Love my CZ550. It seems that when I concentrate and try to let the break of the trigger be a ‘surprise’ I get okay groups. However, when I hurry and consciously pull the trigger I get outstanding groups. Go figure. Today was another 5-shot, 100-yard group that I could cover with a quarter. And thats using a plain Jane 3-9x Leupold VXII hunting scope so if I drop some better glass…who knows. The thing is, the gun has proven that it is quite capable of excellent groups. I am teh pleasedzor.
Bought one of these:
for my MiniMag lite and I am thus far finding it to be an excellent addition. This thing is a tailcap press-to-operate switch that also gives five different functions. Plus it has a little ‘locator’ blink every few seconds. Check out the product spec page. Pluks, it’ll work with the LED conversion so when running the light at 25% power you get even more life out of your batteries. Looks like a very cool gadget. Price? I think mine was about eight bucks. Made in China, unfortunately.
Im telling you, folks…LED flashlights are going to relegate the old incandescent flashlights to the ‘specialty’ categories. You’ll see them for big X-Files style searchlights and maybe for the uber high-intensity lights but for typical day-to-day stuff its going to be LED’s from here on in.
Gas has dropped below $2.50/gallon locally so I’ll rotate out some gasoline this week. Two cents cheaper up at CostCo.
However, when I hurry and consciously pull the trigger I get outstanding groups. Go figure. Today was another 5-shot, 100-yard group that I could cover with a quarter.
Sounds like a keeper. 😉 I wish I had a rifle that shot better when I rushed…
Hi, just commenting to mention that I ran across your journal and added you. This incarnation of you is a bit over-the-top, but I love it! (I suspect I know your other LJ incarnation, but I might be wrong.)
I have tail switches on all my mini maglites (with MiniStar2 LED inserts), but I didn’t go with all the extra functions I’d never use. All I wanted was momentary (which is what I use 90% of the time) and push-on, push-off.
I highly recommend tail switches of whatever style makes you happy. They make a mini maglite actually useful.
LED flashlights are going to relegate the old incandescent flashlights to the ‘specialty’ categories. You’ll see them for big X-Files style searchlights and maybe for the uber high-intensity lights but for typical day-to-day stuff its going to be LED’s from here on in.
Most of the X-Files style searchlights aren’t incandescent, but are actually xenon-arc lamps (like HID headlamps in cars). I think they generally run about 100-150 lumens per watt, while current technology maxes out at 30-40 lumens per watt for LEDs, though there are more efficient ones coming to market. Incandescent lamps are usually less than 30 lumens per watt.
Xenon-arc lamps are tremendously efficient, but aren’t so common because they’re damned expensive. The ones seen in most sci-fi shows are rechargeable li-ion affairs and generally cost well over a grand.