I keep meticulous records of my bills around here. Got my power bills the other day and noticed something very unusual. Those idiots were giving me money. Or, more precisely, they were kicking back/discounting a portion of my bill.
Hunh….well, that was cool. Never had that happen under Obama. Shaved $30 off this months bill. Still haven’t gotten my wall yet, though. I’d happily have traded that thirty bucks for a border wall. But…that FTCJA just paid for two Magpul happysticks, or three 17rd Magpul Glock mags, or five AR mags…Making America Geared Again.
on subject of mags, i have a crap-ton. my fear, and only real disaster where i live, is fire. i was wondering what people do to protect their mag investment. without mags all our toys are nearbout useless. just isn’t room in the fire safe, and i have my doubts about them anyway.
Diversify not just your holdings (what you have) but your store (where you store them). Outbuildings? Friend’s basement? Parents or children’s place?
thanks, steve. i put a box out in my shop, but it’s close enough to burn if the house goes up. i may bite the bullet and rent a storage locker somewhere.
Brother rent the locker, your never going to find the perfect cache situation.
As they say perfect is the enemy of good enough.
I envy you. My power bill has gone up significantly due to increased charges from the TVA.
I wonder if our electric company is going to do that – could use a few extra bucks.