mags, June is MH buy month, radio

Mmmmph..I missed out on the content for a possible group buy by just a few minutes. One of my vendors was closing out on Chip McCormick Shooting Star blued 8-rd mags w/ pads for $8.50. Called and said I’d take 30…was told they had three. :::facepalm:::

On the other hand, I had to order a Glock 27 for someone today and although it was, unfortunately, out of stock they had plenty o’ mags on hand so I wound up with 15 G17 mags and 5 more G18 (33-rd) mags. That should pretty much cover me on the Glock mags for a while.

I understand that HR1022 is still in committee, hopefully dying a slow death, but if it does pop outta committee and make a dash for the next phase then I need to be well positioned to avoid getting caught flat-footed.

My latest batch of 100 HK91 mags hasn’t arrived yet but I expect them this week. At this rate I can start putting ‘DONE’ on quite a few columns of my ‘gun needs’ spreadsheet. I’ll be done with HK91 mags, done with Glock mags (unless another G17 or G19 or a lovely G17L shows up.) A receipt from Stag for the latest orders of lowers showed up in my snailbox today so they should be here tomorrow or Friday. That’ll be ten to fill orders and then the remaining orders will be filled when the final batch show up about a week or so after. Did some math and it looks like I’ll have three extra lowers, all with pistol papers. If anyone is interested lemme know. Same price.

Speaking of group buys, the next Mountain House #10 (the large cans) purchase will be June. It’ll run June 1 until June 30. Cans will be available in cases of six as last time but there will also be the option of buying individual cans, although you’ll get better savings on full cases of six. When it starts I’ll have Excel and tab-delimited spreadsheets available to calculate costs and shipping weights.

Which reminds me I need to get my spreadsheets up to date for the stuff in the bunker.

Additionally, I need to get radio active. Need to have the girlfriend research radio options. Specifically, something that covers the bands she’s licensed on as well as the usual bands that would be in the more common, widely available Cb, FRS, etc. and similar radios. Of course, it’d also be nice if it ran off 12v. as well as household AC, was durable, easily hacked, adaptable for use with a wide assortment of accessories, etc, etc. Then there is that little matter of having to get around to setting up an antenna in the yard. Sigh. No rest for the wicked.

5 thoughts on “mags, June is MH buy month, radio

  1. Time to get your own license? They eliminated the code requirement, so you can just keep taking the online practice ARRL tests until you can reliably pass them. For technician, not a big deal. For general, a bit harder, but not that much.

  2. Lowers

    I’m back in country so I will talk to FFL and I will probably buy 1 of the extra lowers, I would like to get 2 but I will have to check funds.


  3. Dumb question

    Is solar and wind power part of your prep? Have you given any thought to the relative pros and cons to generator power?


  4. Re: Dumb question

    Also, now that I’ve got a bunch of shit off my plate, I can finally talk to an FFL about the lower this weekend. I was going to get one from the gun show instead, but I may as well buy from you.

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