Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.
Nothing is ever as simple as it seems.
The dehydrated eggs I wanted were apparently run off when the company had/gets a government contract to do so. They currently do not have a contract to do so, thus, they have no inventory of this product to sell me. My options are to now look for an alternate product (Deb El if I can ever find any) or buy the existing stocks at REI and hope they have enough for my needs. (I figure one case oughtta do it for now [=100 eggs]).
This is typical. Every time I find a product Im really enthused about it gets discontinued or otherwise becomes unavailable to me.
With summer on the way, im wondering if there’ll be failures of the power grid as there was last summer. Even if there isnt, Im still predicting/forecasting Major Wierdness around election time and I am also guessing *something* will happen proximal to the Assault Weapons Ban expiration to suddenly swing votes towards renewing it.
I’ve had an extraordinarily Machiavellian thought lately – go to school, finish college with some sort of civics degree and get a job as Emergency Management officer for the county or state. This why I know exactly where all the goodies are and I get keys to the warehouses. Hmm.