Proof that god hates me:
One of the LMI came by and asked me what the going rate for 7.62×39 was these days. I told him that the local place was getting $179/1000. He smiled and said he’d just gotten back from a garage sale where he found a still-sealed case of Norinco, ca. 1993, 7.62×39 for $100. One. Hundred. Dollars. I asked if it was steel cored and he said he didnt know. Grabbed a refrigerator magnet, went to his truck and he had a handfull of loose ammo that came with the case….Its either steel jacket or steel core..given the 1993 shipping date on the case Im gonna say steel core. The part where god hates me? The garage sale was three blocks from my house.
Speaking of, took the SKS’ out for a spin and actually had a few malfs…both guns. Reason? Cosmosline in the piston channel. I thought Id cleaned these things as good as can be. Nope. Somehow theres cosmo in the piston tubes. So…kerosene and cleaning rods this evening..
Cosmoline is like a Tribble — if you have even the slightest amount of it anywhere in the gun causes more cosmoline to start breeding and growing until it takes over the gun, your basement, and eventually YOUR VERY SOUL!.
Also, note that Outdoor Marksman has a boatload of Wolf 7.62x39mm — — 149.50 for 1,000 rounds of FMJ and $154.50 for 1,000 rounds of JHP, not including shipping.
Local store was selling Wolf 7.62x39mm FMJ for about $5/box. Ugh.