22 thoughts on “Poll – Monetization

  1. I certainly don’t begrudge you the right to monetize your creative product. I will say that I’ve always enjoyed the clean and uncluttered layout of your website. That said, I browse with an adblocker anyhow, so my experience isn’t likely to be impacted much if at all.

  2. Tried to vote but getting some sort of error. Add one more vote to the landslide.

    And if/when you do add advertisements to your site, explain the rules to us. If you make money per view of the ad, I’ll visit more often. If you make more money for each click of an add, I’ll click more often, if only to let the page load so you get credit. I imagine that’s how it works, but have to admit I really don’t know.

  3. As long as it doesn’t throw pop ups and it runs over https I don’t care and will still return for your awesome wit.

  4. I would continue to read your fine blog. I would only request that the advertised products be ones that you have personally vetted.

  5. Pop-ups and adds with video / audio are the only ones I always block. On my system at least, your site only uses the middle 1/3rd of the screen, some adds on either side wouldn’t interfere with anything.

  6. You SHOULD do this! All these years – it’s about time! Besides, I’m guessing the ads would likely pertain to the subject at hand. We will all benefit. As the lawyer in Idiocracy says – “I like money!” You should too…

  7. I couldn’t vote – guess I was too late. But your house, your rules. I’m sure your ads will be as tasteful as your posts. 🙂

  8. I’ve enjoyed your content so much! It’s about time you get that sweet new bunker. Go forth and prosper sir!

  9. My bandwidth and screen space are small. Big, slow loading ads could be a drag. Other than that, go for it.

  10. Sometimes I like ads- they can be helpful. Sometimes ads annoy the crap out of me- hope thats not the case here. I 100% agree that you should monetize your efforts here.

  11. We all got to sustain our habits, hahaha. You keep making mine worst, finally got the wife on board with more.

  12. It’s your site, we’re mere guests here. No problem with ads for you to build that secret lair in the mountains to hide..I mean.. protect those co-eds from the end of the world disaster warlords and fema camps.

  13. I missed the deadline to vote, but Insay go for vote.
    And I concur with those suggesting you let us know how you get paid. If it’s by the ad click I can easily click an ad after I’m done perusing your fine blog.

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