Group Buy – Stag Lowers

Week to two weeks lag time on the Stag lowers is what I was just told. Fortunately, the Zero plans ahead – the five I ordered last week already shipped. They should be here tomorrow.Played it safe and ordered another 10. That will cover all current orders on the group buy and leave a few extras for anyone who wants in and hasnt yet ponied up. The folks at Stag also said that they are stepping up production, theyre selling a buttload of lowers at the moment and that things have been hectic.

This has been another episode of ‘Read the writing on the wall’.

9 thoughts on “Group Buy – Stag Lowers

  1. I kinda wish you guys were doing a cavalry arms plastic lower buy. I like those things. For no rational reason I’ve been wanting to build a 5.56 pump action on a cav lower.

  2. Now I am wondering if, should that hell-spawned abomination of a bill become law within the next several months, it will become necessary to hurry up and buy all the other requisite parts to go with one’s stripped lower, in order to slide in under the grandfathering wire.

  3. I guess that depends on the manufacturer. But then they can always subpoena the manufacturer and track receipts if they want to know badly enough.

    Speaking of that, under HR 1022, it looks like all the people who bought LEO-marked magazines after the previous ban expired are gonna be screwed unless they kept their receipts.

  4. I’ll be by the shop to pony up.

    I stopped by last week, but you were out – likely entertaining company. I will catch you this week for at least 2.

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