Almost caught up, CostCo, Paratus

Finally getting close to being caught up on things. Should be back to snuff by Monday. Thanks for your patience.
A quick trip to CostCo today. Just because I feel like crap is no excuse to ignore the future. Picked up some ‘chubs’ of ground beef and, interestingly, ground chicken. Hey, chicken is cheaper by the pound and I want to experiment with chicken meatballs. :::shrug::: I’m an innovator.

But, more importantly, I got a few more things on the shelves ‘just in case’. And JIC can cover a lot of things…it doesn’t have to be just a zombie apocalypse.  Localized shortages, a rockslide that closes the main road to town, a fire a the local WalMart, a bout of unemployment, etc. There’s really no reason not to have some basics laid back.

I, however, choose to go beyond ‘basic’ and I hope you do too.
Even though I have a dozen or so stripped AR lowers sitting around, I still check pricing and availability. Gotta say…now is the second worst time to be buying guns, first worst is gonna be November. Even if early-onset dementia victim Biden doesn’t get elected you can still expect gun prices and availability to be wildly unpredictable. What I can predict is that there will be no Trump Slump this time around. Even if Trump wins, the natives are still restless over Covid, race ‘discussions’, and other uncertainties.

Now is not the time for complacency.
Four weeks until Paratus! Shop early, avoid the rush.
And if you wanna get yours truly a little something………

9 thoughts on “Almost caught up, CostCo, Paratus

  1. Did some stocking up and checking supplies today, seems we are !looking at 2 tropical systems in the gulf next week. Just minor league stuff but good for practice runs.

  2. I hard to get enough components to reload, and ammo is out unless you want to buy it by the case, fire arms are in short supply, if the Harris Biden ticket wins there’s no question that forget about AR’s even old bolt actions c and r’s will be hard to find

  3. Have been having good luck picking up quality used tools($5 vise,$10 bench grinder,used gear puller sets, now need bigger tool box). Upgraded storage shelving to pallet rack and used as work bench(plus it’s easily upgraded. Still working on reloading gear supplies,just buying the sweet spots.

  4. I got a sale notice from one of the places I deal with. They had a box of 50 rounds of 40 S&W for &49.99. I thought it was for a hundred rounds. Nope. It was for one frickin box. So a dollar a round for pistol ammo is with us. Other popular calibers of handgun ammo were priced likewise.
    The figure I recently saw that covered the months of May through July. Over 12 million firearms were purchased in the time period. And with the amount of ammo bring my pushed out with them I can believe it was several billion rounds.
    The percentage of firearms bought by first time gun buyers was over 40%. Lots of women are buying as well.
    In Detroit 2000 women took advantage of the firearms training course recently. Thankfully Police Chief James Craig is an advocate of firearm ownership and concealed carry as well.

  5. I don’t often buy commercial ammo,(lots of trading at shows) I reload for everything I shoot, but I do keep up on prices and availability of ammo and components. Here in Northern Idaho there is not often an availability issue, but these are not normal times……..Locally, all common caliber ammo is either not available or priced to the moon. $20.00 a box 9mm hardball……..10,000 rounds sold out in one day with a two box per person limit! 223 is non existent, one customer was looking for, without success, a box of 243. A small shop I deal with that sells ammo and reloading supplies is having extreme difficulty getting 223/30 cal components. 223 fmj slugs at over 15 cents each…….He did get a single order for 62g ammo, 11,000 rounds, sold at $400.00 per thousand! People are prepping and spooked!

    • I have a hundred rounds of 30-06 sitting on the bench ready to be reloaded. I have the hundred bullets. Just can’t find the powder. I have a limited number of shops on the area that carry loading components. Used to be quite a few. Guess I might have order some and pay that ridiculous hazmat fee.

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