You know, when youre a survivalist shopping for a chunk of property, there are certain words or phrases in the listing that jump out at you and make you think “hmmm…that might be just the place I need”. You know, phrases like “year round spring”, or “bordered by National Forest”, that sort of thing. Or, how about the phrase “Local lore claims that there are many hidden bunkers on the property holding the needed provisions to protect and support the members of the group. Current owners know of one bunker, have never looked for more.”
Ok, color me interested.
Backstory: about twentyfive years ago there was a happy little religious cult called the Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT) that wound up becoming newsworthy when the feds raided one of their properties and basically found them to be building bunkers and stoking them with some rather serious (but mostly legal) firepower. I forget what the original issue was. Anyway, once the leader of the church moved on the whole thing sorta fell by the wayside and, as far as I know, is now just a handful of believers scattered here and there.
Apparently one of their “Strongholds” is for sale.
I’ve seen pictures of some of CUT’s bunkers and shelters before. The ones I saw are not the least bit amateurish. At the height of their membership they had the money to throw around. (I remember the news article with ATF pointing out the Barret 82A1’s they had…. not cheap guns.)
I’d imagine the biggest drawback to a property like this is that if the apocalypse does occur, members of the church my come back to claim it. That could be…inconvenient.
Don’t kid yourself, properties with bunkers (and, in some cases, tunnel systems) are not unheard of out here. They’re just usually pretty low profile…but they are out there. A thousand years from now archaeologists will have a hell of a time wondering what sort of civilization ritually buried weapons in plastic tubes.
I looked at the listing a couple of times it did intrigue me. Do larger tracks of land out your way really going for 7K an acre? Seems kind of high unless it is a treasure hunt price.
With the mineral rights there is also the claim of gold in the creek. Is that pushing the price?
It is fore sure out of the way and it seemed you had to want to go there to get there. Not likely one could say I was just driving by and decided to stop in.
I think I remember the news on the raid and I thought they found a number of cashes not just one. Could be wrong. Ether way an interesting listing.
Best regards,
P.S. I have posted a couple of times and they did not pop up on your site. Fair enough but if you could respond to the cost thing I would appreciate it. By the way still using that Biothane sling I sent on the Ruger Scout last picture you posted maybe a year or two ago out hunting I thought it was on the rifle.
I would suspect this particular tract of land might be a little spendy because of the large amount of water on it. Water always is worth big bucks.
Having recently done the property homework and acquisition dance, I’d tell you that your better off being surrounded by private property owners (of a like mind, of course) than Forest Service. You see “public” land means that the public are your neighbors. Though no one can build on it, EVERYONE has access to encroaching right up on top of you. Your private neighbor has a vested interest in keeping out the riffraff and will. When things get really bad, you have an ally. I’ve seen and experienced this in real life.
Yes, there are exceptions that violate this policy (terrain, topography, democrats etc.) but all in all, being alone in the woods may not be as romantic as the real estate ads make it to be.
That being said, you should buy this property. Sounds like a hell of a deal!
Way outta my price range. But fun to think about.
$860,000 price tag, you should ask if they’d be willing to take a few thousand random pistols in trade.
Might not be a bad idea….could make it back if theres more bunkers and caches on the property.
Didn’t that group go in for those shotcrete dome structures? I was expecting to see a photo of a concrete dome for that price.
BTW: the CUT are one of the primary bad guys in S.M. Stirling’s post-apocalyptic series. Portrayed as truly evil and in contact with dark forces (malignant magic). Their war cry was, “Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut!”
Yeah, I know. I’ve read Stirling’s stuff. He tells some interesting stories but somehow every single one of them winds up with the SCA nerds being the heroes when , for some contrived reason, everyone has to go back to using pointy weapons. I get the impression Stirling was the high school kid who was in the comic book club and the D&D club, and was picked on by everyone.
Post-apocalypse, I’d take a well-trained Boy Scout troop over an equal number of SCA nerds any day. Not only would the Scouts have some camping and survival skills, they could likely out fight the average SCA participant too.
Plus, you know, the dutch oven desserts the Scouts whip up are pretty hard to beat.
Read his “Conquistador”. Stand alone book. Nothing at all to do with prepping/survivalism. Alternative reality. Great story.
Just saw a listing for a missle silo complex in southern Indiana,multiple silos,above ground facilities(shop,garages,guard outposts)and one of the silos was finished and habitable. Asking $900k
I agree – this sounds rather high priced, but I know that land in rural Montana is more expensive than many people realize. I like that area and have visited, but haven’t looked at relocating for a couple of reasons. The first 2 are getting a job there and the high land prices, but I also would prefer to stay away from an area with such a reputation for individualism/ prepping/ survivalist/ etc – if things get bad and the government goes looking for scapegoats, I suspect they will go to places like that first.