Who’s scrying now

I don’t remember exactly what the flavor of apocalypse it was, but I had another end of the world dream last night. My own fault…Kung Pao at midnight was pretty much an ‘E’ ticket to this sort of thing.

Then I wake up, read the news, see the media trumpeting an inevitable Biden victory and realize that perhaps it wasn’t so much a dream as it was foreshadowing.

No matter who wins, this election is going to be forever tainted and considered illegitimate by whichever side simply because of the preponderance of mail-in voting. Add in the usual political chicanery of missing ballots, found ballots, absentee ballots, and the classic Chicago-style dead voter ballots, and you get a recipe for an election result that one side is going to decry as obvious Third World style vote rigging.I am also forecasting that, no matter who wins, the stock market will drop like a roller coaster the first week of November. A Trump victory will bring enough chaos and ‘unrest’ that the market will get spooked and drop, and a Biden victory will bring enough fear of economic turmoil that the market will get spooked and drop. I also think that metals will drop alongside the market as people sell their metals to raise cash to either buy into the market at the bottom, to cover calls, or to just ‘get cash’. As all that metal hits the market, the price goes down.We saw this in March.

Right now, I’m trying to wrangle as much cash on hand as possible so that when the market (and PMs) crap the bed I can jump in and buy. If I’m wrong (and I am completely willing to accept that I might be) then all thats happened is I have a buncha cash laying around that I otherwise would have invested a month earlier.But, this is 2020…the year where fortune took off the gloves and started bare-knuckling it. Anything can happen. Fortunately, as a paranoid survivalist, I’ve kinda been preparing for anything.

As I tell my friends, the great thing about being a pessimist is that the worst thing that can happen is that things go just the way you planned for.


24 thoughts on “Who’s scrying now

  1. I’ve always wrangled with ‘how much cash’ to keep on hand as my income grew/slowed over the years. It’s always been to cover at least 6 months of bills including years worth of property taxes and house/car insurance. When Covid hit, a lot of places were really hardcore about not taking cash and wanted digital payment even though it was illegal for them to refuse cash. Our spending stopped and we ate from the pantry avoiding going to the grocery stores/out to eat able to stash away a good bit of money. Recently my spending has drastically slowed even more, zero balance on credit cards and now just coasting with day to day living until the next disaster called ‘my life’.

  2. “No matter who wins, this election is going to be forever tainted and considered illegitimate….”

    So, no change then?

  3. We’ve been voting by mail for years with no issues. Heard a judge told the bad cheeto man to produce evidence of the fraud he keeps harping about. Nothing but crickets, no evidence of any fraud from the FBI or anyone else.

    This year I was an election judge in a mail in ballots process with the dept. of labor and our own Washington DC rep watching my every move. No muss no fuss I didn’t go to jail the process works fine and penalties are high should someone try any hanky panky with the balloting.

    • It’s the car-loads of ballots “discovered” 3 weeks after the election in tightly contested states & counties, that magically skew 92% Murdercrat, that most people are worried about.

    • My friend got a ballot with no spot for the necessary signature. Same for everyone else in his county, which is dark red politically. The clerk sent in the correct digital proof document and the California publisher deliberately changed it. Is it fraud if the ballots sent to a solid republican area are all sabotaged? Maybe. Was it sabotaged by certain Californians in a way that will help the candidate favored by Californians? Yes.

      Note. I’ve also been voting by mail.

    • Seems somewhat disingenuous… The proposed vote-by-mail program is not the same as the absentee voting we’ve had in the past. I have no problems with everyone having their vote count – if they are legitimate. But, there should be a reasonable method to verify that legitimacy.

    • So, you think sending out unsolicited mail-in ballots will not result in fraud, you’re pretty naive. Reminder, we are not talking about people who requested a mail ballot here. These are “unsolicited” ballots to everyone on the voter rolls. Yep, no worries about fraud here, expect of course as you say “bad cheeto man” wins!!!

  4. I agree, times are difficult. Not so long ago Democrats were buying votes for a couple shots of whiskey. Now you can’t buy a vote for less than $25 dollars. Residents at a California homeless camp will ask $50, and take $35. You start talking big money if you want a ballot signed by a dead person; particularly in a close race.

  5. No evidence of fraud from the FBI—
    This FBI? The same FBI that colluded with Hillary to unseat our President?
    Yeah, no bias there.
    Who would trust a damn thing this FBI says??

        • my point is what are you and the rest of America going to do about it? FBI is compromised, ballot process is FUBAR, Americans hating on Americans.

          Bunker up and assume the fetal position or get out there and try and change things. Run for office, volunteer for your candidate, knock on doors, man a phone bank, get out there and work for change. Or load up all the mags and wait for the strong boys to fast rope into the back yard.

          When the sausage starts to get made not many people can handle the arena. I’ve been there and done that, it’s tough, dirty and grueling work and most people talk a good game but don’t show up for the real work.

  6. yeah like you said before, cash is the universal prep. at least right up til the very end. i’m trying to pad the accounts but keep buying more long term food/ammo when its available. got more of both than we can eat before we die but still stacking. do i need an intervention?

  7. @jimbo, that is truly awesome, and thanks for doing the work.

    Growing up in the Chicago area, my experience was quite different than that. It was more than just joking and gallows humor when ‘Welcome to Chicago, where even the dead can vote’ and ‘Vote early, vote often’ were commonly heard expressions.

    Some county official would die and his whole basement would turn out to be full of uncounted ballots.

    More recently we saw plenty of vote fraud during the 2016 election with precincts reporting more votes than residents, let alone more than registered voters. We saw precincts that wouldn’t report numbers until AFTER some other (usually traditionally R) precinct reported.

    It’s not that we’ve never had mail in ballots before. It’s that we have areas where you can do either or both, and there isn’t a good way without extensive auditing to tell which is the fraudulent ballot. We’ve had the acceptance of the idea of “ballot harvesting”. And we’ve got far more potential mail in ballots than previously.

    When elections go the way they are expected to go, and the results “make sense” there isn’t even much desire or urgency to actually COUNT the ballots. The election exit polls used to go a long way toward determining winners, and whether people would believe the announcement.

    The left and the right live in completely different realities and have very little intersection with each other. That level of division is new too.

    Long story short, this one is different. It has more aggravating factors.


    • People, and governments, are going to do what they want unless they are stopped. That includes ballot fraud, taking property, taking rights away, assault, imprisoning and killing.

      The big question isn’t if it is or isn’t happening, nothing is 100% pure.

      The question is how to get the undesired activity to stop.

  8. As the dollar collapse happens, credit and bank cards will freeze up, cash will be king for about two weeks,
    After that It’s Gold Silver and lead,

  9. I think you’re right that the market will tank, as it does periodically for a myriad of reasons.
    I would be surprised if metals dropped much, but the paper market is so big I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the tail that wagged the dog… I’m surprised that silver and gold are off their highs of a couple months ago with so much uncertainty.
    I’ve got enough stocked away that I won’t add to it until the prices drop alot further; I’m more focused on food and some other stuff right now.

  10. New item @ Costco- Motrin +, a combination of ibuprofen & acetaminophen compounded together. Greatly simplified dosing for pain/fever/postoperative discomfort. Bottle dosing LOW so do some research recalling most folks can take 3 grams acetaminophen a day. That would be the limiting ingredient. Usual caveats- this is not medical advice, don’t exceed label dosing, wear your helmet, …….

    Not perfect place to post so sorry

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