
2020 is approaching. I am dreading it. Historically, years that were divisible by five have been very bad for me. I expect 2020 to have no shortage of kick-to-the-jimmies episodes.

Man, I have a talent for understatement. Historically, years divisible by five have been really bad ones for me. While 2020 has (so far) been annoying on a bunch of levels I like to think I have (thus far) weathered it better than many folks. ‘Course, the year ain’t over yet….

6 thoughts on “Prescience

  1. Yer right Commander Z. Don’t know about the years divisible by 5 but do know that the year 2020 has been a disaster from the beginning, more so than any year I can remember, and they number in excess of well over 5 decades. What with unexpected uncovered medical expenses, a raise in insurance rates (just cause they can do it ya know), a very cool but not overly wet spring ( I had a fire daily until mid June), projects that go haywire for no apparent reason, bogus equipment repairs, equipment that breaks, is repaired with new parts but still fails to work, constant battle to complete very simple tasks, no rain for over 3 months now, crops that won’t grow (but the weeds are aplenty), to say nothing about this virus bullshit and the continued buffoonery of the political class on both sides. And your right too, the year ain’t over yet! You got just a few more days boys & girls, come Nov. 3rd the situation is gonna get downright western…….. Long Live Our Republic!

    • Doc-I think you’re misreading the chart. I believe it is saying that we were exporting medical kits for years that once Covid-19 hit, we needed. See below quote from the page.

      “The data here track previously existing medical devices that are now classified by the World Customs Organization as critical to tackling COVID-19.”

      • It turns out that there is also a page for 2017. You mean to tell me that they were tracking “previously existing medical devices” YEARS BEFORE THE VIRUS EXISTED?

        • I don’t know much about exports but I imagine all that stuff is pretty well tracked in general.

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