So in taking apart the Glock 19 I acquired today I discover it has the godawful New York Trigger (#2) in it. Removing it, however, means that you then have to replace it with a normal Glock trigger spring. For the majority of people that means putting up with the crappy NY trigger unit until they can have a new spring sent to them.
Or you can be like me. Remove the offending unit, get out the Box O’ Spare Parts(tm), and replace it with an OEM Glock trigger spring. Moral: have the spare parts you need onhand before you need them.
Had five extras, now have four. Will order up another five Monday. Price? About $12.50 for all 5. Ability to replace and modify parts in your pistol as needed whenever you want? Priceless.
Ugh. I HATE that NY trigger! First time I ever fired a Glock it had one of those jobs, and it turned me off to Glock for a long time.
Since for the most part I’m a Church of the 642 for daily worship there’s not much use for parts. I will allow that for the 1911 systems I have spares are kept. The one I have had to replace most often other than slide springs is plunger tubes. I have had that prob on one 1911 A1 w/well over 75K rounds at least over the past 50 years. It’s been shot so much the original barrel rifling is gone, still hits w/about 6 inch at 10 yards though.