Happy Halloween. In that spirit and keeping in line with preparedness, I give you the emergency zombie kit.
And this isnt a Halloween theme..at least, not on purpose…but its LOLtacular if you ask me.
The gun case that ‘transforms’ into a lvlIIIA tactical vest. (Im actually laughing as I try to find a .jpg of this..)
Here we go!
He looks like the Leroy, the unknown Autobot.
Heres the link. Its absurd, and yet…hmmmm.
And, seriously, I can’t stop laughing.
I’ve 2k of the 55 gr. left if anyone is interested.
only problem is that if you need to use the riot shield, you’re letting the zombies get too damned close
As if bulletproof and tactical vests aren’t bulky enough. Paint it orange, and it’d look like a life preserver.
a life preserver is exactly what it intends to be isnt it? 😉
Heres the part that I don’t get, he gets the gun out squats down puts on the vest and then holds his body in a manner that exposes the open side of the vest.
Hmmm, seems for the grand that the thing costs you could make your bucks go farther.
I think the term LOL Ninja would work better.