Alright, I’m trying to put out fires as best I can..what with my guts feeling as they do….and trying to get caught up on things.
First and foremost: I still have a little less than a case of Pmags, and a case and a half of Steel Lip 10/22 mags. Get ’em while they’re hot, kids. Everyone seems to be pleasedĀ with their purchases and more than one person has come back for seconds (or thirds). It only gets more expensive as time goes by, so get ’em now and get your Alpha Strategy on. Email me. (And at least two of you made out pretty well on the deal because in my narc’d state I used the wrong pricing schedule and you got them at $1/@ off.)
Summer is officially here in western Montana, which means at any moment things will burst into flames and we’ll be breathing extra chunky style air until October.
I have a bunch of catching up to do on preparedness related materials and whatnot, but I also have to reconcile that with a metric buttload of school, work, business, personal, and other obligations that I need to get caught up on…so, as busy as I can be at a moment when Im least able to do it. Yay, status quo!
Bonus: I have a nice 15 second video of the nurse pulling three feet of plastic tubing out of a hole in my belly. This video is not for people with slow connections or who are squeamish. It’s like some dirty magic trick! (Best to let it load and then play..otherwise its just annoying.)
“Summer is officially here in western Montana” I did not know that was today and think you almost missed it.
I think I speak for everyone when I say we’re glad your going to be alright or as alright as you have ever been.
Dude, WTH didn’t you upload the room board as a still pic??
It took five tries to get the frame frozen and readable.
Patient Zero’s room board:
Monday 6/19
Diet: Cheeseburgers 2x meat
Today’s goals: Not Die
Questions: Why don’t these robes close in the back?
Medication: Pizza Next dose: Tues 5PM
Classic, man.
That’s why I don’t leave the dry erase markers in the room after I sign in.
Well played.
I wondered who was gonna freeze frame that. I did take a picture of the board and I’ll have it up later. and its “Cheeseburgers 2x mouth”
“Pizza Dose= 1/4 pie at 5pm. ice cream, as indicated, 5:07 PM”
The bait was low-nagging fruit too good too miss.
Thanks for the clarification.
Jog shuttle was less than clear about the fine print on a couple items.
$#@& auto-correct!
You have way too much time on your hands.
I hope that this is has not harmed the new job.
A little weird? It’s a lot weird. Good to know that you are okay.
Glad you are okay and in good spirits – hope someone was able to move your rig out of the 2 hour spot!