Civvy MRE’s

A very nice thread offa regarding currently available civillian MRE’s and how they stack up. Website review here:

I like MRE’s for their durability and lack of necessary preparation. Drawbacks are they are heavy, bulkier than FD and have a shorter shelf life. However, if it were grab-your-gear-get-in-the-truck-and go time the MRE’s would probably be my first choice.

Specifically, these ones have been ineteresting me since I stumbled across their website a few months ago:

It is worth pointing out that with the increasing amount of ‘retort pouch’ food found in supermarkets today you could probably come up with your own MRE pouch of food simply by doing a careful shopping trip. You would, of course, probably pay more in the long run but your menu selection would be exactly what you want.

5 thoughts on “Civvy MRE’s

  1. FYI, I got my MH package on Friday. Everything was in perfect condition, and I’ve already stowed them away. My goal this year is to build my stockpiles–not just food. Unfortunately my budget is tight, but I’m good at stretching my dollars. The MH order came out of my unexpected Christmas bonus, and I’m saving up for the next one already.

  2. “retort pouch” food

    tend to purchase a few samples first so that be certain the stuff tastes alright. have made past mistake in a bulk purchase that tasted bad, so precaution is now taken not to repeat that mistake. my larder includes freeezedried, mre’s, canned, and dry foods, along with freezer type foods. also stocked are spices, salt, soaps, condiments, asprin, and other items usfull in the unknown future. in any case be forewarned 07′ be a strange year to live through.

    on a recent trip met eviltwin 2, interesting person. have a nice day, Wildflower 07

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