Identity survivalism?

I’ve known quite a few survivalists over the years. Some better than others, but all survivalists, of some stripe, nonetheless. I’ve known left-handed survivalists, brown-eyed survivalists, and I’ve even known a bald survivalist. Now, if you re-read that last sentence you are, I would imagine, asking yourself “WTF cares about a survivalist being brown-eyed?” or some similar thought. I phrased it that way because I kinda get that some “WTF cares?” when I see articles about [gay/black/female/insert marginalized group] survivalists. Case in point:I Tried To Keep Up With Black Survivalists Who Are Ready For Any Disaster.

Do black survivalists keep different blankets in their car during the winter than white survivalists? (I asked this question rhetorically to someone and then flippantly followed it up with ‘although I suppose they don’t keep as many white sheets as the white survivalists’. Bad Zero, bad.) Do black survivalists use different brands of home canning equipment than white survivalists? Do black survivalists stockpile different mouthwash, batteries, band-aids, and bleach than white survivalists? Pretty much no. So why the need to identify as ‘black survivalist’? (as an aside, the article features a link to Aton Edwards, whom we first met waaaaaay back here)

I suppose the seemingly rational answer might be “Well, black populations earn less than white populations, live in completely different (meaning urban) environments than white populations, and face great disparity in how they are treated.” Ignoring, for a moment, that attributing particular traits and qualities to a particular demographic based solely on race is…well..pretty much the textbook definition of racism… what? Aren’t there plenty of ‘other’ that also earn less, live elsewhere, and get treated poorly?

I’ve met gay survivalists, female survivalists, Asian survivalists, and while I have never met a black survivalist (the odds are pretty strong against it in a state as homogenous as mine) I cannot fathom that we’d get along any differently than if we both racked the same numbers on the Pantone chart.

I’m not sure why anyone needs (or wants) to throw a self-descriptive adjective before the term ‘survivalist’ when identifying themselves (gay survivalist, black survivalist, wiccan survivalist, Armenian survivalist, flatulent survivalist, etc.) You’re a survivalist…period, full stop.

I suppose the one reason that might have some merit is to meet and join with ‘like’. The gay survivalist wants to associate with other gay survivalists, the Asian survivalist wants to hang with other Asian survivalists, etc. People, broadly, tend to be more ‘at home; with people who mirror themselves in some way…beliefs, race, orientation, age, etc… I suppose that could be a reason. But, generally speaking, just call yourself a ‘survivalist’ and leave it at that. After all no one responds to questions about their occupation with “Im an Italian accountant”, “I’m a Lutheran plumber”, “I’m a male housepainter”, “I’m a Jewish insurance claims adjuster”.

Identity politics has already led to all sorts of nonsense and problems…why bring it into survivalism?

12 thoughts on “Identity survivalism?

  1. Since 2020 is another census year, I again am planning on selecting “Other” under the race category, and handwriting in “Human”. No point in all the division and “identity”. I don’t fit their mold anyhow.

  2. The only way I’ve seen this sort of thing is from the overlap of team white hate/ separatist and militias and survivalism which are considerable.

  3. Perhaps it is intentional, trying to screw up survivalism with identity politics when no other tactic has worked for fifty years slowing down/eliminating the practice. I know, perhaps a little weak. Survivalism has been around since our empire started to decline ( as separate from nuclear war fallout shelter owners, anyway ), and how are you going to eliminate everyone’s self preservation instinct? But the idiots that spread the poison don’t seem to be rational, either. Just a thought, not a solid argument

  4. CZ, I agree with you and Idahobob, we are or are not preppers. I know very few people who are aware of the danger coming down the pike. One friend I approached stated that a 2008 type recession or worse could not happen again, the banks and government wouldn’t allow it. While I am not a chicken little type I do recognize the constant warning signs. As for identity politics, we in the Great White North have just as much bigotry and racism as you guys have, I think we just hide it better. No matter what you believe, your average white person has been inculcated with varying levels of prejudice all of his life and must make the conscious choice to change his way of thinking. (yes I did use the old fashioned gender based proper English grammar. I don’t have much patience for that new age stuff) TTFN

  5. “They want to see legal gun ownership go up in the black community as a matter of urgency. ”

    These are my kind of Americans!!!

    I read the article and found nothing inherently wrong with it. What I did find refreshing is “blacks” waking up to the fact that the government is not there to take care of them. Welcome to our world!!!
    I even checked out the blog attached to the article and have also saved it under my favorites. Didn’t see any reference to blaming other racial groups for their problems, just a desire to be prepared.

  6. “I’m not sure why anyone needs (or wants) to throw a self-descriptive adjective before the term ‘survivalist’ when identifying themselves….”
    Their purpose (as always & in all things), is to divide Americans into oppositional tribal factions, while maintaining their superior position as ‘observers of broader truth’.
    When we refuse to adhere to their childish identity groups, they lose power.

  7. Don’t judge a man by the color of his skin but by how tight his groups are and the amount of TP/beef jerky in his stash

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