Link – Beto O’Rourke Goes Off on Gun Control at Debate: ‘Hell Yes, We’re Going to Take Your AR-15, Your AK-47!’

“Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47!” O’Rourke said. “We’re not going to allow it to be used against a fellow American anymore.”


When someone  loudly, unequivocally , clearly, and with no trace of doubt declare themselves as your enemy it is time to rejoice. Why? Because they have removed all specter of doubt that they are your enemy. You can now proceed with a clear conscience and moral clarity that this person is, indeed, your enemy. All doubt is removed, all ambiguity is gone. Would that all of our enemies be so clear and forthright.

So, freely donate to his opponents, disparage him far and wide, shun him and his supporters, ridicule his policies and beliefs….and do it without the least bit of remorse or compassion….the man has clearly said he’s your enemy.

14 thoughts on “Link – Beto O’Rourke Goes Off on Gun Control at Debate: ‘Hell Yes, We’re Going to Take Your AR-15, Your AK-47!’

    • Believe it or not, this is exactly what we need more of. I realize Master Beto is just an attention seeking grifter, but we need every democrat-retard to scream from the mountain tops, “damn straight we’re gonna take away your AR-15!!!”

      Louder, shriller, and more extreme. Every American voter needs to bear this. Trump should blast this on a 15 second loop 24/7 for the next 12 months.

  1. Beto Interview from 2018:
    During an interview on “The Chad Hasty Show” in April 2018, the host asked: “I own an AR-15. A lot of our listeners out there own AR-15s. Why should they not have one?”

    “To be clear, they should have them,” O’Rourke responded. “If you purchased that AR-15, if you own it, keep it. Continue to use it responsibly.”

    He added later in the same interview: “If you own a gun, keep that gun. Nobody wants to take it away from you — at least I don’t want to do that.”

    Yep, he said that! Should we be surprised by a politician lying through his teeth, Nope!!! However, while I think he was lying in the 2018 interview, I do believe him in 2019, when he says he wants to take our AR15, If I owned one of course.

  2. Please note how many compliments O’Rourke received from other candidates on the stage.

    The issues are clear. This is “war to the knife and knife the hilt.”

    If you aren’t a member of a gun rights organization, either at the national level or at the state level, you’re like that fellow who believes that it is a good idea to read the newspaper everyday–as long as someone leaves theirs on the seat beside him!

    Don’t keep sitting on the sideline. Join the fight!!!

  3. Idiots like this call for gun grabs. We panic, vote for Trump. Who then passes federal Red Flag laws. Why are we still voting? Bury some guns. You’ll need them soon enough. Buy a lot of extra food-that will be weaponized against you sure as God made little green apples. Buy cases of ammo. Then, if time allows, you can vote. Or not. Can’t see it will make much difference.

    • Trump doesn’t pass anything. Congress pass the bills and than he get to decide if he will sign or veto it. People failing to vote is how we get idiots like O’Rourke and Obama elected in the first place. However, keep investing in your 2nd amendment Constitutional rights, but don’t forget about the other 9, because if one falls they all fall.

      • I am not sure, but I believe you’re wrong on that. Trump directed the ATF to pass a ruling (not a law) classifying bump stocks as NFA items.

        He isn’t our savior. We are.


        • The President didn’t write law he interpreted existing law under NFA. Whether or not I agree with his interpretation on the bump stock, it’s his authority under the Constitution to interpret how the laws passed by Congress are enforced.

      • The President passes the bill when he signs it. If he vetoes it, he doesn’t pass it. Simple as that.You know exactly what he meant.

  4. It was a desperate move by a desperate man, lagging in the polls and the El Paso shooting is the only thing that’s gotten him any attention of late. I would not waste time or money trying to stop his presidential bid. That bid is going nowhere. The question is if any contender picks up the call. So far, I’ve just heard polite distancing from his fellow Dems. But if his shout out gets positive attention, others will jump on board.

  5. Beto the Bozo. There is absolutely Zero chance gets the Dem nomination. Clearly all of these Dems are anti-gun in every respect. But I do find it curious that even Obama, a noted hater of firearms, did not even attempt to introduce legislation that even came close, in his 8 year rule, to banning a category of weapons. He knew it would have been political suicide. And for you Trump haters, yes he’s has bent on some issues, but would you rather have any of these others Dimwit Dems as your pres in 2020? I wouldn’t. He is the lesser of a multitude of evils.

  6. Right, the Rule for Radicals is never let the hicks and rubes find out what you really want to do, but the Democrats lately have lost control and they are talking like they are high on something wild, letting it all hang out. Let’s all remember that, next time we are talking to the Man upstairs, thank him for the huge favor. We are finding out about them (pairhaps Bairleen has found out about you, Klink) and there is not much question what to do about it, keep on keeping on with every form of communication we can find, make sure people hear about all the stuff that the lamestream media would rather forget.

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