving them more statistical ‘proof’ that the virus is spreading based on another false positive. The same holds true for the vaccine – NOT gonna happen.

    • Will, Can you tell me more about Kaiser Med. calling you to get tested? Was there a reason why that you know of, i.e., upcoming surgery, appt., you are an employee, or they are your medical insurance?

      My brain is trying to figure it out, and I don’t understand their power to randomly contact someone and tell them to go get tested. Yikes.

      • If you are Seriously conspiracy minded, then you might think that they are also building a DNA base with all of those blood samples that they are taking.
        Hey, if i thought of it……

        • The DNA database; I was telling people this at the start of this whole Kung Flu episode. What easier way to dupe people out of their right to say “no,” than by getting them to volunteer their samples! Mark my words; I see “getting tested” becoming mandatory if you want to go to work, go to the market, yadda-yadda. I’ve been saying the same about “23 & Me,”, and the like for years. When you use one of these DNA services, you are considered to have volunteered your DNA, and it can be subpoenaed at will. Of course, if you’ve done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about; right? Except that you can be doing or owning something perfectly legal today, only to have the law changed overnight, making you a felon for doing or owning the same thing tomorrow… Convenient…

        • Will, I appreciate your taking the time to reply. Thank you. I’m in a different state, and the same thing happened to my mom twice, each time before a surgery. To this day, she still has not had the covid.
          I wish you all the best with your colonoscopy. Blessings to you, your health and your family.

  4. Another nice feature of the Walmart website is the ability to set up an email notification on specific items that are out of stock items so you get a notice when they are back in stock. This has come in handy over the last couple weeks as panic buying has come back en vogue and certain items are only available for short periods of time while supplies last.

  5. No panic buying at my local grocery yet, but they did put the ‘limit two’ sign back up already for paper products. I learned my lesson from last time and already have the reserve stockpile.

    • ‘Same here. Use one, buy two. That’s the way to do it. I got caught short on a few things last time out. Not so, this time…

      • Still in stock here but now I’m not the only one stocking up. In the grocery store the other day, wife bought extra facial tissue “to put up in the attic” ((next to the two tubs of tp!). A bonus from this whole thing: I found that the store brand of tp was just as good as the brand name, way cheaper and more often in stock.

  6. TP is gone at the local Wally. Other stuff seems to be fine but TP is gone. Funny what people stock when they get scared.

    • What about, heart attacks, motor vehicle axs, pneumonia, cancers etc.Seems to it’s all been lumped together as covid, seeing as how 2 weeks ago covid death number was 14,000+.

      • Yearly death totals should be lower than the last two years have been. This virus panic is way overblown, it’s just political maneuvering.

  7. Idk about a second wave but my son brought the covid home from work. My wife and son both tested positive mine came back inconclusive. We all head body aches, head aches ect. I had shortness of breath when trying to walk up hill and carry in wood. Lost smell and taste for a couple days. Parents got it too though from a different source. My neighbors 1/2 mile away got it. All 6 of them. Unlike the first wave where I knew noone that hot it i now know 30+ people in my inner circle and church. Its like the regular flu minus the loosing of taste.

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