Nope, still here. Just busy this weekend. Remember when we had Lincoln’s Birthday and Washingtons’ Birthday as federal holidays? Then they combined them into this one holiday in order to free up a day for a federal holiday for Marty King day. But, when I was a kid, I remember getting two different holidays for the president’s birthdays.
Weather here went from a summer -like 38* to about 10. But, like some sort of displaced Donner Party member, I wandered up on to a hilltop hike on the edge of town where the wind, no lie, was coming down hard enough that I coulud jump straight up in the air and land about 8″ away from where I started. It was the kind of howling, relentless wind that you see those idiot hurricane reporters leaning against. But..If I want to test winter gear some time that was easily the place to do it.
Regular posting, such as it is, will resume towards Tuesday. In the meantime, fellow bunker-dwellers, keep doing what you’re doing.
Why not have 3 holidays in February. After all it is a rather odd month, the only one with less than 30 days. And every four years it has 29 days, strange no other changes the number of days it has.
Well, holy bejeezus, why not just take the entire month of February off and not go to work at all. Sorta like what the people we pay to run the gummint, cept they don’t do any work at all, even in months other than February. Need spring, snowed in the last 2 months…
I have to admit that I did wonder a little about your absence Cdr Z. The weather has been the same around here (South Ontario) with the temp going up and down like a whore’s drawers and plenty of wind/snow/freezing rain to add a little excitement into the mix. Thank goodness for snow blowers, AWD vehicles and not having to go to work.